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Everything posted by Sux2butoo

  1. Sux2butoo

    Berrian's Value?...Will answer yours

    He will be a beast until the end of the season. Unless you get offered a 1st line RB, keep him http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=242576
  2. I give M. Muhammad for G. Jennings..... With Driver being gimp he has come out smelling like roses and has really come into his own What are your thoughts R. Brown from Philly is another target for a trade He is my friend and can handle the bye week better than I for this deal, but is it worth it overall?
  3. Sux2butoo

    Should I drop H.Miller for R.McMichael?

    Well I am clueless, hoenstly Who will pay off more in the long run, Big Ben's arm or the travesty that is Miami I would keep Heath, McMichael had a good week So what http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=242250
  4. I have an oppurtunity to pick one up from a trade deal who do I ask for, regardless of who I am trading. or Muhammad/Furrey from the other seller?
  5. Let me know who the best option is for the rest of the season, I need to drop two in a trade for more WRs I need these guys to work well with Barber and C. Taylor Thx
  6. Sux2butoo

    Need to start 2 WR

    Jennings and Bruce, the others have yet to prove to me they can deliver against the caliber teams they play
  7. Sux2butoo

    RB Quandry- Who would you keep?

    When I say drop I mean trade for S. Smith and Winslow.... sorry
  8. Sux2butoo

    Trade HELP!

    I would also stay put, or try to get a TE for less price. How much can a TE really help you, but you have a problem here. Fitz is worth alot now, but if Matt cannot deliver he will be hard pressed to get rid of if he has no options to catch. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241657
  9. Sux2butoo

    Waiver week help...Guidance if you will

    so my point is I probably would not get him due to my high waiver number
  10. I think I may pick one up for some assistance, i don't have a good waiver number so who do you think is worth putting my name down for, ie: who will I not get? thanks
  11. I have Gore, C. Taylor, Addai and M. Robinson (for Gore backup) I can get L. Johnson with spending one of my RBs and some WR/TE add-ons I have A. Johnson, Holt, Muhammad, Driver and LJ Smith at TE I can also get S. Alexander with spending less, but is it worth waiting? I think I could also get Morris off wavers. What is my best move here? LJ may even cost me a QB ( I have Manning, Delhomme and Leinhart)
  12. Sux2butoo

    Need help at RB, as do most of you

    well for LJ i need to lose Driver, Gore and LJ Smith.... I can get Witten in FA so no more TE needed and for WR i can hold out for C. Henry..... he was dropped due to his fall out by a guy who jumped on Gabriel so even though I don't have a low waver number I can still try to solidify my WR with whoever is dropped for Henry
  13. Sux2butoo

    rate my trade

    you added strength to a position where you had strength before, unless you play 3 RBs you always have LJ to start now that he has had his bye and the others are decent. I think Maroney will be good but I also believe that he had a great game. Alot of sellers were selling high for him and getting what they could. In the long run it could pay off, but so could Gabriel. If Brady realizes that he has a competant WR and the other teams look to stop the run primarily, Maroney will get less carries. I think losing Cotchery is the right move, but did it have to cost Gabriel before he could prove himself? I think holding onto Gabriel is the best move cause he hasn't yet reached his peak in value, Cotch has and is garbage in regards to how he was performing Overall you are in the same place but one player short http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  14. Sux2butoo

    Gabriel or Toomer this week?

    Toomer is the man to start, there is one week of evidence that Gabriel will be the man but one thing that is wierd about NE is that no fantasy WRs ever emerge, they throw to EVERYONE Plus, Toomer is over-rated but proven http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  15. Stick with it, TJ is ok but Palmer has alot of openings, Holt is the man and will stay that way. If this had been last week I would say GET GORE, but its funny how 5 fumbles will hurt you http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  16. Sux2butoo

    Trade off WR for RB?

    I would have to agree, if you can get K. jones get him. You will not be sorry because Moss is great now but he will NEVER again get the chance to win like that. You need a RB who can deliver and this trade could give you one. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  17. Sux2butoo

    Simple RB question...simple RB answer?

    Well i would have to say Addai and Gore, risk it and go for the easy role If Indy is up, and they will be then they will be running and running, this means POINTS NY NEEDS this game, so look for barber to take a few runs, but Manning will have his hands full getting the points in the air, there is no reason Tiki can't break his no TD streak (hey I would know I have him) but you have better options Ps: I am also not playing Barber, starting Gore and Taylor over him http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  18. Sux2butoo

    fair trade for Tatum Bell?

    Is it possible to lose at leat one of the Cardinal WRs and a RB to get Parker or Bell? It could be advantagous to trade RB/Wr for Rb/WR and get rid of Bryant and Williams for Parker or Bell + minor WR, lets say D. Gabriel Not that I have no faith in Arizona and eventually Leinhart will get it, but that won't be for at least 4-5 games http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241346
  19. Sux2butoo

    Need help at RB, as do most of you

    Ok, I have this lined up: LJ for Driver, Gore and LJ Smith.... any thoughts..... I need this to be accepted by a majority vote of my league...thx
  20. I can probably get a WR and RB, say Muhamed and C. Taylor or Gore/Driver for him.... what do you think?
  21. I get L. Johnson and J Witten and I give Gore, Driver and LJ Smith I have Gore, C. Taylor and Addai as my RBs and I think I can get away with losing Driver
  22. Sux2butoo

    Is this a fair trade for L. Johnson?

    So you think I can get away with not offering my TE for the deal?
  23. Sux2butoo

    Roesthlisberger worth keeping?

    I am all about Kitna I too dropped Roth http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=241211
  24. Sux2butoo

    Who to start

    Always go with a winner, Maroney and Taylor are my choices, Bell is against a hard D to run against, but if you think Bell can be another LT than start him. Either way its Maroney all season
  25. I was offered L. Johnson for Driver and Gore He needs a WR and I don't wee why not.... this is almost unfair I already have Holt, A. Johnson, Mason and Muhhamad and can get Gabriel off wavers LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK