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What is the deal?

Why did these people say these things again?

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So you are willing to give Saddam a pass on violating 14 U.N. Resolutions, violating his cease fire agreement, and not letting U.N. inspectors in his country just so you can feebly attempt to blame Saddam's bullshiat on Bush.


I expect nothing less from the likes of you.






Wow, no reading comprehension and the ability to make stark raving mad accusations.


Got to hand to you, you are one of a kind.

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Please show where before the invasion in 2002, that Iraq did not comply.



OK, I will use your own post to prove you are an idiot.


You asked where Iraq didn't comply "prior to 2002". I clearly pointed out when, and how they didn't comply.



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OK, I will use your own post to prove you are an idiot.


You asked where Iraq didn't comply "prior to 2002". I clearly pointed out when, and how they didn't comply.





And discussion I was reply to was about GWB actions prior to the invasion. My god, you are just stupid.


Have fun, I'm not going to sit here and parse words with you tonight. Congrats on ruining another thread with your idiocy.

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And discussion I was reply to was about GWB actions prior to the invasion. My god, you are just stupid.


Have fun, I'm not going to sit here and parse words with you tonight. Congrats on ruining another thread with your idiocy.




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no I don't know exactly what to do. Never claimed to. What I do know is that we need to figure out a way to finish the job. Not sure how this is done. We need the Iraqi people to help us figure out who the bad guys are...that's the main problem.



why dont u go finish the job? ....all yack?

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whatsthebigdeal? posted that article and there are few things in there that made me look twice. The article said that the "regime allowed radical islam ideology to flourish." There was no threat of terroism from Iraq before the war. There was a threat of a dangerous man in power, but it had little do with islamic radicals and more to do with the leader. Also it said someting along the lines they weren't sure about the WMD's, when in fact Bush knew there no WMD's but invented them so he could go to war. He figured that past presidents mentioned that we have to disarm him before he gets them and used that to say, they have them by now.


There was also the talk of the U.N. regulations that he disobeyed and that was another reason we had to go to war. Since he didn't break any of those regulations during Dubya's term, i don't see why he went to war. He's using things he did in the past to go to war, when the president at the time of the violations didn't think the time was right to go to war.


This war should make people think twice. I don't think you can easily take one side of the war or other. If we had a post-war plan i'm sure things would've ran much more smoothly and there would be less protest. I think a major reason why people are so mad is because of the extended deployments, soldiers killed/wounded, innocent iraqi's killed, yes i understand its hard to tell the difference because a random person can be a terroist but i'm talkin more in the sense of smart bombs landing wayward and bombing a random house, the continuing bleek outlook, and many other things. If teh war had gone smoother the protests wouldn't have been as loud. I'm not saying theres no way we should've gone to war and we all know sadaam was a bad guy. I have a few friends who are muslim and supported the war 100% because they hate Sadaam because it was their religon (shite, sunni i get them confused) that was being persacuted. He was an evil dictator and all that. My biggest problem is how we went about the war. No exit plan, full of lies, and no accountability.

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