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Everything posted by Cel

  1. Cel

    Deion Branch killed me thread !

    Look at this way... He's got great upside from where he is right now. He might get a catch. Off to my bench he goes...
  2. Cel

    Deion Branch killed me thread !

    Word. Let's go T.J. Who's your daddy!
  3. Cel

    Mark Clayton

    Wrong team. Wrong Clayton. Any one have real thoughts on him? I'm torn between Clayton, Berrian, and Gonzo.
  4. Cel

    Trade Vetoed - Fair or Unfair

    Someone else did go out and get LJ, they vetoed it. I'm willing to bet the OP was one of the vetoes. Mr. 0-8, with his history of bad trade attempts -this one is awful-, shows he's trying to tank the league. Veto.
  5. Cel

    would this be collusion or part of the game

    One assumes he was free to back out before the trade was finalized. If not, stupid system.
  6. If the MM guy has SA then it's fine. If not, looks shady, but definitely passable. I play with my 3 brothers and like beating the hell out of em. I wouldn't worry.
  7. Cel

    How bad is this leauge?

    Pretty weak. But then, that trade is horsecrap. Why doesn't the guy without a defense just pick one up? With so few bench spots, I'm sure everyone's only carrying one. I don't know your scoring system, but.. ...wait a minute... ...dizzy...
  8. Yup, trades like this are the reason veto power exists. My response would be veto the trade and don't invite either back next year. You can't kick them out immediately, that screws the rest of the schedule. Hopefully, they'll keep playing for the money since they're 3-3, but you know this would only get worse as soon as one team gets out of the hunt. Veto now, put an end to the nonsense and keep em interested till the end of the year. Then dump em.
  9. Cel

    Buffalo Homers...

    Dude, it's Buffalo. They'll give you dirty looks, then buy you a beer and talk your ear off about Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, and the good old days when they "almost had it." But seriously, if you don't have a jacket over that jersey you're gonna freeze your ass off...
  10. Cel

    6-0 Undefeated Teams

    5-1 McNabb LJ We squeaked one out this week with McNabb's "subpar" performance. Fortunately, we were playing against Grossman
  11. Cel

    Would you veto this trade?

    Had to register to reply. Stupid veto. Power hungry commish worried about his own team. It's a definite toss up as to who's going to get the better of this deal. I'd go for the guy getting FWP myself, but SA can come back and be strong for the playoff run. Should definitely not be vetoed, tell your boss and get this ass fired.