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Everything posted by kwyjibo

  1. kwyjibo

    Need to Cut Five from my Roster

    Obviously you missed "must keep minimum 2 of each position" in my original post. If I could cut Hartley and 49ers I wouldn't be asking for help.
  2. kwyjibo

    For those of you picking 2,3,4

    NEVER make your picks based on assumptions about injuries. They are impossible to predict, and despite nicknames (i.e. "Fragile Fred" Taylor) have an equal probability of happening to any player. All it takes is one helmet to a knee to end a guy's season, and it's just as likely to happen to Peterson as anyone else. In a non-PPR league I say AD, Turner 1 and 2. PPR, well I have AD, MJD, Forte, D-Will rated all about equally. I had Turner in a 1PPR league last year, and he ranked about 7th among RBs at season's end. I think he will have a slightly worse season than last, which will still be pretty doggone good, but he just doesn't catch any passes.
  3. kwyjibo

    Boldin's Hammy

    Or maybe he's just faking it because he still doesn't have a new contract and would rather not play anymore preseason games...
  4. kwyjibo

    Craziest Sleeper of the Year

    QB - Carson Palmer - 85 is happy that he can now wear "Ochocinco" on his jersey, and the Bengals offense turns back the clock to the tune of 4400 yds and 35 TD for Palmer. RB - Fred Taylor - Still has some tread left on those tires, and with defenses gearing up to stop the passing attack he'll put up 1100 yds and 11 TD. WR - Laurent Robinson - Bulger has to throw to SOMEONE, and with Avery and Burton being nicked up all season, Robinson becomes the surprise WR of 2009 TE - Jermichael Finley - Will find himself open on every play as defenses are distracted by all the other weapons on the Packers offense
  5. kwyjibo

    Peterson vs. MJD vs. ?

    I was in that spot and took MJD. Not an easy decision. But it's not really as much of a reach as some suggest. Minnesota lost Matt Birk, which certainly doesn't improve the OL. The Vikes have also added a dynamic playmaker in Percy Harvin, and nobody really knows how that's going to affect Peterson's workload. And the Jags' OL is drastically improved over last year. People forget how hard the injury bug hit that unit last year. Plus they've added Tra Thomas and Eugene Monroe. Of course, none of that changes the fact that Adrian Peterson is the best running back in the NFL... Hope it works out for you, whatever you do.
  6. kwyjibo

    #1 Pick in PPR League

    Got the top pick in PPR league. Leaning heavily toward MJD. Am I crazy?
  7. Standard scoring, NO PPR. Start 1QB, 1RB, 2WR, 1 Flex, 1TE, 1K, 1DEF QB: Palmer, Hasselbeck RB: Forte, Slaton, Lynch, D Brown, L McCoy WR: AJ, TO, 85, Avery TE: Gates K: K Brown DEF: Chargers Hope to upgrade QB and/or WR by trading a RB after Lynch is finished with suspension. I'd like this team a lot better in a PPR league. Thoughts?
  8. kwyjibo

    Rookie Draft

    Joined a new league this year that has a separate rookie draft after the "real" draft. From what I've read on here, I get the idea that lots of leagues do this, though it's the first time I've been in one. Can someone explain why this is a good idea? Makes no sense to me, especially when 10 teams draft for 18 rounds.
  9. kwyjibo

    Shaub, Andre Johnson, and Slaton

    Not as bad as you think. I can think of about 30 worse WR/RB/QB trios from the same team off the top of my head. But if you are set on dealing one of them, make sure it's Schaub.
  10. kwyjibo

    Morgan or Henry

    I'd keep Henry. Morgan was really impressive in camp last year, too.
  11. kwyjibo

    Rate my 12-teamer ppr from 7 spot

    You are correct to avoid Turner in PPR format. Had him last year in a PPR league and couldn't believe how mediocre his performance was under that scoring system. SJax and Slaton should both outperform him. In fact, I am drooling over your top three RBs (SJax, Slaton, D Brown). I think Brown will quickly supplant Addai as the primary RB in IND. I'd look at dropping Morris for Fred Taylor or James Davis if either are available. QBs should be fine. Only problem is that they are close enough that you will have a few weeks where you will start the "wrong" one. But at least they don't both suck so it's not as bad of a situation as it could be. Pretty good squad, but keep your eye out for opportunities to upgrade WR. Even if Schillens is blowing up camp, he still has JaMarcus Russell throwing to him, which by itself makes him less than a sure thing.
  12. I'm assuming you kept MJD and SJax... I agree with ditching Delhomme but I don't think Orton is the answer. Then again, you may not have a better option. Sproles is always a big-play threat, the perfect guy to have as a flex or 3rd RB. Like earlier poster said, WR are a bit thin, at least until Avery is completely healthy. I am not sold on Morgan. Greene and/or Mendenhall might give you good trade value to upgrade your WR by midseason. Overall, I'd say good job.
  13. kwyjibo

    Rate my newly drafted team!

    WR seems to be your strongest position. My first reaction was that you need to upgrade at RB2, but considering it's a 14 team league, you may be OK. I think Detroit is gonna score some points this year, so K Smith could be big. Scheffler kind of scares me, with all that's going on in Denver this year. He's a good TE, but with Orton throwing to him, he may underachieve. I like Ryan this year. I think he has as much potential as anyone else (Manning, Warner, Rivers, Rodgers, McNabb, Romo) to finish 3-5 among fantasy QBs. Of course I like your kicker, since I have him too. He should get plenty of scoring opportunities. Overall, I think you stand a decent chance of making the playoffs.
  14. kwyjibo

    Vince Young looking good......

    He's pretty much Matt Jones, except not as good of a passer. Living in Big 12 country, I was able to watch both VY and Brad Smith throughout their careers, and there wasn't a whole lot of difference between the two. Luckily for Vince, the Titans were blinded by his Rose Bowl performance and gave him #3 draft pick money.
  15. kwyjibo

    Good Team Names

    Searching for Bobby Carpenter
  16. kwyjibo

    Vince Young

    And if the Titans win the Super Bowl this year with VY as the emergency QB, does that count?
  17. kwyjibo

    Vince Young

    Actually, it is a terrible comparison. Gary Payton has a ring, and played a key, albeit supporting, role in the Heat's victory over the Mavericks.
  18. kwyjibo

    *** OFFICIAL *** Superbowl XLIII Thread

    Holmes right foot never touched the turf. The replay clearly showed that his right toe got caught in the cleats of his left shoe. Still, it was only second down and they probably would have scored anyway. What an embarrassment for NFL replay to have blown that call so badly.
  19. kwyjibo

    Kurt Warner - 2009

    How much would the Vikings offer Warner? Would be sort of a homecoming for him, as a grad of Northern Iowa. And it's a dome. He could potentially become the only QB to lead a third team to a Super Bowl. Not that he'd want to leave AZ, but if Boldin bolts, it wouldn't be quite the same offense. Maybe Minnie could sign both Warner and Boldin... No, I'm not a Vikings fan, but at lunch today I bounced that scenario off a buddy of mine who is, and he got kind of a glazed look on his face and excused himself to go to the restroom.
  20. kwyjibo

    Larry Fitz .. #1 WR next year by far

    Only if Warner is starter again. Do not trust Leinart.
  21. kwyjibo

    Does what Arizona did this season rival what

    Or a kick in the nuts. His first half play was terrible. Both he and the defense stepped it up in the second half, but if they didn't sleepwalk through the first 30 minutes the Eagles win the game.
  22. kwyjibo

    Only McNabb...

    McNabb is either the bottom of the top tier of NFL QBs or the top of the second tier. He started the game too erratically. It didn't help that his WRs dropped a few balls. But still, he missed several throws in the first half that could have gone for big gainers. The Eagles got back into it because Andy Reid demanded they blitz like they cared. He's not a HOFer but he'll probably make it anyway.
  23. kwyjibo

    Does what Arizona did this season rival what

    Syracuse was not a 6 seed in 2003. They were a 2 or 3.
  24. kwyjibo

    Guess the record

    I feel their pain. Guess this team's record: My team (12-team auction): Favre, Eli, Quinn Grant, Turner, McFadden, Ricky W, Norwood Wayne, Jennings, Evans, Chambers, Galloway, Muhammad, Shockey Kaeding Packers, Giants Started 2-0. Will be 2-10 in about an hour. Fourth in cumulative points. Last in record. Moral of this story: Don't pick schittie RBs.
  25. kwyjibo

    Dallas' draft picks after the trade

    Totally missing my point. Why not trade a first round pick for proven first round performance instead of keeping a pick that will probably be in the 20s and hope you don't miss? Especially since it fills a glaring need? If I was a Dallas fan I'd be happy with that trade. Glad to see the addition of Bobby Carpenter's name achieved the desired effect of drawing out the panicked Cowboys fans who suddenly see the playoffs slipping away. Where's Jim Mora when we need him? "Playoffs?!?!?"