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About koya

  • Rank
    FF Rookie

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  1. Mixed-Use, so multiple asset classes (residential heavy, retail, office, entertainment, healthcare and education related). Downtown transit oriented development, to be specific. Work with a Master Development firm focusing on downtown suburban opportunities.
  2. I'm from NY and in real estate development - this is a much warmer reception than usual for me. But since Mike seems to be on vacation, hard to accomplish our original goals of draft shtick. Now it's just a bunch of dudes hanging out on a message board. NTTIAWWT
  3. koya

    Hi! I am (re) new here!

    Pre-Pimp? I'd be curious to know what my last post was before sauntering into the sunset. Probably something about ball cancer or something. Trying to verify THE TRUTH. Either that or I was asking how people's experience with Earthlink was. :coffee: <--- this isn't a smiley? wtf?
  4. koya

    Hi! I am (re) new here!

    Koya. Thought that was self explanatory. I come from a time long past.
  5. koya

    Hi! I am (re) new here!

    How freakin' long does it take for someone to get "approved" to post. Serious business is waiting here, people. (For real, how long does it take? When did this place become so exclusive and red velvet ropey?)
  6. Ok, who's OTC here? Someone should write in the google that we are here
  7. It's weird here in Shelbyville, but nice. :whateveryouuseforathumbsup:
  8. Holy , I had nearly 800 posts here. Good times. I think I was using the HP Pocket PC at the time.
  9. Self exile, actually. But time mends all wounds.
  10. Placeholder until we populate with tomorrow's future in the form of draft picks from a world far, far away.
  11. One day, long, long ago, FFTODAY was down. Again. So off to foreign lands we traveled, and set roots. Today represents the return. Specifically in the form of a draft. That's already started, but is delayed because, well, a message board will be down. This should be fun.
  12. koya

    joe horn, now

    Henderson is not even the likely #2 in NO, so those touting him as good enough to be a good #2 might need to check the recent news. It looks like Colsten (not sure if thats the spelling) from Hofstra will get a chance to line up opposite Horn. That said, Horn might have some struggles but should do well this year imo.
  13. koya

    Deshaun Foster: Enlighten me

    In a two QB league, I did what I had barely considered before last night - draft Foster. I hadnt even done a huge amount of research because I wasnt going to take him... but the way things drew up, come middle of the 4th, I pulled the trigger. Because it is a two QB league, I knew that handcuffs would drop a little because people often draft 3 QBs before they draft 2, or even 1 in regular leagues. In the 9th, after Maroney went off the board, it was time. I took Ahman in the 8th as well. Can't say I love the pick, but by both Foster AND Williams is not bad for a non RB centered team. Both have talent on a good team that will score enough and has other weapons and a good, smart QB - plus a very good defense. Worst case is a split, but by having both, you at least have something. If Foster somehow stays healthy, he can win some games for you. If he doesnt, you have a very solid option in a very very talented rookie. That is a lot better than many other options that are "better FF RBs" than Foster, but don't have a clear backup. For a team like mine, knowing I have something in Carolina is ok as my 2nd back, on a team where RB was not the priority.