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Everything posted by squistion

  1. I am not sure what you are referring to by videos of trannies destroying.
  2. Your link didn't show that violent black men between the ages of 18 - 35 were committing most of the hate crimes against trans folks in this country (I don't recall see any stats there to back up your assertion).
  3. A generalization based on a small sample size and with no basis in fact.
  4. Show proof they weren't killed by MAGA folks, Antifa, or BLM members. You can't either. It is impossible to prove a negative.
  5. Who are probably homophobes and transphobes, as I suggested.
  6. Not according to any stats I've seen on hate crimes against trans.
  7. Who else would you think is committing the hate crimes against trans folks that has been escalating in recent years?
  8. Homophobes and transphobes for the most part I would imagine. There has been a significant rise in hate crimes and murders against trans folks the last few years...so, yes, that has been happening, although to call it genocide seems a bit of hyperbole.
  9. Yeah, looks to be scary and violent, DC should probably call out The National Guard. It is a rally and then a dance party for firearms/self defense training for trans folks in Virginia in response to trans violence.
  10. Antifa is not leftist, they are anarchists. BLM is "leftist" (on the left as opposed to the right) but is not a terror group. Militant transgenders have yet to form any organized group and comprise a miniscule percentage of mass shooters (like 2 in 5 years from the examples we've been given). Outside of that you are 100% correct, mass shootings should be given top priority by Biden, with stricter gun control legislation.
  11. I don't think that if someone is trans, that by itself should disqualify them from gun ownership.
  12. Not for just for someone being trans, to my understanding.
  13. Who here has said that we are good with that?
  14. It does show where their priorities lie. Drag queen shows or story hour library readings have not been responsible for the deaths of any children, but the same cannot be said about assault weapons.
  15. And, by the same token, well into the late 60s, most major psychological and medical publications also considered gay men and lesbians to have a mental disorder (although that is a distinct and discredited minority viewpoint today).
  16. I never said and I've asked repeatedly for a link to the quote of me saying that or even someone quoting me saying that. But no one has ever been able to provide this so called proof that I said that (which they can't because it never happened, it doesn't exist).
  17. squistion

    Guns: The No. 1 cause of death for U.S. children

    Interesting, one might think that it was drag queens and trans folks rather than guns, judging from posts I've seen in this forum.
  18. I know what most mental health experts, most psychiatrists and most psychologists think, which is probably more likely to be true than what one anonymous right wing poster on a fantasy football forum thinks.
  19. Yes, there could be a connection as well as there could be a connection to a lot of other things. How about let's wait until some more information is released about the shooter before we conclude that there has to be some connection?
  20. No, they aren't which is the opinion of most mental health experts, psychiatrists and psychologists.
  21. Fun Fact: While some do, not all trans folk suffer from gender dysphoria.
  22. There is nothing that has been released in the press to confirm that.
  23. That the shooting was in response to "that recently passed law"?