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Everything posted by ffsmack

  1. ffsmack

    PPR Sit/Start Marshall, Bush

    It would be helpful if you posted matchups. Marshall is an every week start to me, and without knowing matchups I'm gonna take a shot with Bush and Fasano.
  2. ffsmack

    MJD Question

    I'm sitting him for Megatron... probably going to be that way for a while unless MJD shows me more. The Rams o-line last year showed me how important the line is even with a stud RB (this is just my 3rd ff season), so the Jags situation really scares me.
  3. ffsmack

    Cooley or Rosario?

    Cooley had all the hype in drafts but the Redskins looked terrible. Do I start Rosario or was he just a week one wonder?
  4. ffsmack

    Big Ben

    I also have Warner and Rodgers for that matter. But I'm going with Ben if he's healthy, he always seems to have big games against the Browns.
  5. ffsmack

    Who Started Carson Plamer....

    My opponent started Palmer and won thanks to Plax, Gore, Jacobs and Moss
  6. ffsmack

    Drop Lendale for Johnson?

    If you are dropping Lendale, definitely Johnson. I just figure having another starter is going to be more beneficial over the course of the season than an unproven handcuff. Please see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=322980
  7. ffsmack

    Sammy Morris?

    Morris was more valuable than Maroney before he got hurt last season. Depending on other options one may have, I'd put him in consideration as a RB2 before Maroney based on that and week 1.
  8. ffsmack

    Maurice Jones-Drew

    MJD will be riding my bench until I see him do something. The situation with the offensive line definitely scares me, in the same way that the Rams line does. I'm just happy that my 2nd RB spot is a flex, so I have more options.
  9. ffsmack


    We certainly have high hopes for him this season here in Denver. Watching preseason I was thinking this year was going to be different, the run game isn't what it used to be, but Cutler and the passing game is definitely something to watch for this year. It'll be much more interesting to see how they do against the Chargers next week.
  10. ffsmack


    He started off really slow last year too, didn't get going until after the week 4 bye. He's not going to be a real consistent pick unless something happens to Taylor IMO, I have him in a flex spot and will probably be debating between him and Calvin Johnson all season.
  11. Agreed, I was a SJax owner last year from the #2 overall pick... you can't predict injuries, regardless of what position you took.
  12. ffsmack

    Monday Night

    Need 34 points from AP... Its certainly possible based on a couple of his games last year, but I'm not holding my breath
  13. ffsmack

    That Took A Total of One Half of One Game

    Actually I think he was hurt too. Been flipping back and forth between games so I'm not sure, but it looked like he had a shoulder injury on the last play I saw him in.
  14. ffsmack


    That 51 yarder was Cassel, not Brady
  15. ffsmack


    Cassel is in, Brady is questionable for return
  16. ffsmack


    Denver homer here... I believe that he actually grabbed the starting job impressing the coaches in camp before preseason. A little background on him, he was taken as a returner before Philly took DeSean Jackson this year. Royal is bigger and stronger than Jackson and seems like a great character guy. He has looked pretty good in preseason (but no TDs), and I hope he does make an impact. If your league scores returns, thats an extra bonus, but he didn't return much during preseason so that he could focus on learning the offense. Royal is getting no buzz because he's not a flashy pick like DeSean is, not in the NFL draft, not in fantasy. Marshall and Scheffler are still Cutler's top targets, Nate Jackson(TE) had a good preseason as well and Stokley is always a solid target. Royal is definitely worth a flier, but I wouldn't expect a big fantasy season.
  17. ffsmack

    Kurt Warner

    We drafted before Leinart's preseason choke, so I managed to grab Warner off the wire. I will also be starting him over Big Ben, though I don't think we can go wrong either way this week.
  18. ffsmack

    I hope Chris Cooley didn't draft himself

    Cooley didn't draft himself... but Jason Campbell did draft Cooley.
  19. ffsmack

    *Official* 2008 NFL Kickoff Game Thread

    Thanks for nothing Campbell! How did you manage to not throw to Cooley all night? I just lucked out that Jacobs/Plax didn't score
  20. ffsmack

    *Official* 2008 NFL Kickoff Game Thread

    Scary game, I have Cooley against Plax/Jacobs
  21. ffsmack

    I am starting _________ over _________

    Warner over Big Ben
  22. ffsmack

    Need to Start 3 Wrs"

    Roy and Cotchery are definite starts this week. That leaves 1 spot for 85 or Ward. I think both are likely to get similar numbers this week based on matchups, but since 85 has higher upside, I'd go with him. Thanks for mine.
  23. ffsmack

    QB week 1

    I drafted Big Ben figuring he would be my every week starter with Rodgers at backup, but I managed to pick Warner up off the wire. Now that Warner has been named the starter I'm not sure who I wanna go with. What do you guys think? Ben vs Hou Warner @ SF
  24. ffsmack

    QB week 1

    The reason for the debate is even though the Cards want Leinart to live up to his draft position, Warner has been a top fantasy QB with one of the best WR tandems in the league. He was second only to Brady in the 2nd half of last season. Ben is on a solid team, although I hear there are questions about the o-line this year. Ben was a top 6 QB last season though, making this choice a tough one for me.
  25. ffsmack

    What's the best DUO for Week 1?

    I agree here. Also Denver's offense looks real good, I can see Cutler doing very well even without Marshall. This could force Russell to throw more as the Raiders play catchup. Thanks for mine