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Huge Trade offer

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This is 3 team offer. I'll spare you the whole details of the trade and just give you who I'm sending and who I'm receiving. 8 team league with very active owners. League is standard scoring. 4 pts for passing tds, 6 for everything else. 1 pt for 20 yards throwing, 1 pt 10 yards receiving/running. Start 2 qbs, 2 rbs, 3 wrs, 1 te, 1 def, 1 k


QBs: Warner, Rodgers, Garrard, Cassell

RBs: Sjax, Barber, Grant, Felix Jones, DeAngelo Williams

WR: Fitzgerald, Colston, Marshall, Crayton

TE: Clark

K and DEF: It doesn't matter.


My team is stacked at rb and wr. The other owners took qb's earlier but I waited. So here's the trade


I send: Cassell, Barber, Felix, Colston, Marshall, Clark

I get: Brandon Jacobs, Randy Moss, Reggie Wayne, McGahee, and Coles


I love the idea of starting Fitz, Moss, Wayne every week and with Sjax, Grant, Jacobs and McGahee I should be fine at rb. Only thing is, should I wait this out with Cassell and see how good he is going to be? Only weakness is at QB but I like Warner and Rodgers to be solid every week. Thanks for help, please leave link, will respond to yours!

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so starting lineup new lineup

QBs: Warner, Rodgers, Garrard, Cassell Warner, Rodgers, Garrard

RBs: Sjax, Barber, Grant, Felix Jones, DeAngelo Williams SJAX, Jacobs, Grant, McGahee, Williams

WR: Fitzgerald, Colston, Marshall, Crayton Moss, Fitzy, Wayne, Coles, Crayton

TE: Clark WW

K and DEF: It doesn't matter.



QB downgrade

RB: DAL RBs <--> Jacobs = downgrade

WR : Moss without brady might = Colston. Marshall = Wayne (with harrison back)


coles and mcgahee = useless in a 8 man league.


I dont like it. this trade is only good if you think Moss puts up the same numbers with Cassel at the helm... but then you are giving up big Cassel numbers. The slight upgrade you might get from having wayne over marshall would be cancelled out by not having the DAL RBs, they are moving the ball beautifully, as are the broncos... do not do this, you are payin for names instead of production. this year aint last year, stick with what ya got

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I tend to agree with the previous post. You are getting Moss (who knows how he will perform with Cassel) and will have a strong receiving corp, but your WRs are already strong and I think you lose 2 tds a week letting go of Barber/Jones.


I also have Moss and I am worried. He had 111 yards in the 1st half last week, maybe 1st qtr (didn't get to see the game), and ended with 116. Now I do understand the majority of those yards came from Cassel, but the 2nd half yardage bothers me.

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I agree with the other two posters. Your WR's are money right now. Who knows how Moss will do with Cassel at the helm. The pats drop a few games, Moss gets disinterested and quits trying. It's happened before. Barber --> Jacobs is a big downgrade.

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I wouldn't do the trade. You have really good players right now and I'd wait it out. The only guaranteed solid player you'd receive is Wayne. Moss is more questionable without Brady.

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