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Posts posted by quentinfox

  1. I think when you boil away all the junk, this trade is really about him picking up FWP.


    Maroney looked really good last week and I think your trading partner sees the handwriting on the wall... Dillon's touches will decline. KJ's not an adequate replacement. Parker is.


    You don't really gain much with the exception of the Smith upgrade.


    If you want to throw something out there, point out the Dillon problem, then offer Jordan and Parker for LJ & KJ. He'll have two very solid options and you get an upgrade. KJ can be a bye week filler. Let him keep Dillon. If he's thinking a few weeks doen the road, you may have a shot.


    Please see mine.



  2. Thinking a lottle outside the box...


    Would he consider trading LT? That may sound strange to ask, but that's who I'd be trying for. Even if you had to give up your better QB and a RB like Droughns, it'd be worth it.


    Either QB you have is a legit starter and you can't start them both (just be sure you can secure a good backup) . Trade heavy and give him a good deal... you can afford it.


    On his side he'll probably gain overall on a points per week basis, and he'll be in a much more secure position at QB. You'll gain too as your QB points will probably not change much, but your RB points will.


    Most people's knee jerk reaction is that a player like LT is not for trade, but I've made similar deals in the past. You just have to have a trading partner who's willing to look at the numbers objectively and has a definite need.


    Good luck!


    The deal Weezie put up makes a lot of sense too... so you've got a couple of options to mull over.

  3. QB's a wash, I think... I might give a slight edge to Warner if you're in a redraft league. The Cards will throw a lot this season.


    I think you're definitely improved at RB and like the move to get Holt. Receivers are fine (especially if you're only playing two on a weekly basis). I'd pick up DJax.


    You should do well. The trading always makes the season more interesting.


    Please see mine.



  4. I think Alexander's issue is related to O-Line changes... he'll bounce back. That said, I think Jones against Detroit is a nice play for now. Benson will be a factor down the road, but I don't think this soon.



    Westbrook is your best option, however. He'll get his combo yards as usual. If Stallworth can keep the opposing D's stretched out Westbrook will have an even easier time.


    Please see mine. Thanks.



  5. I have Moss and am pretty sure I coud trade for Walker.


    I think Moss is a great talent, but his attitude leaves a little to be disired sometimes and I can't stand Aaron Brooks... way too inconsistent. He makes me crazy.


    What do you all think? Will they put up similar numbers or is one significantly better than the other?


    Thanks for the opinions! Leave a link and I'll answer your posts.



  6. He's really strong at several positions. This is kind of a tough one, but here's some food for thought.


    I might consider (assuming this is not a keeper league) trading Manning and Bell for Rudi johnson and Warner.


    Manning is a clear upgrade at QB for him. Cardinals' QB will have a good enough year to keep you in contention as long as he stays healthy (pick up Leinart if available in the free agent pool). Bell gives him a sure thing at Denver as one of the Bells will start. Rudi Johnson is a clear upgrade for you and eliminates a big question mark at RB. You'd have to dump Rivers or Simms. If it were me, I'd dump Simms. I think Rivers will hafve enough safety valve with LT2 & Gates to be reasonably successful. Besides, he'd be your backup.


    If the other guy really covets Manning, he may go for it... you'll have three good RB's and so will he. You'll drop value at QB, but especially if you can pick up Leinart I think you'll be more steady from week to week.


    I think your receivers are fine... watch the waiver wire and a couple more good ones will show up. Keep your eye on Jennings in Green Bay. He's drawing praise from coaches as being Marvin Harrisonesque as far as skill type. Maybe a little premature to say that about a Rookie, but they seem to think he's got the moves... sitting #2 on their depth chart and Favre throws a lot. I'm not a Lloyd fan myself. You have enough depth that you might consider taking a flier on a higher risk/reward pick at WR.


    Good luck. Please see mine.



  7. I agree with the others... Jordan and Foster. When Foster is healthy, he's really good. As long as Brooks doesn't continually throw INT's, Moss will help stretch the field, helping Jordan.


    Each of them should be over 100 yds. total. I think Foster is more likely to score in this one.

  8. OK... maybe I'm overanalyzing here, but here's what I'm thinking.


    S.Jackson: supposed to be really good this year, but I'm not totally sold on him. If their def is bad, they could still end up passing more than running. I think Denver will score on them this week.


    R.Brown: Like him, but playing Steelers... don't like that so much.


    R.Bush: Normally wouldn't start him in week one over the other two, but I've got a hunch the Saints will want to showcase him in their opener.



    What do you all think? Thanks for the help. I'll answer yours.

  9. TE's not disposable, but flattens out value wise after the first three or so.


    After Gates, Gonzo and Shockey (maybe Heap) are gone, value takes a quick dip and the overall season point differential in the couple of tiers isn't worth an early pick.


    I agree that another QB or WR would have been a better pickup (probably).


    Understand also, that it's really tough to be really strong at all positions.
