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Everything posted by dschddny

  1. dschddny

    Trying to get V.Jackson

    The deal of Benson for VJax really isn't bad. You'd still have DWill and LT as your starters with Maroney as a now-solid backup. You could consider doing "the squeeze", squeeze a bit more out of the deal to your advantage, such as adding Choice for Bradshaw as part of the deal. Or if his D is better than yours then swap D's too.
  2. dschddny

    Cotchery on WW

    Happy Birthday!!
  3. dschddny

    Mendenhall's value (trade)

    I traded him in my redraft yesterday - I gave up Mendenhall and Vernon Davis, got back Jennings and Shockey. What do you think? I like it, bought low on Jennings and expect him to come back strong especially with games against Detroit and Cleveland the next 2 weeks.
  4. Who would you start? LT is at Pittsburgh, Portis is home vs Tampa. Thanks!!!!
  5. dschddny

    Brady for Wayne (and others)

    Which end of this deal would you rather be on? Brady, Antonio Bryant, Earl Bennett FOR Wayne, McNabb, Eli I just made this deal in my redraft, I'm on the side that got Brady....
  6. dschddny

    Portis today vs Detroit

    I have Portis and I have Betts ready just in case, but does anyone have a sense as to whether Portis is going to play today and what to expect from him? Thanks!!! Dave
  7. dschddny

    Buy Lows/Sell Highs

    Would you give up Turner and Wayne for AP if given the opportunity?
  8. dschddny

    Javon Walker

    Haven't heard much about him, any value this year in a redraft? Is he going to be starting? Thanks!
  9. dschddny

    Anyone get Brady AND Moss?

    Has anyone drafted both Brady and Moss? Possibly taking one in the late 1st and one in the early 2nd? If you did, how did the rest of your team end up?
  10. dschddny

    The Old WR's!

    How would you rank the old guys at WR this year? And who do you think has some decent value and/or upside? This is how I rank em: Ward Holt Mason Driver Galloway Toomer
  11. dschddny

    The Old WR's!

    What do you think of Galloway's chances of producing? If the New England offense gets back to what it was 2 years ago, their 3rd WR could be very valuable, look at what Gaffney did in that offense, he was even a viable fantasy option that year...
  12. dschddny

    The Old WR's!

    What do you think of Galloway's chances of producing? If the New England offense gets back to what it was 2 years ago, their 3rd WR could be very valuable, look at what Gaffney did in that offense, he was even a viable fantasy option that year...
  13. I'm in a 10-team redraft and I always prefer drafting my QB late, striking gold 2 years ago with Romo and last year with Rodgers. Was planning to wait again this year but I'm starting to rethink this as suddenly the middle tier guys are all having issues. Here are my middle tier guys that I would have gone for later, with their current issues: Palmer - ankle Cassell - slow to learn the offense, struggling in camp, rumor about being challenged by Croyle for #1 Cutler - bad in camp so far (obviously early but still) Hasselbeck - Walter Jones injured (look what happened last year with bad O-line!) Roethlsiberger - ankle/foot This leaves me with the remaining middle-tier options of Schaub, Favre, Matt Ryan, and Trent Edwards. I don't love Edwards or Ryan (Ryan - good QB not big numbers), Favre worries me with all of his interceptions, and I don't want to count on getting Schaub late as there's always the chance someone else grabs him first! So, now I'm thinking maybe I do something this year and grab Brady, Brees or Peyton. Problem is QB's go early in my league so it'll take a 1st round pick to get Brady or Brees or and early 2nd rounder to get Peyton... What to do?
  14. dschddny

    Steelers or Ravens D in the mid-rounds ?

    I feel that the Steelers are worth "reaching" for a bit as they are as close to a sure thing as there is for a D. Maybe the Giants as well, with Osi returning this year. Pretty much any other D is a crap-shoot, they may or may not produce. I'd group several D's all together, including Minny, Balt, Philly, Tenn, Dallas, Jets, SD, and even Green Bay (with Capers as the DC now). If you're going to take your chances on any of these, you might as well wait.
  15. dschddny

    Rams WR's

    With Avery out, we're now unlikely to find out which of the other 2 WR's, either Burton or Robinson wins the other starting job across from him, as they're both going to start now, at least temporarily. So which guy do you see having ongoing value once Avery comes back? I'd consider drafting one of these guys late in a redraft but not sure which one to go for!
  16. dschddny

    Rams WR's

  17. dschddny

    Very early drafts?

    I'm having all sorts of problems finding a day close to the start of the season where all the guys in my league can make it for the draft (for a redraft). Trying earlier and earlier days, to find one that is good for everyone. So I'm wondering, what's the earliest date you've ever had a draft? Is it crazy to have a draft 3 or 4 weeks before the start of the season? Thanks!!
  18. dschddny

    Very early drafts?

    You make good points, the equal injury risk for everyone, and the better to all be there for an earlier date rather than half the guys being on the phone for a later date. I'll use those to sell the earlier date and see what happens...
  19. dschddny

    Forte vs Tomlinson or a WR?

    I'd go with DeAngelo Williams!
  20. Ok, remember 2 years ago at the end of the year how Brady and Moss were so dominant and any fantasy team fortunate enough to have both of them was pretty much considered unbeatable? Almost all of us would have gladly traded our top 2 guys for Brady and Moss at that point. Last year there was practically no way to draft both, Brady was a first round lock usually early first, and Moss was often taken in the first as well and generally early 2nd at the latest. Of course Brady got injured and Moss then didn't do nearly as well, but......... Now that Brady is considered to be healthy, and possibly undervalued after being hurt last year, I'm actually thinking of trying to draft Brady and Moss in my 10 team redraft. Let's say I get a late pick, say 9th or 10th, why not take Brady in the first and then take Moss in the 2nd? If they can do what they did 2 years ago (not necessarily so farfetched as neither of these guys were just one-hit-wonders), I could be in great shape having both. Then in the 3rd and 4th I go RB, likely getting the 19th and 20th best RB's, which would be decent. Thoughts?
  21. dschddny

    Bounceback players

    Which of these players do you see bouncing back to put up good numbers again this year, and which do you think are either done or just won't ever get back to the big numbers they've put up in the past? And why? LT2 Addai McGahee Maroney Roy Williams Braylon Edwards Ocho Cinco Lee Evans Chambers Winslow Shockey Palmer Hasselbeck Bulger
  22. dschddny


    In the following RBBC situations, which situations do you see a clear starter emerging, someone who is worth drafting in a redraft this year, which are worth taking a flyer on, and which situations do you see as completely untouchable and not worth drafting anyone in? Jets - Jones, Washington, Greene Balt - McLain, Rice, McGahee NE - Taylor, Morris, Maroney, etc Denv - Jordan, Moreno, Hillis, Torain, Hall, Winder, Wilhite, etc Ariz - Hightower, Wells Tampa - Ward, Caddy, Graham Oak - McFadden, Bush, Fargas What a mess! I think that decisions about these groups could be key in anyone's redraft league this year...
  23. dschddny


    What's up with McGahee? I haven't heard much about him or the Balt RB situation. McLain looked very good when he got his chances last year, any chance he starts?
  24. dschddny


    I purposely left out the Carolina RBBC as I see that situation as very easy to call - both DeAngelo and Stewart are valuable and expected to put up good fantasy numbers. The others I see as much tougher to call...
  25. dschddny

    Early Player Ranking

    From your list I'm surprised you have MJD, DeAngelo, and Gore so low. What's your reasoning on those? Seems that practically everyone on this board loves MJD in the top 3. Here are my top 20: A. Peterson M. Turner Jones-Drew DeAngelo Williams Westbrook M. Barber Matt Forte S. Jackson Portis Tomlinson Chris Johnson Gore Jacobs R. Brown Slaton Lynch R. Grant L. Johnson W. Parker Pierre Thomas