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Everything posted by squistion

  1. Most psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health experts don't share that belief.
  2. 70% of trans crime inmates were abused as children and have experienced gender dysphoria?
  3. From the link: "Back in September, rather than enforcing the law and punishing an act of theft, a Minneapolis judge released Brinton without bail, after he was caught stealing over $2,000 worth of luggage. Does anyone think that a woman who was caught stealing luggage would have been let off so easily?" Probably any person of either gender or sexual identity would have received the same treatment (at least no mention was made in the article of different defendants charged with the same crime in that jurisdiction as being treated any differently).
  4. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    No one ever stated they were suspended for that, and people had no hesitation for stating that they were suspended for other reasons, like calling someone a "libtard" using TDS or calling Trump supporters members of a cult. The word pigeon itself was never banned from the forum (you can use it now over there and if you don't believe me do a word search). Combing the word with other words (that for instance were trying to circumvent the language filter) is what usually resulted in a time out. Joe never sided with me, I got suspended more than anyone (outside of maybe Tim) from Joe and friends attempt to keep the board balanced politically.
  5. squistion

    There's six different threads about

    You forgot "Defund The Police"
  6. Unfortunately it never lasts. I wonder what the ratio is of his transsexualism to non-transsexualism posts.
  7. squistion

    U of Oklahoma shooting

    Not from what I saw on my timeline. People on the most part were just expressing concern and hoping that no students had become the latest victims of gun violence.
  8. squistion

    There's six different threads about

    Making fun of your "some of my best friend are" cliche does not make me a homophobe.
  9. squistion

    There's six different threads about

    Trans monster. I have never seen any shooter labeled a "heterosexual monster" in a thread about a mass shooting. What percentage of mass shooters in this nation in the last 5 years have been trans folks? I am guessing it is 1% or less.
  10. squistion

    There's six different threads about

    Some of my best friends are gay.
  11. squistion

    U of Oklahoma shooting

    No, that doesn't make it fake news. If it was reported on Twitter that OSU had issued a shooter alert and it that turned out that they hadn't, and the tweet was false, then that would be fake news.
  12. squistion

    There's six different threads about

    The talk and discussion about gay marriage was never this unhinged, or at least I don't recall gay and lesbians wanting to tie the knot as being constantly labeled "evil" as we are seeing here.
  13. squistion

    U of Oklahoma shooting

    The news was not fake, there was an actual shooter alert that the OSU issued. However, it appears to have been based on false reports of hearing gunfire. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/us/university-of-oklahoma-norman-campus-shooting/index.html
  14. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    No one was ever suspended for using the word "pigeon"
  15. So do gay men and lesbians which has been known and not questioned by mental health professionals for decades, but that doesn't mean they are more likely to commit more sex crimes as this thread suggests.
  16. squistion

    U of Oklahoma shooting

  17. Yes, one isolated study with a small sample size is always of questionable relevance.
  18. This is just one and one study only that was done in Canada. No matter how fascinating you find it, it is of little relevance to making generalizations about the trans community.
  19. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    I am not crying, I am laughing at you.
  20. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    It was hardly a safe space. I got insulted as often there in the last 6 months of the PSF as I have been insulted here since arriving - which is why I feel right at home.
  21. A problem is an understatement. He must have a Google email alert for any trans related story so that he can immediately post it here.
  22. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    Seriously, dude, if anyone is new to this forum and see posts that call others a "retard" and a "Foking tranny humper" how likely is it that they will want to contribute to this site to support it? (I am sure some might be more likely but I think they would be a distinct minority).
  23. squistion


    No, actually I haven't noticed that, and I don't see that it has been happening on a regular basis despite examples being given on this forum (which represent a small sample size).
  24. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    And if the mods are wondering why more people are not contributing to this site to keep the lights on...maybe they should look at posts like the above.