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Truck Jackson

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Everything posted by Truck Jackson

  1. Truck Jackson

    I just put M.Bush on the trading block

    Im trying to trade for him, but Dez Bryant is getting no response.
  2. Truck Jackson

    Odd dilemma with owner in my league

    Every1 that has replied seems to have read your posts in full. You however seem to have trouble understanding what you post. So you want to keep it fair, but you want to stop him from playing by the rules that you set forth? Fair.... as in it benefits everyone else except him, that seems fair. Maybe you should bother reading what every1 has been saying in this thread. Don't get mad bro.
  3. Truck Jackson

    Odd dilemma with owner in my league

    mad adj \ˈmad a: completely unrestrained by reason and judgment <driven mad by the pain> b: incapable of being explained or accounted for <a mad decision> Now you can use that when people ask Why you mad bro.
  4. Truck Jackson

    Odd dilemma with owner in my league

    You say there is a lot of trash talk, so why is his any different. And if he's following rules, I don't know why you're mad about who is on his roster.
  5. Truck Jackson

    fantasy football research project - survey

    Do you own damned psychology project.
  6. Truck Jackson

    Heck Yeah

    That gw FG gave me a 1 pt. loss, and I hate the Chiefs. ###### last nite.
  7. Truck Jackson

    Any updates on Nicks?

    I'm pretty sure Cruz will be seeing a lote more double coverage without Nicks around.
  8. Truck Jackson

    Pushing a trade through

    You're clearly a retard and everyone in the league is his opponent. He just happens to be playing Z this week. So Z isn't the only one that needs to be checked with.
  9. Truck Jackson

    Pushing a trade through

    If he waited that long to attempt to fill the position, he should be dropping someone and plugging from the wire. No reason a trade is pushed thru early for anyone if those are your rules.
  10. Truck Jackson

    General Trade Ethics Question

    he never said there wasn't a time limit on trades, this one was still up during games. It's their own fault for leaving a trade offer up during a game.
  11. Truck Jackson

    Some Jack@$$ vetoes my trade!

    This is your own fault for playing on a site that allows 1 person to veto a trade, he's watching out for his own team just like the both of you are looking out for yours. Of course he doesn't want you to get better, and hes playing by the terrible rules you agreed to to make it happen.
  12. Truck Jackson

    So ... I went to the grocery store today.

    In for useless bumps to my own post count, on my way to achieving the op's greatness.
  13. Truck Jackson

    Commissioner Decision

    While a lot of sites have a time limit before it will autocancel the trade, it is their own responsibility to take care of it. The guy that offered the trade had to see it was still pending.
  14. Truck Jackson

    Was I trying to get over ?

    He doesn't want help guys, he just wants our help evaluating the trade. Francis
  15. Truck Jackson

    Was I trying to get over ?

    And now after coming here to ask if that trade is balanced, he's clearly the greatest fantasy football manager ever. I have 35 teams that are undefeated. Well then why are you asking for help.
  16. Truck Jackson

    Was I trying to get over ?

    If you think you spend too much time week to week on ff and made a trade offer like that you should rethink how you're spending your time. Francis
  17. Truck Jackson

    Trade Pending

    Are you asking us if the trade is pending? I would think you would know this since you're the one making the trade.
  18. Truck Jackson

    Fast Freddie Jackson!

    The nickname is Parkers, and it sounds stupid in front of Jacksons name, especially since he gets ran down from behind a lot.
  19. Truck Jackson

    VJAX going forward

    He's 8th highest scoring wr so far in my league, I don't see how you think you'll be buying low.
  20. Truck Jackson

    Commish question

    Letting sleeping dogs sleep in your bed can kill you, there are studies Set his roster with highest projected/highest points scored so far by position, whatever you decide on just be consistent with it and don't do anything that has anyone making decisions for his roster.
  21. Truck Jackson

    Lloyd put on trading block..

    He doesn't fit their Tebow-rific system, and they have a lot of young wr's getting healthy. They are probably assuming he's gonna get more on open market than they are gonna be willing to pay him.
  22. Truck Jackson

    Lloyd put on trading block..

    Its the last year on his contract. They obviously don't plan on resigning him, so they are trying to get something for nothing basically.
  23. Truck Jackson

    OK New Topic...

    Detroit is gonna blow them out. SF isn't anywhere near the team people are giving them credit for.
  24. Truck Jackson

    Bowe Down

    I thought it was another uninformative post in order to bump you're post count. So that you can later try to trick more people into looking at the shitty sites/rankings you put up.
  25. Truck Jackson

    Recent Trade

    Is there a process time on your trade? If so, accept it just before the games start this week, so he is garaunteed the trade will go through later, and you still have your rb for this weekend.