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Everything posted by squistion

  1. squistion

    Allen Texas shooting

    Do you have the numbers?
  2. squistion

    Allen Texas shooting

    Of all the mass shootings this year, how many have been in GFZ's versus non-GFZ's?
  3. squistion

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Because Carlson might be the devil here as far as Fox is concerned.
  4. squistion


    A classless response that I am sure did not win him any points with the jury. Yeah, the yahoos and yokels find this hilarious, but this put down might cost him more big bucks, particularly since Carrol is also asking for punitive damages.
  5. squistion

    W ball. Gay nightclub promoter.

    The Cockpit
  6. squistion

    Shootings of the Day - July 4 edition

    You could have described the shooter without using a racial slur.
  7. squistion

    Allen Texas shooting

  8. squistion

    Allen Texas shooting

    Good ides. So we then have people dead zones instead.
  9. squistion

    Dostoevsky said it best.

    There is no record of Dostoevsky having said this at all. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fyodor-dostoevsky-quote-on-tolerance/ Did Fyodor Dostoevsky Say This About Tolerance? What could illustrate the state of the internet in 2022 better than a quote falsely attributed to Fyodor Dostoevsky to make it seem as though the 19th-century Russian literary giant had predicted cancel culture, an element of online discourse unique to the late 2010s and early 2020s? A number of memes and social media posts in December 2022 contained the statement, "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles," along with attribution to Dostoevsky. But we found no record of the writer ever making this statement. The term "cancel culture" refers to a practice of people leveraging large crowds on social media platforms to pressure various aspects of society, like businesses and major events, to shun someone who has expressed views seen as distasteful or offensive. But we should note that during Dostoevsky's time, power resided in the pen as (obviously) there were no internet mobs, and that the quote doesn't really make sense, because simply thinking a thought that might be considered offensive to contemporary audiences wouldn't be publicly known, and thus wouldn't offend anyone.
  10. squistion

    More grooming from the right

    Here's another drag queen, oh, wait, maybe not.
  11. White folks don't have to riot as he has been arrested and charged, which doesn't always happen when some black is murdered (see thread about the Marine in the NY subway).
  12. squistion

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Making stupid remarks like this is disarming his enemies? Okie Dokie Pokie.
  13. So much for the false meme that blacks are never charged for hate crimes against white people.
  14. squistion

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    If we are talking about being disrespectful, this is same guy who didn't attend Biden's inauguration.
  15. Democrats don't have to buy black votes in California.
  16. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    It isn't resting on that, but it doesn't help Trump any saying that.
  17. squistion

    Drag Queen Story Hour

    Wrong thread. The above is not from any "drag queen story hour" at a local library.
  18. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    There is not a shred of proof that Biden is a child molester.
  19. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    That would not be admissible in court. That why was Carrol's attorney's requested that Trump provide a DNA sample, since there would be absolutely no question that it was his and he could not claim that it was someone else's or that it was switched.
  20. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

  21. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    Trump refuses to provide his DNA, so until he does there is nothing that she can prove by producing the dress itself.
  22. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    Typo. Marla Maples. And it doesn't matter what Caroll looks like now it is what she looked like then that counts. In those days she had a striking resemblance to Maples, which Trump confirmed by identifying Caroll's photo as being Marla Maples. And Trump's defense that essentially, she is too unattractive to rape, will probably not be a strong selling point to the jury.
  23. squistion

    Trump rape accusations!

    E. Jean Caroll looks a great deal like Marva Maples. Trump obviously thought so, as do many who have viewed both photos.