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Am I making a mistake?

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I offered a trade and it was objected by the league and I don't understand why. Here is the trade:


Im giving: Shaun Alexander , K.Barlow , R. Moss , B. Watson , T.J Housh

Im getting: Rudi Johnson , C. Benson, D. Driver, D. Jackson , R. McMichael


Am I getting screwed on this trade?

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I think it's tilted the other guy's way just a little, but not enough to get quashed.




Definately tilted. Leaving trades up to the league veto is probably bad practice, but in instances like this the commish should step in. If you weigh each give and get, it's painfully obvious that he's giving a ton more than he's getting in return. The ONLY upgrade is McMichael over Watson, and that might be reaching a bit. If trades like this regularly go through it sets a bad precident for the other members that aren't splitting their winnings at season's end.

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