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Everything posted by squistion

  1. squistion

    San Francisco Considers Establishing a Red Light District

    The California Globe is hardly an unbiased source. I read just the first two paragraphs and that was more than enough to see from where the writer is coming from. The City By the Bay lurching further toward Gomorrah It is certainly no secret that San Francisco–once known as America’s most beautiful city due to its preeminence in commerce, the arts, sports, tourism, architecture etc.– has gained notoriety for its spiraling descent into a metropolis now better known for its filth, homelessness, crime, illegal drug trade and use, and all other facets of a decaying society. CaliforniaGlobe.com recently and aptly reported on the city’s failing political policies which have led to this decay with a leading reference to Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis labeling San Francisco as a “dumpster fire.” Yet, just when you thought San Francisco could not conceive of policy that would further nudge the City By the Bay closer to a present day manifestation of the Old Testament city of Gomorrah, some officials and community activists are now advocating for the creation of a Red Light District within the city’s confines. For those unfamiliar with the term, a Red Light District is a specifically designated area where ladies or gentlemen of the evening—or those identifying as such–can ply their wares in the business of selling sex without the risk of running afoul of the law and all that might entail. At one time, potential clients desiring to purchase sex would identify a window with a red light or lantern and know they had found the retail establishment with the services they sought. [...]
  2. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/archives-wanted-boston-biden-docs-believed-classified-97047129 Archives wanted Boston Biden docs, not believed classified WASHINGTON -- As the National Archives became aware of classified documents in President Joe Biden's old office in Washington, Archives officials also took custody of papers that had been shipped to a law office in Boston by the president's personal attorney, according to emails released Friday. No classified documents were believed to be in the Boston documents. But the emails show Archives officials were concerned enough to take them into their possession.
  3. No, the pee tape was never found, that doesn't mean it never existed (although it appears to be an unsubstantiated rumor). It also doesn't mean that the rest of the Steele dossier is fake.
  4. Did a Biden aide copy them on to a laptop?
  5. No one ever proved that the "pee tape" existed. Here however they have the laptop upon which classified documents were copied onto by a Trump aide and that is not speculation.
  6. squistion

    Black History Month

    Omit slavery from a Black History Month Program? You have got to be kidding.
  7. I wouldn't have asked the balloon expert if I wasn't.
  8. And where did they shoot it down since you are news expert on this?
  9. Where did they shoot it down over? I think Alaska is pretty sparsely populated, even more so than Montana. Probably the worst case scenario was a squashed moose.
  10. squistion

    Trans Kids

  11. squistion

    Trans Kids

    I told you all there are people here who still may believe that (even though it is discredited by a majority of psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health experts). Didn't expect any to come out of the woodwork this soon.
  12. squistion

    Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech to Congress

    Take it up with Reuters if you disagree with what they said.
  13. squistion

    Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech to Congress

    I watched it streaming as I am sure many others did (there were a lot of streaming options) https://www.reuters.com/world/us/heres-how-many-watched-bidens-state-union-major-tv-networks-2023-02-08/ The TV ratings data do not capture all the viewership on streaming services or social media.
  14. squistion

    Trans Kids

    I am old to enough to remember when people said that about gay men and lesbians, although that is distinct minority viewpoint today (but some here may still believe that).
  15. squistion

    Songs you never knew were covers….I’ll start

    Besides, this Blondie had another hit that was a cover. Hanging on the Telephone was originally done by an L.A. power pop band, The Nerves in 1976 two years before Blondie release.
  16. squistion

    Trans Kids

    This is a 38 page thread. Lots of stories posted here, I don't have the time to go back and read each to see if it is the one you are referring to.
  17. squistion

    Trans Kids

    Who knows when you don't give us any link to verify this story?
  18. squistion

    Trans Kids

    I would like to see the context of this before we pass judgement on the doctor's testimony.
  19. squistion

    Trans Kids

    That really isn't saying much. For all we know your "most liberal friends" could still be to the right of Gingues Khan.
  20. squistion

    Black History Month

    Don't speak for me and claim that I think black people are intellectually inferior to white people, because I don't think that (but perhaps you do).
  21. squistion

    Black History Month

    No. it is not the truth that I think that black people and other people of color aren't smart enough to live day to day without my help and guidance. And I would be a racist if I did.