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Hightower for Celek?

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Team is in sig; a guy desperate for running backs is going to give me Celek for Hightower, a guy who I'll probably never play and will drop in the coming weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the trade, but anyone got a reason why I shoudn't?


If I do it, I'll have Celek and Shockey. Who is the better play going forward the rest of the year? I know Celek has been hot, but Shockey in that offense has a huge upside and Brees is looking his way a lot more than expected.


Let me know what you think and a leave a link to yours.

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Can you start Celek and Shockey? I like Celek better than Hightower, but I think Shockey is just as good as Celek with Brees throwing to him. Maybe try to trade Hightower for somebody else?


Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=352029


Na, can only start one TE, and since I'm going to have to drop someone and pick up a TE week four when Shockey in on a buy, I'm thinking I may as well get something for Hightower (who is probably going to be the guy I drop).

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With your team as is I wouldn't see why not. Celek is better than any FA tight end you would get to back up Shockey.

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I wouldn't hesitate to do it. I've never been into Hightower whereas I'm a big fan of Celek. As for who is better the rest of the year, I would say it's a toss up. Schedule wise, both have some easy match-ups on their schedule (TB, Washington, Dallas, San Fran, etc.,) but they both also have hard match-ups. Either one you go with should be a stud. Good luck.

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