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Is there a doctor in the house?

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Is it just me, or are these players coming back way quicker than anyone could have anticipated? Deuce coming back from an ACL after about 9 months is amazing. It used to be a full year for recovery enough to play, and two years for full recovery? Ditto for Walker? Culpepper blew out his entire knee and is ready for the PRESEASON opener? And Palmer and Brees got hurt at the end of the season last year and are ready? Palmer has some ladies achilles tendon in his knee? Is it just me, or did science make a significant jump in VERY recent years?


I am just wondering how leary I/we should be of these players. Of course teams and the players themselves will say they are fine, but thse timetables are crazy IMO. Anyone with any medical knowledge care to share how things have advanced?

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i think things have come a LONG way

remember back when Jamal Anderson and Terrell Davis had these types of injuries?

it meant instant death to their careers. the knee would always have issues whether it was swelling or fluid problems like Davis had or if running just became too physically demanding


nowadays it does take some recovery time but given a year they are back on the field and playing, albeit to a lesser level, the year after they are back in full form


Walker was out so early and Culpepper went out fairly early as well so i can see them both being on a good timetable to be back on the field

Deuce is stretching the rehab a bit and i am a bit leery of Palmer as it hasnt been that long at all for him

Brees had minor shoulder surgery so i dont think he is that big of a concern


it has obviously come a long ways but can still improve further

to be perfectly safe though you just have to realize that these players wont be top form and rank them accordingly

Deuce could be a 4th rounder to some but realizing his injury i push him back to the 6th and feel that is a very safe spot for him, i dont think you have to stay away but just realize their situation and do a bit of homework in your rankings

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