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Everything posted by Staffer

  1. Staffer

    Lee Evans

    I sure hope he does turn out to be a great #2 WR. I recently made a trade to upgrade my RB slot, so I gave up Reggie Wayne. At WR, I am left with Fitzgerald, Lee Evans and Nate Burelson... I need to find a WR that is going to take off this year! I sure hope it is Evans, even though he has a horrible QB throwing him the ball.
  2. Don't do it! It is far too likely that Manning will not be playing very hard when you need him the most. He will tail off at the end of the year, just in time for the playoffs. Plus, you can get quality QB's later in the draft. You can't get quality RB's later in the draft.
  3. Staffer

    Gore or Addai

    I have to say that because Gore is on SF, he is not going to get as many TD's. I think, he will end up with more carries, but it is going to be hard for him to be a real "stud" when he is on the 49rs. Next year, it may be a different story. Addai is on a great team, and if he wins the job like so many think that he will, he will be a great player to have on your team. Of course, I wouldn't want either of these players as my 2nd or 3rd player.
  4. Staffer

    Reggie Wayne a #1?

    For most of the year last year, Wayne was my number 1 WR. I finished 3rd though, instead of 1st.
  5. Staffer

    Gore or Addai

    This is tough... But, I think I will say Addai. Addai is a better blocker then Rhodes, meaning the Colts are going to have him in there much more often. He hasn't looked crisp yet, but he will get there. Plus, you have to love a RB in the Colts offense that is going to be so opened up because of the passing SF, is going to do great this year. I would not be surprised to see them have an above .500 record this year. Most people won't say that. There is just something about the team that I think is going to take off. Gore is going to easily own that spot over Barlow and Gore has been running fairly decently so far... But, there is more upside with Addai.
  6. Staffer

    So where will Portis/Betts go now

    Having had the same type of injury, I think to say he will be back by opening day is a pretty fair statement. At worst, he will maybe miss the first week, but I can't imagine he will. It may affect him when attempting to reach above his head to catch a ball because after a seperation like he had, the arm will continue to "feel" like it is going to do it for at least 6-8 weeks. (Of course, he has better medical care then I ever had) So, that being said, I would still take him anywhere from 4-10. He is going to be a top back in that new offense and although the shoulder injury is going to hurt, I don't think it is going to really affect his numbers. Keep in mind, he has also had this injury before. He had it back in HS, and honestly, this injury doesn't hurt as much after you have done it once in the past.
  7. Staffer

    The __________ will win the Superbowl

    Redskins However, the addition that is going to make the team isn't only Randel-El. It is Lloyd. He is going to make a big difference this year. Plain and simple, if Brunell can stay healthy and throw like he is healthy, then this team is going to win the SB. If Brunell can't stay healthy and the Skins have to go with Todd Collins or Cambell, they are finished!
  8. Staffer

    10 or 12 team league..

    Pretty much the same for me. I always did well in my 14 or 12 team leagues, but I never found them as much fun as the 10 person leagues. However, that is probably because the 10 person leagues I am in are only friends, and nothing else. But, we also have IDP, which I love and I find it annoying to play in leagues with out IDP.
  9. Staffer

    Portis vs. Jordan

    With the new Off Cordinator in Washington, I would not be surprised if Portis' catches go up A LOT! He has good hands when the ball is thrown to him, and while he was in Denver he excelled at catching the ball and running for great gains. A large part as to why he hasn't caught many balls in the Washington Offense has been because of Gibb's offense. That won't be the case this year. More talented WR's, good TE's, a strong O-line, a decent QB, a new Off. Cord. that runs the game through the RB and that all means a big year for Portis.
  10. Staffer

    Alexander fesses up

    You can easily be the better team and still lose the game. It happens all the time in one and done playoff systems. It is part of what makes the playoffs so exciting. Any team can win on any given sunday, but that doesn't mean that just because they won that they were the better team. It just means they were better that day they played. Oh, and BTW, I hate both teams and thought they both played poorly. But that is neither here or there!
  11. Staffer

    ** 2003 Version 1.5 Released! **

    I ordered and I never recieved an e-mail with how to update the compiler.