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AC/DC Anarchy

Trade Alexander?

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I was offered Vick and Cadillac for Alexander.


My other QBs are Leftwich and Rex Grossman.


My other RB are Parker and Marion Barber III.


The only thing that makes sense to me is Caddy will be playing during playoff time in fantasy leagues, where as S.A. may be resting that ankle either for A)The Playoffs if the Seahawks contend or :thumbsdown: Next year if the Seahawks are out of it.



Thought greatly appreciated.



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I wouldn't make the trade. Alexander will be back in one week, if you held onto him this long .. what's another week. Seattle will be in playoff contention, the schedule until Hasselbeck returns has a couple of winable games. I personally think Alexander might play this week against KC even though he is listed as doubtful. Until now Holmgren has declared him OUT on Monday. The fact that he is leaving some wiggle room is encouraging to me. Going to KC with Wallace at qb and Morris at rb is basically conceding a loss.

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Do not underestimate your QB situation also, you are in good shape with Leftwich and Grossman, barring any hidden serious injury problems to Leftwich. Their matchups are good enough for you to have just as much success, if not more success platooning those two than if you were to throw Vick in the mix. Cadillac isn't worth the help he will give you for the next week or two while SA is out.


Here's mine if you can: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=247885

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