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Everything posted by Voice_Of_Reason

  1. Voice_Of_Reason

    Cult Classic League needs two owners (free Geek League)

    I'm still in (Goon). Team is looking mighty good too. Willing to trade my draft picks too.
  2. So I've got the flu, at home and have basically watched every show and movie I can stand. I'm looking for something different. I see this show about the discovery of mermaids. I'm stuck on the couch, what the hell right? I'm thinking, it's 2 hours, show me the evidence. Thankfully, I had it DVR'd so I could FF through the commercials and fluff and listen to the "scientists" that say they have evidence. Might as well have had a Rick Astley video play at the end. http://animal.discovery.com/tv-shows/mermaids/videos/the-new-evidence-are-mermaids-real.htm Are they even trying anymore or is it all just sensationalism? Has every channel gone the way of the History channel?
  3. Voice_Of_Reason

    Anyone else unable to watch Hockey?

    So let me get this straight. Hockey is something you can't follow, but you follow around RP? I think this makes your opinion null and void on the subject.
  4. Voice_Of_Reason

    Game of Thrones (no spoilers)

    That town Dany was at knew what she had done at the previous cities. I'm sure Jora didn't tell them. I'm sure news just travels fast. And we aren't seeing the time lapse between towns.
  5. Voice_Of_Reason

    Game of Thrones (no spoilers)

    Peace in Westeros? Doesn't seem possible at this point. You might have a better shot at peace in the middle east. Way too many families want the throne to ever have real peace. And then you've got the god of light, the northern gods, white walkers, winter coming (long and terrible), dragons, etc.
  6. Voice_Of_Reason

    Survivor 26 - Caramoan - Fans vs Favorites

    I kinda think they did the right thing. You want to stir the pot a little and let people know who is safer than others. Didn't work out as well because Andrea didn't hear her name being tossed around. GOOD BYE Fillup! And Good bye stupid code names!
  7. Voice_Of_Reason

    UFC buffs? - The new TUF season.....,

    I've been watching. No idea how he hasn't already been in the UFC. He is not just dominating, but literally frightens the other fighters. I just don't see how he loses. The kid he is going up against in the finals has been good. Aggressive and never stops. But he hasn't got the speed to deal with Hall. His face will be bloody before he ever gets Hall to the ground.
  8. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvnumV1izOE Just for discussion...
  9. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    So you'd be OK if Drobs was a d!ck to some flamboyant gays? And Bunny was a d!ck to some ghetto black people based on their perceived notions?
  10. Voice_Of_Reason

    What do you do if you have a son this evil?

    With all honesty. I haven't a clue what I'd do. It's a rock and a hard place. The other kids are perfectly normal?
  11. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    Discrimination is a different subject all together. We are talking about prejudices. So you find a fat person disgusting and another person finds 2 dudes kissing disgusting. But you are OK with one and not the other because you perceive it to be a lifestyle choice for one and not the other. Interesting.
  12. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    And I know fat people who it isn't a choice for either. I also know skinny people who can't gain weight no matter what they eat. People are a diverse group and making a judgement based on your view only makes you the one with prejudice. 20 years ago, your argument was made against gay people. Using it now against overweight people doesn't make it right.
  13. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    My point being is if you are going to have a prejudice against fatties, you can't call out someone who has a prejudice against gays, blacks, secretaries, or otherwise. Edit: Well you can. It just makes you a hypocrite. Prejudice is prejudice.
  14. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    Do you not see the irony between this thread and the "am I a racist" thread. The one talking about living among blacks in a certain neighborhood. Isn't he judging a certain portion of the black community based on their location while you judge a certain portion of the "fatty" population based on your views.
  15. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    This is the thing. It doesn't bother me that you have prejudice. What bothers me is we live in a culture where prejudice is based on the current acceptable norms. In other words, it's cool to hate gays today but not tomorrow. So tomorrow it's the fatties. But then someday, that won't cool. So then it's the elderly. Then what? If you hate something, don't come judge me if I happen to disagree with something else. That is pure hypocrisy.
  16. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    Not in all cases. Many can lose weight just by eating healthy. But I believe our society pushes cheap quick fatty food as a solution to well balanced meals that take time to prep and cost a little bit more. Its more of a cultural issue than most would like to think.
  17. Voice_Of_Reason

    Do you hate fat people too?

    If it's not OK to hate one group, then it's not OK to hate any. If it is OK to hate a group, then you can't knock someone else for their hate. You can't have it both ways.
  18. Voice_Of_Reason

    Casey Anthony Pregnant....

    Link This'll end great!
  19. Voice_Of_Reason

    How Would You Off Yourself?

    there is a scene where a condemned killer gets to choose his death.
  20. Voice_Of_Reason

    How Would You Off Yourself?

    You ever see The Meaning Of Life?
  21. Voice_Of_Reason

    The Walking Dead Season 3

    Mostly cats. Just saying.
  22. Voice_Of_Reason

    Should Dr. assisted suicide be legal?

    Um, no. But that won't stop us from making it so.
  23. Voice_Of_Reason

    Trying to slash my anus open

  24. http://www.pleated-jeans.com/2013/03/20/18-things-that-actually-exist-3-20-13/ I'll go with the mobile trash can. Because I suck at basketball.
  25. Voice_Of_Reason

    Am I A Racist?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnOyMSEWNTs Racist?