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Everything posted by squistion

  1. squistion


    What is this obsession with trans folks in this forum? This is the 5th thread on the subject on Page 1, and they all have been started by those on the right.
  2. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    I didn't alter your post, I just quoted it and pointed out that the video does not show an actual assault.
  3. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    Whatever the reasons are, they have absolutely nothing to do with what I was responding to which was the false meme of #believeallwomen
  4. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    I never used that as it was a false meme coined by the GOP - Democrats and liberals never said that.
  5. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    I am not defending it (if it really happened) just correcting the record with what has actually been reported.
  6. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    Didn't suggest that Straw Man. Just correcting the OP's account that it was a "tranny mob" and more than one person who attacked her (which has yet to be shown by video evidence).
  7. squistion

    Tranny mob beat kidnap Riley Gaines

    She claims it was one man, not men and the video does not back her claim (maybe other video showing this alleged assault will surface). https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/us/former-ncaa-swimmer-riley-gaines-assault-san-francisco-state-university/index.html CNN — Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines said she was assaulted Thursday on the campus of San Francisco State University. Gaines was at the school to speak about her views opposing the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports, according to the event announcement. “I was physically assaulted by one person. I was struck twice, both times hitting my shoulder with the second strike grazing my face,” Gaines told CNN’s Natasha Chen. “The rest of the protestors just ambushed and cornered me before I was able to move out with the help of campus police.” A video Gaines posted from the event showed her moving quickly while surrounded by security officers. A protester can be heard shouting “trans rights are human rights,” but the video is shaky and does not appear to show an assault.
  8. It is not a question of the win/loss aspect for any side. It is a question of right and wrong and it would be wrong for any member of the judiciary to accept a gift of this value.
  9. Yes, because you don't care about judicial corruption at the highest level. If Sotomayor or Kagan had done something like this I would be calling for their immediate resignation or removal from office.
  10. No, they don't have to prove that. And people for years have said that you lean liberal and that is a falsehood. You are a libertarian and on most issues are as far right and in sympathy with conservative Republicans here - so you fit in perfectly on this forum.
  11. A favorable vote on cases favoring the conservative interests of the donor/giftor. It is an ethics violation, probably illegal and suggests possible bribery.
  12. And if there was any truth to that expression, Hillary Clinton would have been indicted by some grand jury, somewhere if a DA had wanted it (but it never happened).
  13. Fun Fact: Hillary Clinton has never been indicted.
  14. Calling upon people to make a sacrifice for the greater good of the country is not unreasonable, IMO.
  15. What exactly is the demand for special treatment here? That the manifesto not be released? There have been calls for years that such documents not be released irrespective of the sexual identity or race of the shooter. And I think that the concern is legitimate that this might encourage more violence against the trans community and/or deflect attention to calls for additional gun control legislation.
  16. Those crime rates are interesting but completely irrelevant to the thread topic which is about this particular shooter, who was not a MTF trans woman.
  17. Not in the case of those classified as hate crimes from stats I have seen.
  18. Is that what he meant by videos of "trannies destroying"? I edited my post as I wasn't sure what he was referring to exactly.
  19. Maybe he is thinking of those videos of the drag queen brunches? Although I am not sure what exactly they would be destroying.
  20. Which are individual accounts, not proof that this holds true for all or even a majority of hate crimes committed against trans folks in this nation. I have yet to see any stats on that.
  21. I am not sure what you are referring to by videos of trannies destroying.