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Everything posted by Voice_Of_Reason

  1. Voice_Of_Reason

    Am I A Racist?

    Can I stir the pot? Is it racists to consider the "black community" more divisive the other racial communities? I live in a multi cultural area and find people of all races, sexual orientations, etc in the area I live. In our area, you will find communities filled with white, asian, hispanic, indian and arab races all mixed in together. Occasionally, you'll find blacks moving into these commmunites. But they primarily stay within their own communities. You will also find the hispanic communities sticking together when language is the primary pull. But english speaking hispanics tend to branch out into other communities. Why? And this might be part of the reason why communities take note when they see a black family moving in as opposed to an asian family. It just doesn't fit the pattern that I see in my area.
  2. Voice_Of_Reason

    The Walking Dead Season 3

    I started Rise of the Gov. It's good. Very detailed story behind the Gov and his daughter. Really painting a good picture of how he got to where he is. But I haven't finished yet. Tyrese (in my opinion) will not abide by killing off the prison when he thinks about there being a baby there. I see him and his girl breaking off and the other 2 sticking by the gov. Just my guess. Edit: also disagree on the need for this episode. I really thought it was a great contrast of surviving on your own or with a group.
  3. I don't like the dixie chicks. But that's probably more because they suck than their views.
  4. Voice_Of_Reason

    The Walking Dead Season 3

    Seriously? That was one of the best episodes of the entire series. They showed where the group is now by leaving that hitchhiker behind. They did a compare and contrast of Morgan (all alone) and Rick (with a group) to help Rick realize that he needs to get a grip and start welcoming others into the group again to build strength. And then drove that point home on the way back by seeing the hitchhiker in pieces on the side of the road. This all leaves open the possibility to bring Tyrese back into the group. And they started to develop Michonne more to bring her more into the group. That episode was just awesome!
  5. Voice_Of_Reason

    So this Jodi Arias trial...

    I'm also not saying if you go to dazereader you'll see her rather large beef curtains.
  6. Voice_Of_Reason

    So this Jodi Arias trial...

    nekkid pics released of her. Court saw them. Just saying.... I'm not saying if you google jodi arias naked on the images page, you'll find it. But you will.
  7. Voice_Of_Reason

    What "celebrity" would you most like to

    Truly famous people don't really bother me. It's the 2nd rate fame/yesterdays news that drive me crazy. Paris Hilton, Jersey Shore, Anyone who's made an appearance on Celebrity Apprentice. Those hanging on to whatever spotlight that can get a hold of.
  8. Voice_Of_Reason

    Wannabe Pronstars

    You look like Angeline Jolie......with down syndrome.
  9. Voice_Of_Reason

    Why don't we use the Metric System?

    If the rest of the world jumped off a clift, would you?
  10. Voice_Of_Reason

    funniest gif

    http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/82309502/ Just put your cursor over the picture to scroll through them...
  11. Voice_Of_Reason

    Best Music Video Ever?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5mMRiiCwak <-----Kinda fits my avatar!
  12. Voice_Of_Reason

    One of the coolest things I've seen

  13. Voice_Of_Reason

    Ex Cop wages war against LAPD

    Is that LL Cool J?
  14. Voice_Of_Reason

    Seismic activity in N Korea indicates nuclear bomb test

    Letting a country like NK have nukes is like giving a depressed psycho a truck load of guns, a ride to a school, a media crew, and unlimited ammo and then hoping nothing goes wrong.
  15. They let them play all game long. Why would they change they way they ref'd the game at the very end. If you let them play, let them play. If you want to call everything, then call everything. They didn't call the late hit on Flacco which would have set the Ravens up for another score earlier in the game. They didn't call that a hold late in the game. I'd prefer they let them play.
  16. Funny thing, I really liked Harbaugh when he was coaching Stanford. But no so much with the 49ers. Seems like he blames everyone but himself. Guess I must have missed him doing that at Stanford. This game could have easily been 42-6 Ravens. Had the power not gone out, the Ravens had all the momentum. It's not something to underestimate. One more score and it's 35-6. Just happened to fall the way it did. Made for a good game. I don't see that as holding at the end. If you call that, you have to call the Bowman hold in the Atlanta game and the 49ers aren't in the SB. And even if you do give the 49ers a TD, and they get the 2 pointer, they are only up by 3 with at least a minute to go. The Ravens had all their timeouts. Could easily pass down field and got it back. Good game, but he blaming game should probably stop.
  17. Voice_Of_Reason

    Super Bowl Commercials

    Reported 45 takes to make it. 2 times rejected for being to sexy. Couple of unedited versions show the two swapping tongues. Kid won the day if you ask me.
  18. Voice_Of_Reason

    Shark Toof Give Away

    http://www.barstoolsports.com/nyc/super-page/hookers-brother-finds-online-video-of-her-getting-railed-in-exchange-for-a-sharks-tooth/ Somebody we know?
  19. IMDB Top 250 I looked at the list above. I enjoy most movies as entertainment. Even movies I don't enjoy, I sometimes find I enjoy when I watch it at a different time. Maybe I was tired or in a bad mood before. That being said... I didn't care for There Will Be Blood the 2nd and 3rd Pirates of the Carribean Rain Man 2001 A Space Odyssey Inception (want to see it a 2nd time, I was tired the 1st time)
  20. Voice_Of_Reason

    My boys can STILL swim

    Congrats Volty!
  21. Voice_Of_Reason

    Why is there no Tecmo Bowl App for Android?

    A little like Kutcher?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bWfuENnxjI
  23. Voice_Of_Reason

    What was your first Video game System?

    Atari 5200 with Breaker, Centipede, Defender, and Football. Have also had, Nintendo (TecmoBowl,Mike Tysons Punchout), Dreamcast, Xbox, and now have Xbox 360 and Wii. And for all those "Real Men/I'm an Adult" types. Real men don't give a sh*t what others think. They do what they want. I play video games with my kids.