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Everything posted by BigMilk

  1. BigMilk

    Toby Gerhart is making me uncomfortable..

    Have to say I was just plain wrong about this guy. Gonna be paying for it all season.
  2. BigMilk

    Marshall and Jeffrey this week

    Marshall out...Rueben Randle or McColsterfock in? Oh boy.
  3. BigMilk

    Public wins again...

    I don't understand why people don't find this totally disgusting and hypocritical. RAY LEWIS WAS AN ACCESSORY TO A HOMICIDE AND WAS FOUND GUILTY. SHUT UP RAY!
  4. I wouldn't trade Josh Gordon for any RB. His skill set is unmatched, look at the facts Consider that last year, Josh Gordon: 1) made ice 2) worked as gypsy catcher 3) worked to make sexytime liquid explosion from camel, goat and other animals 4) was able to hold down a large woman for more than two hours. Especially in deeper PPR leagues, it would be short-sighted to trade him for almost any RB.
  5. Went with him week 1, and riding the bandwagon off a cliff week 2 if I must. Better than playing it "safe" with a lame Heath Miller type. Let's see if Andy Reid is really soweeee and let it ride again this week.
  6. BigMilk

    the implosion of the NFL has started

    Correct. This is the way to watch football now.
  7. Not a homer but have always had a soft spot for Floyd. Keenan Allen has barely been looked at and Floyd looks athletic, healthy and sharp. And not gassy like Donald Brown, who is wearing a diaper.
  8. BigMilk

    Toby Gerhart

    They called Gerhart the "Meat Mountain" in high school.
  9. This Lindsay Czariak looks like a crackhead. I demand better.
  10. Hey looks fantastic and Palmer is looking for him ALOT. This far FItz looks like the 4th option after Floyd, Brown, and Ellington.
  11. BigMilk

    So who's the BAL RB to own now?

    LaMichael James
  12. BigMilk

    So who's the BAL RB to own now?

  13. "Ray Lewis, you're an accessory to a homicide, destroyed evidence, and intimidated witnesses...what do you think? Can Ray Rice get an announcer job one of these days?" Seriously? Sick of NFL hypocrisy and double standards, and ESPN who carries water for them. What a joke.
  14. Why doesn't ESPN have Aaron Hernandez weigh in on the issue next? Pathetic.
  15. BigMilk

    Ray Rice Elevator Video

    The video doesn't change anything per se, but as I said before, if the video blatantly contradicts the narrative that Rice and his wife gave to the league, THAT could be the basis for an increased suspension. The NFL could fairly say that they levied the suspension based on facts provided by Rice and wife (eg, they were pushing and shoving and she hit her head; she attacked him; she was intox and fell and passed out; etc) that are totally untrue given the video. Therefore, the suspension was calculated based on inaccurate facts and lies given by Rice/wife, and they can reconsider it now.
  16. Which emerging timeshare is going to hurt the consensus "lead back" the most? As a reluctant Stacy owner in two leagues, the Cunningham talk has me most worried since Stacy is a "volume guy" and has little flash (as everyone on this bored has pointed out ad nauseum). Going with the "hot hand" means Stacy could see the bench sooner rather than later in games when he is eking out 3.5 ypc.
  17. BigMilk

    Ray Rice Elevator Video

    Absolutely. The two clearly aren't related, but it makes the Gordon suspension seem absurd. Hopefully this plays into the I going NFLPA negotiations on that issue. Rotoworld reporting that the NFL HAD NOT seen the video (hard to believe, willful blindness perhaps?) and can "re-open" the case against Rice. I bet both Rice and his wife made statements to the league that are totally contradicted by the video. That may be the hook the NFL can use to jack up the suspension.
  18. BigMilk

    Cordarrelle Patterson is pretty awesome

    Its so great. Whenever I feel the urge now, I don't need to rush around looking for a Glamour magazine. Just queue up some Cord highlights.
  19. BigMilk


    I paid $9 for RGIII in an auction. Overpaid.
  20. Don't be a weenie. You got a beef? Name names. #JMartin
  21. BigMilk

    Toby Gerhart

    Hate hate hate
  22. BigMilk

    Players you are interested in today?

    Agreed. Raider fan and I'm watching the game. Carr looks poised and seems to be looking for Streat quite a bit.
  23. BigMilk

    Players you are interested in today?

    Im not interested in anyone. They all focking sock. I'm done with this nonsense. Its enough. Seriously.
  24. BigMilk

    Jeremy hill

    I'm going to give him the Nancy Kerrigan treatment if he gets more than 12 carries today. --Gio owner
  25. BigMilk

    Hunch Play of the Week

    Green is my pick as well, and I may plug him in over Rudolph. "Questionable with a hamstring tweak" really means "ineffective if he does play so look elsewhere", so Gates' status is irrelevant for me at this point. Green has been quiet over the preseason and people have forgotten what a monster he is.