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Know Doubt

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Everything posted by Know Doubt

  1. So a while back I caught a nasty bacteria called citrobracta(sp?). First I started pooping out my guts and then 3 hours later my body decided that wasn't enough so it added vomiting them out, 2 hours after that I went to ER. So they hook me up to an IV for fluids/etc and admit me after about 2 hours to the hospital. A precaution because of my kidney disease(Membranous glomerulonephritis) they keep me over night. I stay in ER and the hospital for probably 22-24 hours tops. The bill came to $13k of which our insurance paid $10k but I'm freaking at the outrageous costs of that 24 hour stay when they never did anything except give me fluids, take my blood and strap a heart monitor on me. So far in my findings because they won't let me see the bill is that thus far I've been treated for 'hyper tension'(high BP, what a $2 pill daily takes care of) , also 'renal failure', which I already 'had' so why charge me for it? And to that point both times my kidneys have acted up the shortest stay I had was 5 days in the hospital. How'd these genus's fix that in 24 hours? The staff keep emphasizing that I had a heart monitor, jeeez, do those cost that much? What am I missing here? The other reason they give is that my Insurance Company didn't question it so why should I? Just because my 'then' Insurance isn't smart enough to question such a huge bill for a 24 hour stay doesn't mean it is correct. Thx. .
  2. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    Yeah, Ts&Ps man. Great game too!
  3. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    Com'on man just take your time, I saw the way you pinned that other guys' Queen. It was beautiful. Take your time, take a few hours to make moves. I know it's fun when we go back and forth every 20 minutes or so but just be patient and think things over. I rushed my last move last nite in a 'friendly' vs. jocstrap and this morning I got an email saying our match was over. I was like WTF...? He woke me the fock up!!! This can be a blast man, besides what are we gonna do, play GHB'ers...???
  4. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    You were 'beating' me...??? Is that what the rolleyes is for...??? Jeez I was just gonna swap a Knight for a Rook man. Wow dude, wow. We're playing each other twice, this is gonna really be a grind man, don't give up.
  5. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    That was weird. I've got edjr's game on screen, he's rated at like 1484 or something... ...I get up, take a piss and come back and Poof! He's suddenly a 1271.
  6. Know Doubt

    $4Billion in stimulus funds went to

    I thought Haliburton was the 'only' firm 'big enough/able' to do what the contract asked for...???
  7. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    Are we playing two matches vs. each opponent...??? Also, way to wake me UP jocstrap!!! Kicked my azz in like 5 moves in our 'practice' game.
  8. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    This. In H.S. I'd only lose to the exchange student from Europe. Then at a club it took me like 6-7 games to win... ..and it was 12 year old from our 'ghetto'... Also, I need to go to bed so my games will be left hanging for a while.
  9. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    Your move Joc.
  10. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    I'm working my way up! I started with a Sgt, then a SSgt, another SSgt. and now I'm up to a Major... ...we'll see if I get what I'm asking for(a copy services and of the charges).
  11. Know Doubt

    --->Who's Running GHB I & II ...?

    GHB is a dead as Whitney? Now I'm actually sad...
  12. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    I've been playing my 'welcomer'(rated like 1384) for the past two, three days... ...we've both made two moves.
  13. Know Doubt

    --->Who's Running GHB I & II ...?

  14. Know Doubt

    FFToday Chess Tournament

    I'm in. KnowDoubt (no space) Thx.
  15. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    Well we have the $$$ but I see where you are coming from. I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thx.
  16. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    One of the smartest people I know has mentioned this too... I'll have to move you up my "Smart People I Know" rankings a coupla spots just below him.
  17. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    Good stuff and good advice, thx. .
  18. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    This. This sucks as it's not what I want to hear here but makes the most sense. Thx.
  19. Know Doubt

    $13k Hospital Bill for 24 Hour Stay...?

    Well, I spent 5 days and two ER visits in Fullerton for an infected kidney and it didn't come out to this much and those guys even did an MRI. I think after all the different bills, ER, ER Dr. , ER 2nd time, ER Dr. 2nd time and then getting admitted, then two Doctors looking at me once I was admitted, then the MRI I figure we paid about $1500-$2000. This place is on an AF Base here in England and it seems like they said: "Oh, you're a civilian...??? :poof!: you owe us 13k..." WTF? .
  20. Pats 30 NYG 21 It's not even that close.
  21. I don't get anybody saying that Evans dropped the ball...??? The Pats DB hand-checked/swiped it out with perfect timing. Great play by the DB Moore. With no swipe or hand check, Evans secures the ball and the Ravens win. You see the replays and Evans' arm coming out like he dropped it but that was from the swipe by Moore. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w_he0iEqlg Also and I know this is really nuts to say but after I saw the Cundiff kick the holder didn't have the laces "lined up". All I kept hearing in my head was "Laces Out Dan, Laces OUT!!!" from Ace Ventura. Did you see how far left that kick finished? It was straight and then hooked left hard. It's because the laces weren't out. Williams wins in my book.
  22. Has he gotten a dime the Repubs yet? Or did I miss that? Seems pretty even to me... his challenge hasn't been met by anyone in either Party. The Teaparty-ers haven't been in office long enough to build up their assets so I'd leave them off the hook.
  23. Know Doubt

    I made a 30 before 30 list

    Good luck man.
  24. Know Doubt

    What we have learned from the playoffs

    Really FBN? Too proud to admit the truth when you get 'lucky' huh? I missed his saying he had upside and you think I was being a tw@t? That for surely I'm in the wrong, however I didn't have to #### to get my point across while you on the other hand just wanna toot your horn and play the arrogant azz. I'll try and restate my intentions a different way then, Did you have Stafford throwing 35+ TDs this year even 'if' he was healthy? Nooooo. 30 possibly, but not 40+. Did you have him throwing for 5k+ yards even if he was healthy? Nooo. 4k possible but not 5k. Did you think Stafford would play all 16 games? Noooo. Nope! You had your crystal football out at draft time and just knew he was gonna blow up. Stafford had thrown for 19 TDs combined the last two years and you guys are gonna type me in the eye and tell me Mueller didn't get lucky. Drafting a guy who has played in 13 games Total the previous two seasons? Really? Grats on winning your leagues this year Mr.Crystal Football. :teabag:
  25. Know Doubt

    What we have learned from the playoffs

    Look, you got lucky when you panicked. If you had thought Freeman would replicate/improved on what he did the year before than you wouldn't have won, etc. You drafted a QB at the end of a QB run and got lucky that that pick paid off. Don't give us that BS that you wanted guys who score the most points, that goes without saying. If you had said that Stafford had more 'upside' in your mind than Cutler and Freeman than that's one thing but you didn't... you grabbed an injury prone QB who has an All Universe WR... ..Usually when we win SB's stuff like this happens but it's when we 'reach' for guys we believe have upside. Don't get me wrong, I've been back lurking here quite a bit lately and out of the 'newbies' you've gotta be the most intelligent poster. I hate being 'away' for a while and then I have to read every single post to find out who the hell knows wtf they're talking about. It's comes in handy to just scroll down to familiar names for someone's thoughts on the subject that I can actually use. You're one of them no doubt, thank you. What I learned in the Playoffs is that I think Denver is the first team to lose their last three games of the Regular Season and then win their first playoff game. I think the Colts got close one year but SD handed their butts to them in Indy and squeaked by... that year Indy started 13-0 I think.