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Everything posted by silvernblack4

  1. silvernblack4

    Letter from Steven Jackson

    I think SJax's writing career would be over if he didn't play this weekend and carry at least 8-10 times. So I'm putting all my faith in what he has to say!
  2. Preseason this year... "Issac Bruce will get 1600 yards and 13 TDs"...
  3. silvernblack4

    Lenwhale vs the Oakland D

    The whale had another mediocre performance against Houston. He had 1 long run late due to a whole big enough to fit a mack truck through. I really dont see what is so special about Lendale... o well ill take the 19 fantasy points he got me! Chris Henry will be Titans starting RB by end of 08' season though. Go Raiders!
  4. silvernblack4

    J. Kitna or D. Anderson?

    I've never seen a team change their philoshophy so drastically in the middle of the season as the lions have done. They realize they are a good team and can fall back on the pass if they find themselves down a score or two. IMO they resemble the Colts with their offensive game plan. Establishing the run is clearly their first priority. While Kitna is managing the game very well i think as long as Kevin Jones is healthy and they are in games the lions will be running the ball a lot. cleveland being a worse team then the lions will be coming from behind a lot thus i think Anderson will be a better fantasy player from here on out assuming Quinn stays on the bench.
  5. silvernblack4

    SJax ruled out for Week 7

    why would the rams consider playing jackson if he was hurt, there 0-6- this leads me to believe he is almost 100%, if i recall correctly fred taylor coming back wasnt even in the cards because the severity of his groin tear- i fully expect SJAX to be in my lineup and doin well by week 10
  6. silvernblack4

    With Chris Brown ailing

    126 yards is a verrrry bold prediction for the whale, *bam!* 10 yards? he had 25 carries last week and his longest rush was 5 yards. hopefully he comes into his own this week because this his oppurtunity to shine
  7. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    yeah he gets the 3.2 tough yards and tends to fumble on the goalline while other RBs get 4.2 easy yards are a threat in the passing game and bring confidence to their team that they can change the outlook of a game at any monent. Lendale White is a franchise back just like Ron Dayne is a franchise back
  8. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    Ok I think it is clear to everyone that LenDale White has no potential to be a standout back in the NFL. Sure he can pick up a tough 3 yards, but thats about it. I understand the titans must give there 2nd round draft pick a shot but at what cost? HES TOO FAT AND SLOW!! He cant run over outside linebackers and safties like he used to in college, and has absolutely no speed to compensate for it. With Chris Browns ankle injury Im thinkin' Henry will be activated this week. Will the titans continue the year with LenSnail's 3.2 YPC or will Henry get a fair shot to win the job this year???
  9. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    your a moron, i said "NOT" because Jeff Fisher "DOESNT" know what hes doin. hes playing him because they took him so high and cleared room for him to start. So before you call people out why dont you comprehend what they are saying. but aside from all that my opinion is probably dead worng, Lendale White is a solid RB with tremendous upside right?- it just so happens im a lendale white owner and a huge jeff fisher fan- o and he IS fat and slow
  10. silvernblack4

    Lendale White

    lendale white is garbage, with that being said pick him up because he'll be getting 25 carries
  11. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    'Looking at this situation you must consider the value system of Fischer as it applies to running backs.' lendale is sooooo valuable right now, sorry for questioning his terrible #s along with the fact he doesnt make plays ill never do it again im sure titans fans are all gaga over LenDale White
  12. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    "Seems clear that he isnt fat or slow" WOW thats crazy Lendale white is no eddie george. At USC lendale got into the secondary very easily due to their unbelievable line, he was able to pick up a bunch of yards by bulldozing corners and safties. Doesnt work so easily in the NFL, Lendale does not break tackles period He gets hit and falls forward, hes a terrible RB. Hes only playing because of his contract not becasue Fisher doesnt know what hes doin. I highly doubt Fisher is thrilled with the future of LenDale Whate. You need some manueverabilty in this league if your going to suceed. Hes fat AND slow.
  13. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    from what i understand Henry is the same weight as lendale but has muscle instead of fat. same hard nose style but with much more speed. Lendale=done
  14. silvernblack4

    what happened to the chambers thread?

    its pinned
  15. silvernblack4

    What are the Titians waiting for?

    yes im all too familiar with that being a notre dame fan and all,but LenSnail is not even an inside threat in the NFL. I wish the titans the best if they stick with the fat man, if i was fisher id explore all options right now, at the very least it might light a fire under fat boys fat as$. Personally I cant wait to see him (try to)carry the load while VY and CB are out.
  16. silvernblack4

    Good Sell high/Buy low candidates

    steal...no. can it work out in your favor...yes
  17. silvernblack4

    Goodell on crack?

    was he being sarcastic you think? thats ubsurd
  18. silvernblack4

    Im so glad the raiders got

    hmmm its so nice knowing the raiders took a qb who who barely knows the playbook while adrian peterson is running wild over top defenses ahhh its great knowing we have so much potential for 2010 any way i hope dominick rhodes plays great next weekend cause you know lamonts back is flaring up soon, peterson dominated in college had 1 injury that he completly recovered from and lit the scoreboard up for another year and then had a freak collar bone accident which didnt slow him down in the bowl game, all of a sudden hes injury prone, its a shame this talent was passed by 6 teams- raiders- Jamarcus Russell has potential detroit- Calvin Johnson(cant argue too much, but personally id rather AP Roy Furrey and McDonald then tatum bell/kj ROY Calvin Johnson Furrey & McDonald) cleveland- they needed line help but maybe wait a year and go with the obviously talent(better then signing a back with no franchise potential) the other 3 teams had there rb situations settled- i think the 3 teams i mentioned are kicking themselves right now lets go justin fargas!
  19. silvernblack4

    Im so glad the raiders got

    spilt beer on my laptop my period key is no longer
  20. silvernblack4

    I told ya those purple pants looked sexy !

    i feel your excitement for the great 1, he truley is a young dominant studlike beast compiled of huge muscles and the ability to outrun dbacks and the big play abilty resembling the great RBs of football lore tandumed with an incredible nose for the endzone which hasnt been displayed yet due to the inabilty of tavaris jackson & co, so ADP must have to run absurd amounts of yards in order to score while setting rookie rushing records and other historic and prestigious thingss ADP
  21. silvernblack4

    Bobby Engram

    id say a must start if branch is out, there running game sucks right now
  22. silvernblack4


    ADP top 3 all day
  23. silvernblack4

    ADP The best RB in the League!

  24. silvernblack4

    *** Official 'Little Help Board' Thread ***

    i just picked up lj ssmith off waivers would you start him or marcedes lewis this week, im thinking lj might be limited but im desperate for TE production
  25. silvernblack4

    *** Official 'Little Help Board' Thread ***

    i really don't see quinn coming in unless the browns are out of playoff contention maybe week 14 if there like 4-8, cleveland has a couple winnable games coming up so we'll see great idea with the little help board!