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YAHOO: Auto-pick draft

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Wait. Just let me explain before you tear me a new one for being in an auto draft league ...


I AM in a REAL league (live draft, keepers, 4 years running, etc.) but my buddy just invited me into his work league with some clowns that may or may not know who Nate Burleson is but they sure as hell don't know Wali Lundy. It's a kooky league (points per completion!) and I'm trying to figure out how to best pre-rank my players ... because they are performing an auto draft. :rolleyes:


Wondering if people have had experience with the auto-draft on Yahoo before: Does it fill out your roster before taking a backup QB? Are there any drafting quirks I should be aware of (apart from some poor pre-rankings)?


It's just a lousy-no-$$-work-league but I can't control my FF competitiveness. :banana:


Thanks mates!


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Only one piece of advice. Move all kickers and defenses to the 'do not draft' list. That way, the autopicker won't pick up a kicker for you in the 6th round over someone you could actually use. When the draft is over, dump two players for a K and Def.

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Only one piece of advice. Move all kickers and defenses to the 'do not draft' list. That way, the autopicker won't pick up a kicker for you in the 6th round over someone you could actually use. When the draft is over, dump two players for a K and Def.


Right on. That's awesome advice. I'm moving all my tight ends (other than Gates) off my rankings as well (one W/T position).

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I second the defense suggestion, I came back from an auto draft with 3! defenses... phewww. It did do a fairly good job of drafitng my top 8-10 rounds even though it picked harrison much higher than I would have wanted.

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Confirm on the fill-your-roster before drafting backups part.


So, are you confirming that Yahoo doesn't take any backup until you've filled the roster? It goes without saying that I would not personally take a backup Qb before filling my roster ... but didn't know if Yahoo was smart enough to do the same (regardless if I rank all the QB's much higher than normal).


FYI ... I crunched the numbers on FFToday based on the scoring system for this league.




TOP QB: About 600 points

TOP RB: About 350 points

TOP WR: About 240 points


Seems a lilttle ridiculous but for a free side league it should be interesting!


Thanks guys!


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