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Everything posted by JTB

  1. JTB

    Vice Presidential Debate

    I take it you aren't the rich being referred to having their taxes lowered. Also, I would love to direct the 13% of my wages to a place other than the social security system. I guarantee you I will have far more money to work with than what is said to be there when/if I am able to collect.
  2. I already gave Gary a suggestion. A pandora bracelet.....but he said her fingers swell. How that means anything I don't know but.....
  3. JTB

    The Right Side.

    To the left here.
  4. JTB

    Vice Presidential Debate

    Kane KNOWS everything.......Just ask him.
  5. JTB

    What would it take for you to change your vote?

    So who are you voting for then?
  6. Wait, Gocolts doesn't work so he can't even do that.......
  7. You speak to your audience my friend. Advising Gocolts to establish a ROTH ira for her sounds good but is not feasible.
  8. Scrap the flowers, they die. Get her a pandora bracelet with a charm that shows how much you care and maybe a birthday charm as well. This way, for any occasion, you are only a charm away from a "thoughtful" gift.
  9. Let me ask a question. Can you name 5 people who chose to pay more in Federal income tax than they owe.
  10. You need the tax returns to prove he is full of shat?
  11. Been playing in PA for a couple weeks. Very good add, effective too. There are more to see. PA has been overrun with Hillary attack adds for close to a month. I've seen 1 maybe 2 Trump adds and they are not attack adds.
  12. I'm going on record that this is all speculation and Trump HAS paid income tax in the last 20 years. 7 pages of pure trolling........
  13. JTB

    Kaepernick, Antonio Brown, Brice Butler

    Not a damn thing. He white!
  14. You like the suicide idea when talking bout guns. Are you suggesting removing guns from veterans for reasons other than mental?
  15. The military is better off voting for another candidate? Do tell.
  16. JTB

    Kaepernick, Antonio Brown, Brice Butler

    Stand corrected. Any idea why?
  17. JTB

    Kaepernick, Antonio Brown, Brice Butler

    A penalty that hurts the team. Just saying. It's not just blacks doing "it". It the black culture causing it!
  18. JTB

    Kaepernick, Antonio Brown, Brice Butler

    I saw the Jags QB punt a ball into the stands in London yesterday. Guess what he got?
  19. You are missing by a mile counselor.
  20. Dodgers over Red Sox in 6 - 21 runs
  21. No, that wasn't your point.
  22. Be curious to hear the players reactions to the changes........silly.