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Carlson over Gates?

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I was happy to get Gates out of the draft, but I just got Carlson, do I dare start him over Gates versus Baltimore? Seems like Gates isn't putting up the numbers he's used to.

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only when the matchup is right. such as this one. gates is still one of the top options in the league and you cannot do any better with either one of these guys. u drafted gates FIRST for a reason. just be patient because its only the first week of the season. besides, how many 2-TD games do u think carlson can have? I have gates in one league with ben watson backing him up while i have owen daniels in another league with carlson backing him up but i actually started carlson over daniels this week because of the matchup. carlson will probably be my regular starter in that league. but keep gates in the lineup. he led the team in yds and tied the team-high in receptions in that horrendous offensive game monday. if this doesn't help, then go with ur gut reaction when ur going over the matchups. it works most of the time.

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