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Everything posted by Voice_Of_Reason

  1. Voice_Of_Reason

    Windows 8

    Windows has a poor track record for having 2 strong OS releases in a row. 95 was solid, 98 was ok. 2000 was great, ME sucked, 2003 good, Vista sucked, 7 great, 8?. I'll wait to see what happens with 8 before moving my office over. I have a feeling it might have some bugs. Generally, I don't move an office over until at least 1 to 2 SP releases.
  2. 1. You called me paranoid, then say name calling is not needed. Take your own advice. 2. Yes I do have kids. 3. No I don't own any guns. 4. I do not resent any parent who does carry a gun. Especially if they have proper training. 5. Of the above I posted, the last one was a girl kidnapped right in front of her step dad. He gave chase, but was not able to stop anything. Perhaps, if he had a gun and awareness training, it could have been avoided.
  3. Link 1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5 I could go on and on. It's called Google. Kids are taken all the time and the time of day makes no difference. You are an idiot. Congrats with all that.
  4. Voice_Of_Reason

    **Post Like Another Member Day**

    The economy is in the tank and I will shoot you in the face with one of my 273 firearms
  5. Just because it's daylight doesn't put the child at any less risk. If he is a danger, he's a danger. No matter the time of day. Lots of kids are abducted in broad daylight. She had a gun, she had training. This gave her the upper hand. Without the gun, she doesn't have it. He clearly wasn't scared off until she used the threat of being shot. At that point, it appears he realized he was in danger of what he was doing and left. Until that point (according to the letter), he was paying no mind to the mother.
  6. Good for her. Good for you. NorthernVikes is right, there is a whole lot of dumb in this thread.
  7. Voice_Of_Reason

    Grief Counselors

    Looks like the school is minus a good teacher.
  8. Voice_Of_Reason

    The Walking Dead Season 3

    The below is a spoiler the above is a spoiler It could spoil something, just saying...
  9. Voice_Of_Reason

    Grief Counselors

    Maybe one of the kids knocked him off. Should have let them use the calculators.
  10. Voice_Of_Reason

    Rashad Jennings Outlook

    He's no MJD Gabbert is hurt. Which mean Henne who was 9 for 20 in relief. Gabbert is bad, but Henne is worse. Probably means more in the box. Outlook not great. Spot flex starts remainder of the season based on opponent.
  11. Voice_Of_Reason

    So whatcha watchin tonight?

    Not into baseball, but I am local to the Giants. I suppose I'll catch that game. NFL will be on recall button of remote.
  12. Voice_Of_Reason


    The megatoof is your curse.
  13. Voice_Of_Reason

    Chris Johnson theory

    Yeah, but his playoff schedule looks pretty easy. 14 Colts 15 Jets 16 Packers 17 Jags
  14. Voice_Of_Reason


    That was me and I wasn't banking on you being a girl. I was banking on your being desperate that MJD was holding out. Turns out Garcon hasn't been worth spit either.
  15. Voice_Of_Reason

    Death Pool Update: "Emmanuelle" star Sylvia Kristel...

    Have you seen Tawny these days....ooof
  16. Voice_Of_Reason

    The Walking Dead Season 3

    Former inmates. If it follows the comic. It hasn't followed the comic too closely, so we won't find out until Sunday. But I'm betting they are the inmates. Great 1st episode. I watched it twice, I loved it so much.
  17. Voice_Of_Reason

    ~ VP DEBATE ~

    The debate was a draw. But Ryan gains the edge because Biden looked extremely creepy by the end.
  18. To be fair, Obamacare is also nonsensical. His "plan" is complete garbage. The real problem is nobody has a plan.
  19. Voice_Of_Reason

    It's Time for a New M-F-K

  20. Voice_Of_Reason

    What is Mitt's Real Stance on Abortion?

    Tip...He's neither for or against it. He's a politician 1st, everything else 2nd. He's the republican sides answer for Clinton. Which way is the wind blowing today? Yeah, I'm for that.
  21. Voice_Of_Reason

    It's Time for a New M-F-K

    MFK are supposed to be about something you'd actually want. These ladies are more under the thread "would you rather" Like would you rather sleep with Lady Gaga or dip you manhood in a jar of jalapeno juice.
  22. Voice_Of_Reason

    Post examples of Photo ID requirements disenfranchising voters here.

    You need a photo id to.... buy anything from a store if you are using Credit Card go to Dance Clubs and Bars Mail pick up from FedEx, UPS or any others Public Library for getting library Card Casino even if you do not play Banks if you want to withdraw money or check balance Airport Any corporate offices if you are visiting anyone, for Visitor ID Renting anything for outdoor Jet Skis, Boats, Canoe, etc Car Rentals Any theme parks like Disney, etc for rentals Any outdoor activity like Sky diving Get welfare from the state Here in California, you have to wear your fishing license somewhere on your person where a game warden can see it. I don't really see a problem needing a photo id to vote.
  23. Voice_Of_Reason

    Is this true Peenie?

  24. Voice_Of_Reason

    Is this true Peenie?

  25. Voice_Of_Reason

    So I was in a bad car accident

    This deer says hello...