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fielding a trade counter offer

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Im in a 12 owner up to 20 player keeper league. I offered wr D Jackson,qb Delhomme, and rb T Jones to get the other owners 3rd round pick, rb Cadillac Williams, and qb D. Carr. And have been countered with J Jones for Delhomme (this owner probably only needs a qb to be a contender and solid wr too boot could put him as a strong one).

His best Line up currently q -Carr, r-c williams, r-r brown,w- lelie, w-j walker,t- crumpler


my team- qbs-Bulger, P Manning, Delhomme,J McCown, S Wallace

rbs-L Tomlinson, D Foster, T Jones, K Jones, Davenport

wrs- C Johnson, Fitzgerald, D Jackson, Stallworth,C Rogers, D Looker

tes- Lj Smith, Winslow


This other owner also holds the first pick/draft spot in our rookie/free-agent draft. My thought was that Im a contending team but have some serious question marks with health and production in my rb core and while was nervous about cadillac staying healthy was willing to take the risk even though I feel I would be helping the other owner out far more then I would benefit. However, I am far more scared of injury and fantasy production in terms of J Jones and not sure he is worth a straight up trade for Delhomme. I would love to acquire Bush and would consider dealing Delhomme for that risk/opportunity but this other owner wont go for that and he as much said so when i offered that to him.


Right now Im considering either pulling all my players off the trade block, going elsewhere, or countering yet again....here comes my question---> Is J Jones worth it? Im thinking he could work out nicely but on paper doesnt really change the look of my rb situation. and question 2---> Is my logic here sound or am I over valueing my players or sitting just fine and should not even think trade or should i be grateful he even wants delhomme?


Thanks for your Time

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[/color]Your first offer was way too much, even though you would have been getting a good bet at rb with Cadillac.That should have been your first clue that the owner you are dealing with is likely not interested in giving away anything semi solid even when getting far more in return. His/her counter is low since jones is a dual threat to not only be injured or benched but also to be platooned.Looking at your team, you look awful strong for a 12 owner league and probably should sit tight unless a far better deal comes along as you are right that even if you traded for jones it would just give you another question mark rather then the true solid your craving and after all why do you want to help make his/her team rival yours. Delhommes looking good and is a undervalued qb, If I were you, I would hold onto him and if I was going to deal. Deal McNab who figures to be off some with the lack of recievers.

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pull the trigger on JJ for delhomme.


you are stacked except at RB2. i like foster big time this year.


you are bound to hit with kjones, foster, and JJ. thomas jones and davenport are looking more and more like dead weight as every day passes.


you have too many injury questions to trade for cadillac. he should take Djax though if he has lelie as a starting option.

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