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The Real timschochet

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The Real timschochet last won the day on September 5

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About The Real timschochet

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  1. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race: Has Kamala’s momentum slowed down?

    Nowhere near the ceiling. Watch what happens after the debate.
  2. The Real timschochet

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    Have you guys been listening to Trump lately? His childcare answer for example? Dude should be nowhere near the White House.
  3. The Real timschochet

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Hey @Herbivore word to the wise: when @Hardcore troubadour and @EternalShinyAndChrome are calling you stupid it means you’re probably pretty brilliant.
  4. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    My views are very mainstream. If I’m a laughing stock around here that says far more about around here than it does me.
  5. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    No that’s pretty accurate.
  6. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    Sadly there is no modern Cronkite. I wish there was. I’m not particularly a fan of Acosta.
  7. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    1. There is no government media. 2. We have never had a more free and independent press than we do now. Which creates part of the problem because a lot of it (sadly, mostly on the conservative side) is simply not credible. 3. No. It really isn’t. The MSM is what it’s always been: corporate owned, depending on ratings more than any other factor, centrist, jingoistic and conservative (culturally, not necessarily politically) but generally filled with earnest people who really do try to report the news fairly and without bias.
  8. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    No. I trust the MSM but that is not the same as considering them to be Gospel. They can get things wrong. I do believe that the fact that liberals and conservatives don’t have a shared source for news, that all too often we seem to believe opposing facts, is indeed a danger to democracy, so your second point is closer to accurate though not quite there.
  9. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    Hmm let’s see. Every one of these assertions is completely false. Most are the exact opposite of the truth. Well done!
  10. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race: Has Kamala’s momentum slowed down?

    The endorsement by Cheney is interesting but I doubt it moves the needle much.
  11. The Real timschochet

    The state of the Presidential race: Has Kamala’s momentum slowed down?

    Most up to date polling: if you watch John King’s analysis here, Kamala’s momentum is continuing, the race is tight, but she has more pathways to victory than he does: https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/04/politics/video/polling-data-close-race-john-king-ebof-digvid In simple terms: Pennsylvania is tied. Trump needs it to win. Kamala does not; she can still win with Nevada and Georgia. She’s ahead in both places. (And that’s also conceding North Carolina to Trump which is no sure thing.)
  12. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    I love freedom. Twitter or X is a private company. Musk as owner has the right to do whatever he wants with it. But I can disapprove and I do. Just because one is free to spread lies and hatred doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to do.
  13. The Real timschochet

    Vow to keep Sharing the Gospel

    Is the current Republican position of mass deportation for undocumented immigrants compatible with what the Gospel preaches? Asking for a friend.
  14. The Real timschochet

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    You’re right about my beliefs. I don’t believe we have concentration camps here. I don’t believe that our government prosecutes their enemies and I don’t think Donald Trump is being prosecuted for any reason other than he committed crimes and deserves to be punished for them. I don’t believe our government or institutions are inherently corrupt. I think that people who DO believe these things are generally warped and dangerous and extremist. No offense to you in particular.
  15. The Real timschochet

    Sounds like Elon wants to fire many government employees

    I don’t see it. Allowing racists and bigots and false information to spread around the world doesn’t seem like a great result to me. And the Covid misinformation in particular is still creating a lot of unnecessary deaths. It just seems like a bunch of poison and stupidity and to lose billions on top of it? Just a whole lot of awfulness IMO.