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Everything posted by chrisfab

  1. chrisfab

    Who to start at the flex

    moore is pretty consistent actually, if you look, i think at least 10 points in every game in my scoring system... plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=411392
  2. chrisfab

    Need input---help do you agree with my starters

    You made the same choices I would, plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=411392
  3. 1qb, 1rb, 1wr, 1te, 2flex(rb,wr,te) 1k, 1D going up against an owner who started culter, he only has 2 points, so im thinking i need production more than upside here... leave link, i'll help in return
  4. i would stay put, you are looking good plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=407230
  5. chrisfab

    Lineup Help

    jackson and sproles thanks for mine!
  6. wayne for sure, toss up between thomas and hernandez plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=407230
  7. chrisfab

    I'm here to help.

    .5 ppr pick 2 reggie wayne, ahmad bradshaw, dez bryant
  8. chrisfab

    MFD or Stevan Ridley?

    MOJO all the way, plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=407230
  9. chrisfab

    IR slot in fantasy football

    As our league enters its 10th year, there has recently been some grumbling from a few owners who, last year, have suffered multiple injuries on their roster at the same time. From day one, our league has used the one IR spot rule, where a player who is "O", can be dropped to the IR, opening up a roster space. I like it, think it is fair, but am trying to see things from another point of view. Here is a post by an owner who'd like to see things changed up. I'm just looking for thoughts and insight.. The problem with the current number of IR slots is this, the first injury a team gets they get to replace the injured player with a healthy one from the wavier/free agents. The 2nd, 3rd or 4th injury starts to penalize the injured team in the amount of healthy players they can choose from to set their roster each week. It also gives the injured team less options to overcome the injuries due to being forced to carry the injured player on the active roster. Under the current system the only options you have when trying to overcome multiple injuries is to cut the injured player, trade the injured player or have the injured player clog up valuable active roster space. Nobody is giving anything up in a trade for a player who will be missing the next 4 weeks. It would be stupid to cut an injured starter who's is out for 4 weeks to make room for 3rd stringer (not very much talent out there when we have 13 teams and 16 roster spots). Your only logical choice is to leave the injured players on your active roster and handicap your team and pray that the bye weeks don't force you to drop injured talent just so you can set a lineup. Last year if i remember right Tag, Brett and myself all had 3 or more injured players at the same time. This gave us 14 healthy player to choose from during these weeks when our competition could choose from 16. It also made waivers and free agency decisions a lot more difficult. With our current rosters (16) and number of teams (13) the amount of players out there on free agency is very thin. I think Anderson said it best last year when he said " players are off the radar till they are back on everyones radar". A team with multiple injures is forced to cut a player whom they know will be productive when the recover from injury, for a player who is nothing more than a shot in the dark. There are no insta-starters in this leagues free agent list. The irony of the whole situation is that teams who are dealing with injuries are already behind the 8-ball due to losing key players, but are also locked out of ways of compensating for injuries due to having an active roster clogged up with the injured players. Its a new year and I have no injuries at this point so i have no dog in this fight. But I have experienced it and its terrible to be playing in a 13 team league with a deep bench of 16 and being locked out of waiver moves and free agency because you have 2-3 productive players clogging up your active roster due to injury. If a team has 1 injury its no problem, drop the player to IR. If a team gets 2 injuries it becomes a penalty and compounds higher with each subsequent injury. If anyone can explain how this provides and even playing field.....Im all ears. And then offers some alternatives: 1. Eliminate the IR slot all together That way all injuries effect each team the same, a cost of an active roster slot or dropping an injured talent to waivers. 2. Reduce the size of the bench to 13 This way we would create and additional 39 players on the free agent list. This would allow teams with injuries to be able to pick up a player who was actually getting touches on Sundays. 3. Making only players who's prognosis is minimum of 3 weeks out eligible for IR That way teams with game day inactives cannot add a last minute free agent and get a "free look" at a prospect who might becomes next weeks top waiver wire add. So what do you guys think?
  10. chrisfab

    IR slot in fantasy football

    Our league is a redraft league...
  11. chrisfab

    RB Help Lynch or Addai

    Title says it all...leave link, I'll help you out
  12. Team A traded Ryan Matthews and Tony Gonzales to team B for Reggie Bush. Team A just had just claimed Blount, got the news that Deangelo Williams was hurt(has Stewart), and already had Forte. Thus Matthews was his RB4. Team A had Todd Heap and Gonzales on a bye. Counted on Heap to be starter, thus needed to drop Gonzales. Basically Team A wanted to turn his dumps into more value than what was on the waiver wire. Team A just got news Pierre Thomas was in a boot and hasn't been healing well, Ivory is banged up, and Bush will be returning soon. Some owners are calling this "cheating". I am the co-commish and Team B. The other co-commish has no problems with the trade, neither does our former commish. It may be lopsided, but cheating? What do you think? Throw some wisdom out here. PS-2 of the 3 teams that have a problem with this trade are trying to trade Louis Murphy for Miles Austin and Owen Daniels(the team getting the better end of that deal is in 1st place in division)
  13. chrisfab

    Drop Driver for Sims-Walker?

    Last year was Drivers final good year. MSW has the upside you need, just be prepared for those games where he gives u nothing. Care to leave a quick opinion? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=375635
  14. chrisfab

    bje or blountwh

    drop pierre, he isn't healing plz leave a quick opinion! http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=375635
  15. chrisfab

    Quick trade opinion

    I'd make the deal for arian. care for to leave a quick opinion? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=375635
  16. chrisfab

    The trade that brought our league down

    Just trying to get some objective opinions of people not owning a team in our league.
  17. chrisfab

    Pick a QB and a DEF

    12 team, .5ppr league we start 1qb, 2rb, 2wr, 1te, 1k, 1d Cutler vs GB McNabb vs STL Orton vs IND TB vs PIT MIA vs NYJ KC vs SF thanks, leave link, will help yours
  18. chrisfab

    Line up question..pick 3 please

    I think I'd have to sit Ronnie Brown for this one. Tough Jets D did pretty well against the Pats last week...they will handle the Fins for sure Plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  19. chrisfab

    Pick Two Please

    so would i, start jackson and mendenhall plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  20. chrisfab

    Ryan Mathews for Brandon Marshall

    with moreno going down it becomes more fair... if i were drafting from scratch, i'd draft marshall over mathews, and since its ppr, i think he will put up great numbers. But you don't want the injury bug to hit your RBs... So as of now, I think I'd keep Mathews plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  21. chrisfab

    flex spot

    I'd go fred taylor, unless his toe is still messed up. Maroney isn't going to start yet in Denver.. plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  22. chrisfab

    Rb Query

    lecoy and gore plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  23. chrisfab

    Pick 1 WR

    I think Smith is like Fitzgerald...he will put up points no matter who is throwing. Stick with him plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  24. chrisfab

    Big Trade Help - WHIR

    If its not ppr, then Moss is the man to have. Plz see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=371563
  25. chrisfab

    A FF Rookie (Moron) Needs Some Help

    I think it would be best to build RB depth over WR depth...there always seems to be a few guys who can put up decent points as a WR, but down the road, when RBs get injured, they are worth more. Take Lynch...if he plays well this week, sell high.