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Posts posted by blagrange

  1. I could care less and I happen the think Tebow is swell.


    The point is he called you out on sucking Tebow's cack and you responded by attacking his post count, which to me was idiotic. Reading comprehension back at ya.


    Problem is, you jumped in the conversation with assumptions, got owned, and now you can't back down because you thought you were being clever and really were just being a moron. It's ok, it's just the Internet, you will get over it.

  2. With the rise in smart phones, tablets and other internet capable, mobile devices, you dont even need to be home to post up a storm on FFToday. So your response was kind of stupid and petty.


    He is the one who accused me of not leaving the house. I was simply pointing out the irony of saying that when in the span of 8 years he has posted 3700 posts while I have posted 248 in the span of 5. Also, this is Sunday and I think most people are sitting in their house or at the bar watching football so who was the petty one?


    Is this p00h's second account? Why are you trying to be his knight in shining armor. If you read how everything transpired I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that I am the one who brought up e sitting in front of the computer thing - reading comprehension...

  3. the fact that 240 of your 246 have been fighting the good lord's fight about the blasphemy that is tebow bashing say a lot about your obsession guy, but who's counting right. Seriously, tebow everything doesn't have to turn into 'tebow haters this and that hurrdurrdurr!'


    My opinion of tebow remains. He's not a very good qb, however I fully acknowledge he's having a great stretch of winning games for his team. Nothing has changed. I strongly believe that is the opinion of most other so called 'tebow haters.' I understand, in a biblical sense, you need good guys and bad guys and all that other nonsense, but you need to stop chasing after the tebow hating boogeymen, just makes you look like an idiot...


    I think you continually over blowing things, attacking and bringing up religion in your response is what makes you look like an idoit. There is no boogeyman just the 10 threads a week about Tebow sucking that you and a few others start or comment on "religously". I simply offer the alternative point of view and it appears that I am more correct than you at this point, you hate that, so you continue to make up "facts" about me as you continually skirt the issues that you get called out on. As I have stated in the few posts that I have commented , I am a Broncos fan - not a Tebow fan, so I am not sure how religion is relevant in is conversation.


    I can understand you anger though. When you boldly proclaim things that you have no idea what your saying, and it comes back to bite you, it sucks....

  4. Limped off on previous drive. No word on what injury was.




    10/15, 202 yds, 2 TD, 0 INT. There's that argument.


    Only ran the ball 5 or 6 times. There's that one.


    Defense gave up 32 points and Broncos trailed all day. Check.


    Now 6-1, 3 road wins (including two in a row vs divisoon opponents...first Denver QB in history to do that...and in first place)


    Some folks around here are going to have to come up with a new schtick.



  5. It's still better than Tebow's motion. :ninja:


    i was impressed that there was a "worst QB" thread without a mention of Tebow. But then I knew someone would have to jump in and say it. how original....

  6. Dawkins, Bailey and Dumervil were all hurt at times and also played with various nagging injuries when Orton was starting.


    I think the main difference is Orton turned the ball over 9+ times in the first 5 games. Many of those in Broncos territory. Not to mention the numerous 3 and outs eating up minimal clock due to throwing every down. I think the improved running game and Tebow protecting the ball is helping the defense stay rested and keeping the Broncos winning the field position game thus the improved defense.

  7. He has the worst throwing motion in the history of the NFL. It does not work.


    If he was a real team player he'd realize the team would be better off with a real passing QB and he could ask to move to RB. He has no future at QB in the league.


    I've started him the last two weeks in fantasy. LOL. Vick hurt. Watching Tebow play QB is painful.


    Then you have not been watching.

  8. I think you're dilusional, the Denver's D is what won the game, not the 9 for 18 for 147 yds and 67 yds rushing! That kind of game from a QB would lose 99% of the games nowadays..unless your playing the hapless Chargers and soon to be gone Norv Turner!


    It was a team effort. With that said Tebows stats have looked like that in his 5 out of 6 wins. Looks like your 99% stat is a little off. Check your facts :)

  9. I'm seriously considering dedicating my life to christ. There has to be some sort of divine intervention going on. The level of suck is just so monumental. It's just amazing.


    You must be seething that Tebow keeps winning.. After all the crap you have talked blindly following Hoge and e other talking heads. Makes me laugh... I love Haters!

  10. Whining about the officiating in a 27 - 15 game is like complaining that daylight savings is making you fat. The officiating was bad, but it was bad on both sides and it sure as hell didn't account for two touchdowns (three if you don't count the garbage time goal). There is nothing bad about losing to the best team in the NFL right now... There is something wrong about being a sore loser.


    I am not a Detroit fan, but there were a couple bad calls that kept scoring drives alive against Detroit. I was surprised by that roughing the passer call - which resulted in a first down and a TD I believe.


    Staffords picks were the reason they lost though.

  11. Rotoworld puts the figure at $1.3 million. The more I think about it, the more I feel like KC makes the move. As a Chiefs fan, I can handle that.


    Though I'd almost rather see him go to Chicago and break the hearts of Bears fans who think he could pick that system up and perform in time to salvage their season. *Yeah - not so much a Chicago fan* :)



    I hope it is the Chiefs so Bowe becomes a stud again.

  12. That list was mine...not from NFLN or ESPN. But not shocking that others would see it the same way.

    Never claimed I had a vast knowledge of NFL defensive schemes.

    I am convinced it is a gimmick offense. Its the option.

    You can keep claiming I am just repeating what I have heard...but what are you doing? Just assuming that it has worked some so far so you think it will continue. What do you base that on?


    Not sure who said the Jets would be this true test.

    Going in the Jets and Sanchez looked like crap offensively and were without LT. Their defense (like GB's this year) has been a shell of its former self and giving up yards and points. And even with that, the Jets held them to 10 points offensively and for much of the game 134 yards while running their base 3-4.


    I am not arguing that it will work or not, that is your argument. your argument has been changing on a weekly basis mind you. All I have ever said about Tebow is that they need to give him a chance for the rest of the year and it will take at least that long to find out if he can improve. You and p00h argued that you knew he would fail and giving him that time is a waste and we should be starting Orton. That is the problem, your argument is a moving target because Tim keeps winning and you have to find another reason why he will fail. All I have to base my opinion on is fact , the broncos are winning after starting 1-4. Most of your points are conjecture.

  13. Here's what I would love to know: why is it that Michael Vick barely hovered around a 50% completion rate (44.2% in his debut season) for the first six years of his career prior to being carted off to prison get a pass to develop but everyone is quick to throw Tebow under a bus after a handful of games?


    Christian Ponder currently has a 52.1% rating through five games. Tebow was at 50% last year with a coach who believed in his skills before dropping to 44.8% this year with a change in coaching, support, and game planning. Why aren't Vick then and Ponder now getting the heaps of negative spin that Tebow receives, both from the press, fans, and his own team in spite of his winning record?



    I agree with this 100%. Vick also ran a similar offense in ATL for years. He did get injured quite a bit though. I think the difference is that Tebow can take a hit better than Vick.

  14. You are right...I hate the nuthuggers.

    Does not mean I hate the guy.


    I believe I have done so already...but to sum up.


    - NFL defenses are too smart and too fast to run this zone-read consistently.

    - NFL defensive coordinators get this on tape and will exploit it badly

    - See previous examples of a gimmick that did not work long term (46 defense and the Wildcat)...get enough of it on film and it will be taken apart..

    - The NFL is a passing league...having a QB with mediocre passing skills at this point will not work out long term.

    - More runs for the QB mean more hits on said QB means more chance for injury

    - Until the Jets went and changed their D on the last drive they had limited this great offense to 130ish total yards. Thats a Jets D that has not been all that great this year.

    - See the Lions game for what happens when that offense meats a good defense.

    - At some point they are going to have to score and score a lot to win...this offense has not done it...why should I assume it can?



    That is a nice list, and I heard that on the NFL network and ESPN, but I am asking you to draw from your vast NFL defensive scheme knowledge and tell us how you stop that offense. I mean, since you are convinced about this "gimmick offense" that must mean you know how to stop it, right? Otherwise you are just repeating what you have heard just like "Tebow can't win" etc.. You are aware that many experts said the west coast offense would not work back in the day. Right?


    BTW, Broncos were not running the read option when they played Detroit. They installed it after that game. Also, if you have been watching all the games you would see the read option has been used sparingly since the Raider game. They have lined up in the I formation as well as the spread (other teams use the spread formation as well, like GB)with some option thrown in.


    Funny, many detractors said the Jets will be a true test, yet after the win they have become mediocre. I guess the Broncos will only be tested when they do happen lose, whomever it may be to.

  15. Pointing out someone's negatives to counter the nuthugging going on now equals hating the person?



    Using words like nuthugging while pointing out the negatives makes you a hater.


    Also, why don't you break down for us why and how this offense will not be sustainable? Don't just talk about about it, back up your claim.
