You’re talking about Milo. He’s a perennial liar, but I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. Even so- here I run the risk of getting into the trouble I was in over the Polanski matter, but what the hell, here goes:    I’m currently reading a biography about Led Zeppelin- one of my all time favorite bands. At the height of their popularity (early 70s) Jimmy Page was having sexual relationships with young girls: 14, 15. That’s pretty young and I don’t really think such relationships should be legal. I don’t care if the girl consents, at that age she really CANT consent. And legally this is defined as pedophilia, which I get. But in my mind it’s not the same kind of pedophilia as some sicko who is attracted to young, pre-pubescent children. Does that make sense? Hope it does, otherwise I’m going to be castigated again. 
  (The problem with the Polanski incident, which I failed to recognize when I commented on it years ago, was not that it was pre-pubescent pedophilia, but that he gave her quaaludes beforehand  against her knowledge, which makes it rape. Jimmy Page had sex with 14 year olds, but there is no record of him having raped anyone.)