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Joe Webb

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Ok, he didn't throw a TD in 3 games last year, but his natural ability as a runner and his arm strength should at least keep him in the mix.


He's fun to watch and seems like a nice guy. I'm going to call it now, and say I think he gets a chance to start this year.

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Ok, he didn't throw a TD in 3 games last year, but his natural ability as a runner and his arm strength should at least keep him in the mix.


He's fun to watch and seems like a nice guy. I'm going to call it now, and say I think he gets a chance to start this year.


no chance! they will do somthing to find a vet stop-gap QB, no way they run with Webb

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They will go with Webb but one week before the season starts they will send three players to Mississippi.............

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I won the championship last season by 2 points. It's all because I could put Joe Webb in the receiver slot. Great player! Danny Woodhead paid off too during the season as I could play him at WR and get RB numbers.

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Joe Webb ruined fantasy football last year.


Last year Joe knocked up my sister.. and when he found out, he left her at an airport motel with six bucks and a half-drunk bottle of malt liquor.


Then he crashed up my neighbour's car and walked through their screen door, took a dump on their living room floor and later threw their cat off the porch into a koy pond filled with carnivorous fish.


That was several months ago.


Then Joe beat up the reverend at a local church, set fire to the eucharist, and climbed up on the roof as he dragged another man, kicking and screaming, to the precipice. From that lofty perch, Joe threw Samkon Gado to his death.


Considering Joe's behaviour, I don't think the Vikes start him.

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Last year Joe knocked up my sister.. and when he found out, he left her at an airport motel with six bucks and a half-drunk bottle of malt liquor.


Then he crashed up my neighbour's car and walked through their screen door, took a dump on their living room floor and later threw their cat off the porch into a koy pond filled with carnivorous fish.


That was several months ago.


Then Joe beat up the reverend at a local church, set fire to the eucharist, and climbed up on the roof as he dragged another man, kicking and screaming, to the precipice. From that lofty perch, Joe threw Samkon Gado to his death.


Considering Joe's behaviour, I don't think the Vikes start him.


With all of your insider information here, you need to learn to think outside the box. Based on this info you shared, I just traded for him in one of my dynasty leagues. It cost me next to nothing, but I'm convinced that he will indeed get cut and go to Cincinnati, where he will immediately become the Bengels starting QB.


Thanks for the scoop on him.

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Last year Joe knocked up my sister.. and when he found out, he left her at an airport motel with six bucks and a half-drunk bottle of malt liquor.


Then he crashed up my neighbour's car and walked through their screen door, took a dump on their living room floor and later threw their cat off the porch into a koy pond filled with carnivorous fish.


That was several months ago.


Then Joe beat up the reverend at a local church, set fire to the eucharist, and climbed up on the roof as he dragged another man, kicking and screaming, to the precipice. From that lofty perch, Joe threw Samkon Gado to his death.


Considering Joe's behaviour, I don't think the Vikes start him.



Samkon Gado went to high school like 10 miles from here. True story.

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Last year Joe knocked up my sister.. and when he found out, he left her at an airport motel with six bucks and a half-drunk bottle of malt liquor.


Then he crashed up my neighbour's car and walked through their screen door, took a dump on their living room floor and later threw their cat off the porch into a koy pond filled with carnivorous fish.


That was several months ago.


Then Joe beat up the reverend at a local church, set fire to the eucharist, and climbed up on the roof as he dragged another man, kicking and screaming, to the precipice. From that lofty perch, Joe threw Samkon Gado to his death.


Considering Joe's behaviour, I don't think the Vikes start him.

WTF was that? Encore, do you know more about anyone else!!

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WTF was that? Encore, do you know more about anyone else!!


Another inside scoop.


Recently, all the Wide Outs in St. Louis got together for a barbeque. Danny Amendola was absent however as he was attending a support meeting for caucasion receivers.


Concerned as to the sheer numbers at the BBQ, the police went to bust it up, thinking it was an unauthorized revamp of the Million Man March.


When the police approached the group, and the men explained they were the Wide Receivers from the Rams, the cops let them go unmolested, considering the entire group irrelevant.


Still, Mardy Gilyard was undaunted by this act of apathy from law enforcement, and spontaneously broke out in song, belting the main theme from 'Man of La Mancha' in B-Flat: The Impossible Dream.

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In recent developments, Derek Anderson was recently seen washing vehicles at a male topless car wash in Carolina. It was speculated he got the job as an income security measure.


Interestingly, his first customer was Tony Pike.


More wanting of a clean car than an eyefull of beefcafe, Tony was outside having a smoke when Derek appeared in the parking lot to playfully toss Tony a sponge. Sadly, the sponge sailed wide of the target, only to be caught by a passing stray dog, who ran the sponge into an adjacent competitor's establishment.


As a result, Derek received a nasty letter from his boss. And though he remains employed, it is rumoured Derek may be transfered to another facility.

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