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Chris Henry, Brandon Marshall, Deion Branch

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So I have all 3 of these receivers on my team to go along with Boldin, Welker and Braylon. I'm hurting at RB, so I would like to trade one of these guys today for a RB. Could you list in order which of the three you think has the most value, and basically who would you be willing to part with the most?

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I think I would try to trade Henry. His stock his somewhat high right now due to a good first game last week, but that was against a Baltimore defense that was on the field most of the night because of their anemic offense. Unlike the other two, Henry would be Palmer's third option behind Johnson and TJ.

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That's great depth.



Now that Branch is back, he might have the most trade value, but also the most value to your team, b/c Boldin is banged up. I'd probably keep him.


The other 2 probably have good value too. Might jsut want to see who the best RB is that's available for any of your WRs.

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Henry has the strongest value, but Marshall is a close #2.


Anyone who is following FF closely knows Marshall is getting a TON of looks from Cutler.

Henry's big playability and Cincy's pass-happy offense still keeps him in the lead.


Nobody is going to have any interest in Branch.


Please answer mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=302244

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I'm thinking maybe I should look to trade either Boldin or maybe even Welker because they may garner a bigger name RB. What do you guys think of that?

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With the way SEA is throwing the ball, I think Branch does have value - but that depends on how healthy he really is. The highest value is Marshall - he gets like 10 balls thrown his way per game. I know he doesn't get many TDs but he's getting catches and yards. Henry's long term value remains to be seen. If he picks up where he left off last season, he will be a gem. He had a TD like every 5 catches last season.


I would try to dump Marshall because he does have a pending DUI court appearance. If he's guilty, the NFL will suspend him for at least 4 games.


Please see mine



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