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Evil Genius

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Everything posted by Evil Genius

  1. Evil Genius

    What would be the highest rated SB matchup?

    This is a falsehood. Green Bay has one of the largest fan bases outside of their local market. You meet Cheeseheads all over the place.
  2. Evil Genius

    My very early 2011 dynasty rankings

    I think Owen Daniels comes back to a very level next next year and performs well enough to be considered in Tier One. I see Kellen Winslow performing in Tier Two, even if he does it for another 5 seasons.
  3. Evil Genius

    E's 2011 Dynasty Rankings

    Who is throwing the ball in Tennessee?
  4. Evil Genius

    E's 2011 Dynasty Rankings

    Let me preface this comment by saying that I really appreciate the work you've done here. Romo's ranking within your list must be based on you seeing him getting replaced soon. If he was healthy, I think 4000 yards and 28 PaTDs was a reasonable expectation. And this will be similarly expected next year...and he is only 30. He was clearly among the elite in 2009. Dallas is going to be a lot better if all the wheels turn at once, and Romo could have four more very good years. Yet, you rank him below: Tebow - unproven is an understatement Cassel - he has Bowe and nobody Sanchez Even with him on the gallows if they fail again in 2011, that's only if they go 8-8 or worse, probably. I say he should be like, 12th or 13th on your list.
  5. Evil Genius

    Fantasy Playoff Draft

    12 Owners, 9 rounds, 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1WR/TE, 1TE, 1K, 1D/ST. PPR, positionally-balanced performance-type scoring: All positions have roughly equal weight, save Kicker. I drew the Jack of Clubs and went 4th. 25-buck entry, winner get 66%, 2nd gets 33% 1.04 Brady 2.09 Pats D/ST 3.04 DeSean Jackson 4.09 Maclin 5.04 Julius Jones 6.09 Dominic Rhodes 7.04 Keller 8.09 Akers 9.04 Earl Bennett First three picks were Vick, Forte and Jennings. 1.05 was Rodgers. I will post more of it, if anyone is interested.
  6. Evil Genius

    Owen Daniels

    I played him in my Dynasty Championship. I really like him next year, assuming all the offense in Houston stays in place or gets marginally better. Top 5 TE in 2011, maybe better, methinks.
  7. Evil Genius

    Fantasy Playoff Draft

    Me neither. There is simply no accounting for the priorities of others. However, these playoff versions are a hyper-crap shoot. Draft, fire and forget? Anything can happen. I drafted all the players I could from the teams I hate. If I lose at Fantasy, I win at fandom.
  8. Evil Genius

    Looking for A FF Playoff League

    I would be willing to join (another) one with you, and I have at least three guys willing to come along. Need a host site, draft mechanism and a Commish. I further suggest a $25 buy-in, drafting Friday [tomorrow] night. Anyone using a CBS Commissioner League (non-Dynasty/Keeper) could host - it's easy and I can help. temerity71@hotmail.com
  9. Evil Genius

    Fantasy Playoff Draft

    League has been filled. Thanks to those who replied. Doug
  10. Looking for a couple Canadian dudes, preferably in Ontario, to join a Playoff Fantasy draft, hosted on CBS. $25 dollar entry. 12 teams Drafting: 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1WR/TE Flex, 1 K, 1 D/ST Positionally balanced scoring (all positions except Kicker are roughly equal weight) with Performance-style PPR scoring. No decisions after the draft. Cumulative scoring for the entire playoffs, top two teams win the money. Draft will be in-person, but you can join us over the phone or internet to get in on it. Lots of fun. E-mail me at temerity71@hotmail.com and I will get you further details.
  11. Evil Genius

    Preferred QB TDpass scoring 4 or 6

    Our leagues have always had positionally balanced scoring, and 4pts for a PaTD is part of that. We even have a special formula to enhance Tight Ends, such that their big games match the other positions, and more points for D/ST's. Makes Drafting much more interesting - and scoring much more Team-Oriented when all the positions, save Kicker, have roughly equal weight.
  12. Evil Genius

    Post your lessons learned in during the 2010 season

    Obviously, some one got burnt late, with a victory on the bench. Sad. No, seriously. In an eight team league, maybe. This year, I can believe that. Hello Arian Foster.
  13. Three Leagues, two championships. Dynasty (won it): I had Arian Foster on my bench. I traded Mendy for Fitz, then Fitz and Forte for CJ. Then I traded Bess, Mercedes Lewis and a pick for Nicks. These moves were more or less a wash, I felt at the time - but they set me up nicely for next year. Keeper (won it): Since we drafted in June, I had Arian Foster on my bench - got him in the 14th round(!). Traded a 2011 7th round pick for Colston in Week 5. Traded a 6th round pick and Torain for Moss, and turned Moss and Witten into Dallas Clark. Because I had Clark, I picked up Tamme - and that worked out. Traded Stafford to a guy who wanted him for next year, along with Branch, for Bowe and Pettigrew. And that worked out. ReDraft (missed the playoffs): most crucial mistakes were drafting Kolb and Matthews. In the same week that Grant went down, making Brandon Jackson the supposed next big thing, Vick popped up. I totally blew it, grabbing Jackson instead, and lacked for a QB the rest of the way. I had a soft team, drafting different dudes (for interest's sake) than the ones I trusted in established leagues. A losing formula.
  14. Evil Genius

    Looking Ahead to FF Redrafts: 2011

    That's the kind of spirit I like. With the notion that I will back up my assertion that Mr. Vick should be drafted around 6th over all, I will make a wager, similarly for posterity. This wager should serve nicely to settle this difference of opinion. I will venture that 5 players of any position will finish ahead of Mr. Vick in total scoring for 2011, weeks 1-16 inclusive based on PPR Scoring [QBs: 4pts for a PaTD, 1 point for 25 yards passing, 1 pt per 10yd rushing, no yardage bonuses, all other players 6 pts for all TDs, 1pt for 10 RuYds or ReYds, 1 pt per REC]. If he is so good, a player and half, as others have said - then he should have no trouble finishing in the top 5, in 2011. If he gets hurt, or does not play for any reason, the bet stands. The wager is a bottle of single malt scotch - or $50, if the bottle cannot be physically given - payable to the winner by e-transfer. I am 100% serious and will pay the wager, guaranteed, should I lose. Failure to arrange payment by December 31st, 2011 means the welcher must forsake their FF Today user identity out of pure shame and humiliation. Do we have a bet?
  15. Evil Genius

    Looking Ahead to FF Redrafts: 2011

    No. Partly because I'm dumb. But mostly because you're wrong.
  16. Evil Genius

    Looking Ahead to FF Redrafts: 2011

    Yes, I am an idiot. Of the top notch, first-class variety. Go ahead, whomever you are, and draft Vick #1 or overpay at an auction. And this idiot will be there to say, out of a ranting, moronic stupor: "i told ya so" Peyton's 2004 Brady's 2007 LT's 2006 CJ's 2009 Rice's 2009 Ricky William's 2002 After impressive statistical seasons, recent history has shown that players generally regress to the mean. This recurrent pattern of regression quite often leads to FF disappointment. Moreover, I have found, through the fog of my idiocy, that investing into stocks on the rise, as opposed to stocks at their peak, is a logical method for making gains. Please note that Dickerson's 1984 might be the exception. But who needs logic when you have stooopidity?
  17. Evil Genius

    Looking Ahead to FF Redrafts: 2011

    You guys are ridiculously short-sighted. Most of you have him on your rosters, I am sure. Type in 'Endowment effect' on Google. Learn something. In any case, Vick is not #1 overall - set in my ways or otherwise, 'evolution' or otherwise (which is brutally embellished nonsense: while Player values change, successful FF strategies have been unchanged since they thought this game up). Vick is good, Vick is great, who do we appreciate...but his surprise success this year is biasing your perceptions. Worship away, you man-loving forgetful dweebs. Bold prediction: Vick will not finish #1 in scoring next year. Top 3 QB if he makes it through the year. Finishes maybe, top 12 in scoring in 4pt PaTD leagues with no yardage bonuses for long TDs. First round pick: yes. First overall: NO
  18. Evil Genius

    Looking Ahead to FF Redrafts: 2011

    Why does everyone want to suck Vick's cack so hard...? Oh yeah, it's because he was the difference maker to so many teams this year. Will he be difference maker next year? Well, since you won't be picking him out of the junk, thus getting a top-flight QB for nuthin, I would say no. Vick as #1 overall is a joke, even as conjecture. The guy who gets Rogers or Brees gets a better 2nd round pick coming back around, or got an elite player in the first, depending on how your Draft shakes out. Take him #5 or #6 if you must, but come on, people. Let's acknowledge that Vick was amazing this year - but any QB as #1 overall is madness, even if that guy is Vick - he will not and cannot repeat this year's numbers. 1) Too much film study with other teams conspiring to beat him (and the better the Eagles do in the playoffs the more this is true) 2) Injury risk (he got knocked around by the Vikes and looked very mortal indeed) 3) Year older (time takes its toll - no exceptions) 4) Evolving circumstances (things always change) Even in an auction, the guy getting Vick will overpay. Enough said.
  19. Evil Genius

    Vicks Stat Prediction Tonight...anyone?

    Actual Stats from my 3 full-PPR Leagues, where Vick was in all three Championship games (and went 1-2): Vick: 26.52 (where our QBs get .2 points per RuYd) All Day: 20.9 (including 3 pt bonus for 101+RuYds)
  20. Evil Genius

    Vicks Stat Prediction Tonight...anyone?

    Vick PaYds: 245, 3 TDs RuYds: 45, no TDs 1 fumble or INT 24.3 Points Bonus Prediction: Adrian Peterson RuYds: 132, 1 TD ReYds: 21 w/ 2 rec, no TDs 23.3 Points
  21. Evil Genius

    Interesting debate I got into with a friend.

    The Hall wants misogynist, narcissist a$$holes? First ballot Ben, then.
  22. Top Ten Ways to monitor your FF Championship from a ski resort without internet access: 10) Use carrier pigeons 9) Excavate a very long tunnel back to your home. 8) Rig up 2 cardboard cups and a really long string 7) Set up a buddy with binoculars on every mountain top, relaying a complex series of hand signals 6) Utilize mirrors flashing in the sun 5) Use a telescope to a view a friend's window, who will indicate one lantern if you're winning, two if you're not 4) Hire the Pony express: one man on a horse every 7 miles 3) Telegrams: "Mojo to the 20 STOP. The 15 STOP. The 10 STOP" Evidently Mojo is really lurching these days with that bad knee. 2) Tapping Morse Code on the resort pipes with the Joe Dirt janitor, who will monitor all games for you for a hefty fee and the Number One way to monitor your Fantasy Football championship from a ski resort without internet access: 1) Get stoned and imagine you're winning
  23. Evil Genius

    The ending of Jon Brony

    Though Jon Brony has but a scant 8 posts, they have all been shamelessly self-promoting, for his web projects, his blog, whatever. He has come to FF Today to promote himself and spam us with his crap. Not to entertain, enlighten or amuse, but to advertise. I feel it is wrong, and I respectfully request that he stop. This Board is not intended for such use, and I am hopeful that Mike or another moderator (if there is one) will pay this situation the consideration it is due. If you feel similarly, about Jon or others doing the same, feel free to add your thoughts to this thread. Doug
  24. Evil Genius

    *sigh* I'm an ass... let's have some input here...

    I had a situation a number of years ago where I systematically added/dropped every Free Agent WR to cut off my opponent (a buddy) and make him play short. He was mad and didn't associate with me for months, and colluded with another Owner for a trade-tradeback, to 'screw me back'. Then, later, it got even worse with another Owner. The social ramifications of your tactics might be as large, worse, or inconsequential. I don't know. Considering the backstory about Vick, I don't necessarily blame you for taking the actions you did - however, you must be prepared for the backlash of being perceived as a slimy goof, whether you are or not. Plus, you will discover that one cut-throat maneuver leads to another. Have fun.
  25. Evil Genius

    I gotta give props to ....

    To Jacob Tamme - thanks for filling an important gap for me in two leagues. To Mercedes Lewis and Davone Bess, thanks for having above average years such that I could trade you bums for Hakeem Nicks (!). To Ben Tate: thanks for getting hurt enough to give Foster his chance to shine and a kind Happy Holidays to Marques Colston, who turned it on and became something good, immediately after I bought very low.