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Same old WR2 dilemma and a little TE, too...

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Last week I went with Branch. I figured (with the help of your input) that Evans would get a bad case of the Champ Baileys, and I really only drafted Galloway because he was still available in the 11th round in a 12 team league. We all know how that turned out. So this week I have the same dilemma. My WR1 is a no-brainer but I'm really torn with the WR2 spot. Everyone says Branch will be a bigger part of the game plan but I'm feeling a little bitter. I'm assuming that TB and BUF will be playing from behind which could open things up for Evans or Galloway, but both have their drawbacks as well. I want to play it safe this week.


I also have Cooley and Witten at TE. I started Cooley and Branch last week but still managed to eke out a win; talk about lucky! I have to start 1 TE. I'm thinking Witten this week despite what Miami did to Cooley because the Cowboys have TO to open things up and Romo seems to like him. Any thoughts on this?


Leave a link and I'll do my best to help out (it's always so much easier to give advice than think for yourself). :first:



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Last week I went with Branch. I figured (with the help of your input) that Evans would get a bad case of the Champ Baileys, and I really only drafted Galloway because he was still available in the 11th round in a 12 team league. We all know how that turned out. So this week I have the same dilemma. My WR1 is a no-brainer but I'm really torn with the WR2 spot. Everyone says Branch will be a bigger part of the game plan but I'm feeling a little bitter. I'm assuming that TB and BUF will be playing from behind which could open things up for Evans or Galloway, but both have their drawbacks as well. I want to play it safe this week.


I also have Cooley and Witten at TE. I started Cooley and Branch last week but still managed to eke out a win; talk about lucky! I have to start 1 TE. I'm thinking Witten this week despite what Miami did to Cooley because the Cowboys have TO to open things up and Romo seems to like him. Any thoughts on this?


Leave a link and I'll do my best to help out (it's always so much easier to give advice than think for yourself). :lol:




I like all 3 of your options honestly...maybe Branch last though. he's unproven, but has upside...but so do a lot of WRs...



Galloway, Evans, then Branch


I would go with Witten...Campbell's a rook -- I ain't sure how often he goes to Cooley, but I also am not sure how you can't go with Witten after last week

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Last week I went with Branch. I figured (with the help of your input) that Evans would get a bad case of the Champ Baileys, and I really only drafted Galloway because he was still available in the 11th round in a 12 team league. We all know how that turned out. So this week I have the same dilemma. My WR1 is a no-brainer but I'm really torn with the WR2 spot. Everyone says Branch will be a bigger part of the game plan but I'm feeling a little bitter. I'm assuming that TB and BUF will be playing from behind which could open things up for Evans or Galloway, but both have their drawbacks as well. I want to play it safe this week.


I also have Cooley and Witten at TE. I started Cooley and Branch last week but still managed to eke out a win; talk about lucky! I have to start 1 TE. I'm thinking Witten this week despite what Miami did to Cooley because the Cowboys have TO to open things up and Romo seems to like him. Any thoughts on this?


Leave a link and I'll do my best to help out (it's always so much easier to give advice than think for yourself). :overhead:




I like Evans this week. I also have Cooley, and he frustrated me last week. I'm going to try him again this week and see how it goes. It'll be tough without Jansen though. If I were you, I'd go with Witten. Thanks for mine!

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