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Everything posted by flap

  1. flap

    1636. Any of you got that beat? Prolly not.

    Shat the Raven nevermore.
  2. flap

    1636. Any of you got that beat? Prolly not.

    I'm still trying to figure out how you're descended from Edgar Allan Poe, a man who had no children.
  3. flap

    Women: 1 Neanderthal Window Lickers: 0

    The highest abortion rates are in countries where the practice is illegal. If you truly are in favor of preventing unborn children from being killed, you should be in favor of free and easy access to contraception. In the cases where unwanted pregnancies do occur, abortions are going to happen whether its legal or not. It might as well be safe for the mother.
  4. flap

    Romney article on "Letting Detroit go Bankrupt"

    I'd vote for Mitt's dad. Is he on the ticket?
  5. http://www.salon.com/2012/10/19/gop_voter_registration_scandal_widens/
  6. flap

    Will Mitch Romney take away my

    I didn't know that the inability to remember first names was a disease.
  7. flap

    Why do you think Romney

    A fervid desire to combat the twin evils of tea and coffee.
  8. flap

    Nominate a Geek for POTUS

    Free shanties for all hurricane refugees?
  9. "Corporations are people, my friend..."
  10. This is a clown topic, Bro.
  11. flap

    Who was your first dream girl?

    Connie Sellecca
  12. flap

    What is your favorite dessert?

    Fresh pineapple is good, but I usually make it with plums and blueberries.
  13. flap

    What is your favorite dessert?

    Upside down cake.
  14. flap

    Worlds richest woman

    Kill it with fire.
  15. Remember the Congressional "super committee" that convened a while back trying to find 1.2 trillion in discretionary spending cuts over the next decade? Not surprisingly, they failed. As a result, the agreement in place was to institute spending cuts evenly for all such spending. Well...today the intrepid House Republicans passed a bill welching on that agreement - sparing the Defense Department from the axe. It's good to know that they're really serious about reducing deficit spending. http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/226643-sequester-replacement-bill-advances-in-house
  16. flap

    Geek Club Lawyers/LEO's

    I believe the legal term is "douchebaggery".
  17. flap

    Time Magazine Cover

    They probably had to photoshop out the kid's woody.
  18. flap

    Random Thoughts

    "Stewardesses" is the longest English word that can be made using only the left hand when touch typing. I don't want to know what you're doing with your right hand.
  19. flap

    Random Thoughts

    Hey...I was married to Debra Winger in that movie!
  20. flap

    Metta World Peace possessed by Ron Artest

    He's seeing a therapist to help overcome a mysterious pain in his left elbow.
  21. flap


    I don't want the whole world. I just want your half.
  22. flap

    **Official Fast Food appreciation thread**

    Love Penn Station.