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Should I trade Tom Brady for Romo and Reggie Bush?

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Plus side - Brady is coming into his bye and Romo is done with his.


Bad side - Brady has not only been HUGE (take into account Romo's bye week and Brady is beating him by an average of more than 10 points per WEEK - this is almost like another starter), but he has been consistently huge - Romo has had two really big (40+) games then a game in the high 20's and the rest are very very average....Brady's LOWEST score this year (all this in my league scoring, but it is likely similar), is higher than Romo's third BEST week - so I don't think you want to give up someone who is giving you a consistently higher score for someone who is up and down...I like to toss out the best and worst to gain an average...with Brady if I do that he is averaging 37.3 and Romo is averaging 26.6.


Even if you consider Bush added to this...look at his numbers. If you throw out his best (15) and worst (3) he is averaging 11 points - so in other words you are giving up 1 HUGE stud who is on fire to get two guys who, on average, may net you Brady's score but not much more. I would rather keep Brady and use that second RB for more points rather than using it to make up the points you will lose giving up Brady...(MHO).



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Pass. At this point, I wouldn't trade Tom Brady unless a dude with the last name Tomlinson were involved, and maybe not even then. Roll with Brady's hot streak. UNLESS you're positioning yourself for the playoffs and are worried about Brady being benched late in the season. I suspect a lot of Brady owners are worried about that same scenario. However, I think you can get more than this for Brady if that's what your plan is.


See mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=299485

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Pass. At this point, I wouldn't trade Tom Brady unless a dude with the last name Tomlinson were involved, and maybe not even then. Roll with Brady's hot streak. UNLESS you're positioning yourself for the playoffs and are worried about Brady being benched late in the season. I suspect a lot of Brady owners are worried about that same scenario. However, I think you can get more than this for Brady if that's what your plan is.


See mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=299485


I agree.




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