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Joey Porter

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Porter lashes out at media and NFL after fine

Written by: Gerry Dulac ¦ 12/15/2006

Source: www.post-gazette.com


Steelers linebacker Joey Porter was upset he was fined $10,000 by the National Football League for a derogatory comment he made about Cleveland Browns tight end Kellen Winslow, saying players who violate the league's substance-abuse policy are not treated as harshly.


It was the second time Porter has been disciplined by the league this season. He was fined $15,000 for comments he made to an official in an Oct. 22 game in Atlanta.


"I just don't understand how you can get a DUI or fail a drug test and nothing happens," Porter said. "You say something, you get fined. That just don't make any sense.


"You'd think if you get a DUI or something, you should get fined. If you fail a drug test, you should get fined. But for saying a word, you get fined. That's kind of backward to me."


After a 27-7 victory against the Browns last Thursday, Porter twice called Winslow a derogatory name associated with gay men. Porter publicly apologized Tuesday for using the word, saying he didn't mean to offend anyone "except Winslow."


A league spokesman said Porter was fined for "his vulgar and inexcusable statements."


Porter blamed the media for his fine, saying it called too much attention to the incident.


"There was enough publicity about it," Porter said. "Y'all keep talking about it. Y'all going to make them do something. If y'all wouldn't have just kept talking about it, [the fine] wouldn't have happened. Y'all need a story so you keep talking about it. So they say, all right, let's fine him then because everybody seems to be upset about it."


Porter, who appealed the fine he received in the Atlanta game, said he will not appeal this one.


"Appeals don't work. That's just wasting time. I don't even want to have my agent go through all that. I'll have to pay it regardless. They're not going to give it back."


"Porter blamed the media for his fine"


Sure Joey and I bet if someone dropped the "N" word in your direction you wouldn't think anything of it.

Just because you see nothing wrong with a few words doesn't make it right.

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Porter lashes out at media and NFL after fine

Written by: Gerry Dulac ¦ 12/15/2006

Source: www.post-gazette.com


Steelers linebacker Joey Porter was upset he was fined $10,000 by the National Football League for a derogatory comment he made about Cleveland Browns tight end Kellen Winslow, saying players who violate the league's substance-abuse policy are not treated as harshly.


It was the second time Porter has been disciplined by the league this season. He was fined $15,000 for comments he made to an official in an Oct. 22 game in Atlanta.


"I just don't understand how you can get a DUI or fail a drug test and nothing happens," Porter said. "You say something, you get fined. That just don't make any sense.


"You'd think if you get a DUI or something, you should get fined. If you fail a drug test, you should get fined. But for saying a word, you get fined. That's kind of backward to me."


After a 27-7 victory against the Browns last Thursday, Porter twice called Winslow a derogatory name associated with gay men. Porter publicly apologized Tuesday for using the word, saying he didn't mean to offend anyone "except Winslow."


A league spokesman said Porter was fined for "his vulgar and inexcusable statements."


Porter blamed the media for his fine, saying it called too much attention to the incident.


"There was enough publicity about it," Porter said. "Y'all keep talking about it. Y'all going to make them do something. If y'all wouldn't have just kept talking about it, [the fine] wouldn't have happened. Y'all need a story so you keep talking about it. So they say, all right, let's fine him then because everybody seems to be upset about it."


Porter, who appealed the fine he received in the Atlanta game, said he will not appeal this one.


"Appeals don't work. That's just wasting time. I don't even want to have my agent go through all that. I'll have to pay it regardless. They're not going to give it back."


"Porter blamed the media for his fine"


Sure Joey and I bet if someone dropped the "N" word in your direction you wouldn't think anything of it.

Just because you see nothing wrong with a few words doesn't make it right.


Porter has a point. You can get caught for drugs, beat your girlfriend, drive drunk (which kills thousands of people a year) and the NFL does not fine you at all. If it was the "N" word he would not have been fined. But we are overly politically correct over the "H" word.


Porter is an idiot, but I don't think he should be fined.

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