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Everything posted by Cel

  1. Cel

    I just can't get that excited over Mendenhall

    Me neither... ...But I drafted him in 2.06 so I hope I'm wrong.
  2. Most people = those who don't get sick. Those who do, trek there ass across the border to get treatment before they're dead. Your government has labeled it an unsustainable crisis and is in the process of figuring out how to get private insurance to co-exist with your socialist nightmare. Let's stick with football... I'm calling to see if I can swing a good deal.
  3. Cel

    Mangini and Belichick

    I don't have a horse in this fight, but you're pretty much the moron if you think the Patriots are doing anything but overachieving this year... This is actually the season that PROVES his coaching excellence and not vice versa. For the records, a coin flip decided that game... Mangina should have had that game wrapped up by halftime, you must have been waiting for the handshake and missed the actual game.
  4. Cel

    A. Johnson

    This could also be called, why I did not make my Week 16 Super Bowl despite Brady's miraculous year. I'm personally glad I kept AJ in the lineup, you?
  5. Cel

    Who's 4-0

    10 team redraft, 3 receivers, te optional #2 position Rivers Peterson Jones-Drew/Grant Boldin A Johnson S Moss Longwell San Diego
  6. Cel

    Boldin Injury

    Last word was they released him from the hospital and let him fly home with the team. If they really did that, he's gotta be pretty ok. They would take serious precautions otherwise and keep him overnight for observation. While I expect him to take a week off for cautiousness sake, if everything we've heard his true he'll be back on the field soon. And as you said, does anyone think this guy is not a warrior? The only thing I was thinking to be honest was, I can't believe he's going to be paralyzed and the Cardinals are screwing him with his contract. Pay the man!
  7. Cel

    Boldin Injury

    He doesn't need to get the second foot down, he needs to make a "football move" while demonstrating possession which he did by turning towards the endzone right before he got cheap shot.
  8. Cel

    Andre Johnson Is The Suck

    4-0 with him, thanks. He's had one ok game, two bad games. I fully expect him to get his. This is the way receivers work. You bench your studs, you miss your points. Same crap happened last year with TO missing all those catches. He's over, he can't catch, why pick a receiver that high... Receivers get their points, you just need to be patient keep your best ones in and wait for it to happen. I promise you, he will have big games in the future.
  9. Cel

    Boldin Injury

    I hate to bring this back to fantasy, but you know since he's apparently ok and this is a fantasy board I will... How come the NFL Refs upstairs didn't review that catch? We were under two minutes, it was a touchdown. He had possession, was in the endzone, and then got creamed. Touchdown. They cost Boldin owners 10 points...
  10. Cel

    Down Goes Fraizier Down Goes Frazier

    F U Ed Hochuli
  11. Cel

    Ryan Grant practices

    I'm starting MJD over Grant. Show me you can carry the ball for a down, then you can crack the lineup. I hope he kicks ass and I can put him in next week but he's too risky for my tastes when I've got a perfectly serviceable option.
  12. I've got Gates in right now. Am reconsidering because of the toe and the fact that I want to have a player in tomorrow's game. Santana sucked it up last year bad though, not sure. Any thoughts?
  13. I knew this girl who tore her labia once, she could barely walk for... Oh...
  14. Cel

    It's Matt LEINART

    Actually, I believe it's pronounced "GAR-BAGE"
  15. Cel

    I normally don't wish ill will on others...

    And yet, Cleveland lost it's team... And Green Bay is publicly owned and isn't going anywhere. I hope that ###### burns in hell.
  16. If it was such a longstanding rule, why did there need to be memo circulated about it over the summer? Maybe Bellicheck disagreed with the memo's interpretation of the rules? Are you saying that the commissioner can just make stuff up and doesn't need to follow the rule book? Ultimately it was an issue he decided not to fight, but if it was such a clear and longstanding rule that required no interpretaion, then there'd be absolutely no need to circulate a memo stating it's not allowed. I'll let my friend Tomkat point out the errors in your logic: KAFFEE (continuing; beat) Colonel, I have just one more question before I call Airman O'Malley and Airman Perez: If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would he be in danger, why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base? And JESSEP has no answer. Nothing. He sits there, and for the first time, seems to be lost. JESSEP Private Santiago was a sub-standard marine. He was being transferred off the base because-- KAFFEE But that's not what you said. You said he was being transferred because he was in grave danger. JESSEP (pause) Yes. That's correct, but-- KAFFEE You said, "He was in danger". I said, "Grave danger". You said-- JESSEP Yes, I recall what-- KAFFEE I can have the Court Reporter read back your-- JESSEP I know what I said. I don't need it read back to me like I'm a damn-- KAFFEE Then why the two orders? (beat) Colonel? (beat) Why did you-- JESSEP Sometimes men take matters into their own hands. KAFFEE No sir. You made it clear just a moment ago that your men never take matters into their own hands. Your men follow orders or people die. So Santiago shouldn't have been in any dangor at all, should he have, Colonel? Everyone's sweating now. Everyone but KAFFEE. JESSEP You little bastard. ROSS Your Honor, I have to ask for a recess to-- KAFFEE I'd like an answer to the question, Judge. RANDOLPH The Court'll wait for answer. KAFFEE If Kendrick told his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? Jessep is looking at O'KALLEY and PEREZ. KAFFEE (continuing) Colonel? JESSEP says nothing. KAFFEE (continuing) Kendrick ordered the code red, didn't he? Because that's what you told Kendrick to do.
  17. Cel

    Tom Brady drop-off

    Stopped reading there.
  18. Cel

    I'm starting _________ over __________

    Ward over Maroney. Unless I can unload Ward. SD's just too tough... Of course, I may go with Maroney still because I'm truly indecisive and I didn't draft him in the second round to sit him.
  19. It's our leagues first year using myfantasyleague.com and I was wondering if trade proposals were accepted by the other team, do they automatically go through? I want to shop Derrick Ward around and I'm wondering if I make multiple trade proposals will the first person who accepts get him, or do I get a chance to confirm the trade prior to it going through. Basically, can I explore interest with the trade proposal option or do I have to send private messages.
  20. Cel

    myfantasyleague.com trades

    Yeah, commish has it on approve but it's essentially the same difference. As soon as it's accepted it will automatically get sent to him for approval. Thanks guys, guess I'll go with the private messages.
  21. Cel

    And they thought this game was MNF worthy?

    lol "Are we seeing bad offense or great defense?" If this is great defense, then I'm a vermishis kinid.
  22. Cel

    So, whattya need tonight?

    Housh needs 13 for the tie, 14 for the W. Whose yo mama?
  23. Cel

    Grossman on the Clock

    To quote a famous scholar ..."THE BEARS ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE! THE BEARS ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!" Only this season, they won't be let off the hook.