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Evil Genius

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Everything posted by Evil Genius

  1. Evil Genius

    Notable and bad beats

    To have a 3 point lead erased on a meaningless final play with a -4 point swing? Killer. What makes it the worst is that you were starting Chad Pennington.
  2. Evil Genius

    Is there a playoff fantasy football?

    If you run a league on CBS, you can simply extend the number of 'playoff weeks' to eight, and use your existing site to run your Playoff Pool. After the regular season, somewhere around the 30th of December, have a 12-Owner Draft, with starting line-ups: 1QB (you can use Team QB if you want), 2RB, 3WR, 1TE, 1K, 1D/ST Having 12 Owners is key to ensuring that all the playoff talent is on a Fantasy roster. It also makes sure that the crucial decisions of everyone's Draft Strategy are maximized - do you take players from the teams on a bye, or the wildcard teams that might catch lightning in a bottle? If I wait on a QB, do I get stuck with the junkiest one? If everyone reaches for a TE, I will wait until the last round to get mine...etc. This is a fire-and-forget-type pool with no decisions or movement after the Draft. High point total including the SuperBowl, wins. No HTH. Simply cumulative points - the Commish keeps track, week to week. Use the same scoring system you have used all season long. If you do use CBS, make sure to toggle the Archive feature to not include playoff results, otherwise all your historic 'regular season' data will be warped when the League data is loaded out at the end of the year. Nice way to get your money's worth out of CBS.
  3. Evil Genius

    To Fellow Packer Fans

    They were better - they were 10-6.
  4. Evil Genius

    Notable and bad beats

    Same fellow in my original post - the Nemesis... ...I am playing him last year in the semi-final of our Dynasty League. With all the scoring to be completed in the 4 o'clock games, he has the last player going - McFadden, as the Oakland game is finishing slightly later than all others. Slowly but surely, my early lead is dwindling as McFadden is running the lights out on Denver. Comes to the 2 minute warning in the Oakland-Denver game and I am still up, barely, holding on by 0.1 points. One lousy rush yard. And I would lose the tie-breaker. Back from the commercial break, Campbell has three straight kneel downs to preserve the win for Oakland, as Denver is out of time outs (!). I go on to win the Championship while Nemesis goes to the 3rd place game. He would have won in the Final, had he made it there. But he came up a yard short.
  5. Evil Genius

    For those of us OUT of the playoffs...

    I remember gys spouting this same crap about Vick, in December of last year. Yeah, that turned out. A QB, now matter how good, as the #1 pick ?
  6. Evil Genius

    Orton's going to Kansas City

    KC has a pretty tough schedule down the stretch, with Pitt, da Bears and the J-E-T-S for the next three. Does Orton have a chance to do anything significant this year? What do you make of his prospects to fight Cassel for the starting job next year, thereby affecting Dynasty rosters?
  7. Evil Genius

    Check in if you've already clinched a bye

    All 12 Teamers: 11-1 Dynasty: Rodgers, Romo, CJ2K, McFadden (no Bush), MJD, White, Mega, Gates 10-2 5-Keeper: Brees, Newton, MJD, Rice, Dez, Maclin, Finley, Packers D/ST 10-2 Auction ReDraft: Rivers, Forte, CJ2K, Mega, Robinson/DJax, Graham, Houston D/ST Have clinched a 1st round bye in all three leagues. In my fourth League, with MaddFutherMucker, I am 5-7 and have missed the playoffs entirely.
  8. Evil Genius

    Choice and the Bills

    Does anyone see Choice taking a lead role with the Bills over the next few weeks? The Bills seem loathe to commit real playing time and touches to Spiller - who admitted has not done much to warrant such, anyway. If Choice were to step into Jackson's role, he could be fantasy relevant. Ideas?
  9. Evil Genius

    Week 12 Appreciation Thread

    I am going to thank Cam Newton IN ADVANCE
  10. Evil Genius

    Mcfadden to miss week 12 and week 13?

    Two months for a foot sprain does seem a bit excessive. If I had Bush, I wouldn't be concerned, but I don't, so I am. As it is, I would have liked to see him in a game before the Fantasy playoffs. Now I don't think we will.
  11. Evil Genius

    How would you handle this as commissioner of your league?

    A few things: 1) if a player is being outwardly destructive in your league...correct it as the Commish. Undo the damage, reset the rosters, delete the posts, whatever, and warn the offender not to repeat. If it does repeat, lock down the roster and take control. Talk with Owner again, then make a decision and stick to it. This decision could be to boot the Owner or whatever is warranted. Depends heavily on the context and who it is, but don't let one man ruin your league. 2) The criticism the original poster got was warranted. It was my very first thought: that rule is dumb and would create problems. If every serious FF geek likes making his own roster, his way...then why create such a bad rule to tamp down strategy and limit daring/enjoyable roster moves? If you do just one thing next year - take that rule outside and smash it with an axe. Don't let one rule ruin your league. 3) Though it is meaningless to say...I would never play in a League with such a crazy rule...and I love and am brutally addicted to this game. What does that tell you?
  12. Evil Genius

    Waiver Process

    While I understand this impetus, FF is not actually football, nor is it the NFL. It is its own thing. Just as the NFL tweaks things, year-to-year, to improve their game...so should FF Commissioners - to induce a better game for themselves and their League-mates. And a better game is what FF is all about.
  13. Evil Genius

    Who else is leading their league in.....

    At 8-1 in three of my four Leagues, I am officially leading in b1tch slaps and opening cans of whoop ass. In my start-up Dynasty with MaddFutherMucker, I am officially leading in disdains for MFL.com Once you do CBS, it's tough to do anything else.
  14. Evil Genius

    Wide Receivers

    Ditto. Sit Cribbs.
  15. Evil Genius

    Waiver Process

    A FAAB Waivers system is far superior to any Waiver Priority system. Last year, a worst-to-first system would have rewarded HEAVILY any of the teams that lost in Week 1, setting up the guy who scored the fewest points to claim Vick. "I lost Week 1? - oh no". "I get to pick up a top #3 QB out of the junk? - yes !". Vick swung the B.O.P in many, many Leagues. At least the guy who picked up Vick in our FAAB League(s) had to bid the highest. The point is that FAAB turns FA acquisition into something strategic, which is ultimately the best part of FF.
  16. Evil Genius

    Possible Trades Need help

    the only one I like is your counter offer. You need WR help in PPR with DJax being weak this year. Otherwise, I run your team as is
  17. Evil Genius

    Chris Johnson Owner Support Group

    He's not Steve Slaton. He has three years of solid production behind him, if you include a 1000 yard season while splitting with LenWhale. He's too young to be broken down, he has a decent QB, and few top WR and TE options dragging his opportunities away. Cook and Washington are okay, but not amazing by any stretch. The problem is either 1) his head [$$, sense of entitlement, distractions], or 2) conditioning, or 3) an evolving offense. Or, a combination of these factors. All of these can, and likely will be remedied, as the season progresses. You just don't have three bomb-tacular seasons and then just bomb. He might never get 2000 yards again...but right now he has nowhere to go but up - and up he will go, barring injury.
  18. Evil Genius

    Why do owners propose ridiculous trades?

    The Endowment Effect (a cognitive bias) In behavioral economics, the endowment effect (also known as divestiture aversion) is a hypothesis that people value a good or service more once their property right to it has been established. In other words, people place a higher value on objects they own than objects that they do not.
  19. Evil Genius

    MNF - What do you need?

    Two leagues riding on Monday night: Dynasty: need 8 pts from Gates in PPR ReDraft: need Cassel to outscore the Chargers D by 5 points I am not confident in either outcome
  20. Evil Genius

    Trading Deadlines

    Yes. Just because you all know each other does not remove the potential for nonsense. Somebody will think to get cute, you watch. Then, it's on you to correct it, and suffer the slings and arrows. Furthermore, part of the strategy is to get your trades and stuff done before the deadline. Do everyone a favour and just pick a date. With the Week 11 byes this year, trade deadline will be/should be late. Traditionally, I have always had the deadline on November 11th - people, for some reason, remember this day. However, the strange Week 11 byes may push this father along.
  21. Evil Genius

    Players banned from your FF team from now on...

    I suffer from the opposite of homerism. I suffer from hate-ism. I refuse to have any Steelers or Pats on my Fantasy teams, because I despise those two franchises. And I win, anyway. And of course, the two most important on the BANNED list: Rapeburger: Mr.Pump Fake. He's a a$$hole. Look at his haircut. Anybody with a haircut like that, you know he's an a$$hole. Brady: I don't care about championships, I hate this guy. He's a wimp. He's a whiner, a complainer. Cassel proved it was the system. Perhaps the least physically gifted of any consistant winner in the NFL.
  22. Evil Genius

    General Trade Ethics Question

    CBS won't let trades be accepted during the play-period. Say what you want about MFL and its features, CBS has it going on. For the price, it had better !
  23. Evil Genius

    Chris Johnson Trade...

    To state the obvious... If CJ blows up, the team that gets him wins. If he sucks ass the remainder of the year and never ramps...well, the new Wallace Owner wins huge. IMO, CJ emerges, this week, from his epic slumber.
  24. Evil Genius

    Hardesty Outlook if Hillis Sits

    Due to injuries and bye-week problems, I am running with Hardesty this week. In fact, I had to trade to get a starting RB and it was the absolute best I could do... Furthermore, this is NFL ball. Stupid stuff happens all the time. Cleveland just might match up well with the 49rs, and Hardesty could get a TD as a result, in a game that finishes 17-14. I have seen things far more ridiculous. To paraphrase RFK...some men say 'why not?' Fearless prediction, if Hillis sits... and I think he will. 22 carries for 84 yards and a TD. 2 catches for 12 yards. 17 points in PPR, 15 in standard.
  25. Evil Genius

    ###### move or shrewd move?

    Though I agree that waiver wire churning should be disallowed, picking up ONE D/ST and then dropping them could hardly be considered a churn. You picked them up, thinking you might play them...then, at decision time, you drop them back in after further consideration. No biggie. A series, even two, of these Add/Drops would be a churn. I say fair game - cutting off a competitor with a single, calculated move? - good strategy.