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Everything posted by jthomen

  1. jthomen

    Dad started Houston players and is now SOL?

    This just in: As Hurricane Ike is bearing down on the Texas coast 3+ million people are without power, many of those will no longer have a home... But the most devastating news we have received Barbara, is that fantasy football managers will not be able to adjust their line-up accordingly. Barbara: Thanks Tom, our thoughts and prayers will be with those FF managers as they go into Sunday, anticipating the worst. Now over to Denise with Fall Fashion Trends...
  2. You think Graham is an upgrade over LJ..? Not me, I am not high on Graham, plus Warner is a bona-fide stud this year (see Farve last year). You can't pry Chris Johnson, McFadden, Forte, Jacobs, etc away from a desperate QB starved team? You may get a lot of people who like this trade, but not me... I am not high on Graham. Remember that he has bee up against Atlanta & NO whereas LJ has been up against NE & a very underrated Oakland defense.
  3. jthomen

    Bad trade..?

    ...and I am worried I made a mistake. I had 5 RBs on my roster (MJD, Bush, C. Johnson, Forte, and Selvin Young) and needed some help at WR, so I traded Forte for Boldin. The guy I traded him to was desperate for a RB and had WR depth. Do you guys think I made a mistake and should have held onto Forte? I mean I still have a rotation of C. Johnson, MJD, and Bush... with Selvin as a solid backup plan. Feedback?
  4. jthomen

    Who to start at WR in week 3

    I think you've got it right with Plax, White, and Johnson. With Clark coming back, A. Gonzalez taking a MUCH bigger role, and a slow start for Addai (which will pick up with more carries), Marvin Harrison is set up to fail... in a fantasy sense. You shouldn't expect too much from you WR 3, but Johnson is the best bet there to get a receiving TD other than maybe Gore. 6 catches, 78 yards, and a TD last week was a nice sign... I would be more worried if he had just a couple catchs for 78 yards and a TD (a la Cotchery week 1). JT is looking for him to make plays... GL
  5. jthomen

    Answer this easy trade question

    Depends on a lot... Are you stacked at RB? Thin at WR? They yes trade for TO... Are you thin at RB and stacked at WR? No don't... more info please http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=324595
  6. jthomen

    Let Brady Go?

    Hmmm... Yeah I would. Because you can hang onto Brees, Moss, and one of those young RBs. Hang onto him until the trade deadline and try to ship him to a losing team that may already be looking forward to next year. JUST WAIT... you can find some losing team that would love to build on him for next year and pick up some help for that championship push... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=324595
  7. jthomen

    Need RB help! Tough decision

    I actually like K. Smith based on the matchup. He will be able to bang it in there for a TD against that San Fran D-line. I really think it is a push for those guys for receptions... none of them are exceptional. Either way you should be good with Westy in the #1 spot... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=324595
  8. jthomen

    Need trade opinions

    No, no, and no... ESPECIALLY since it is a PPR league. I know you are frustrated with Palmer, but the QB position is easier to wing than the RB position. LJ will be sitting on your bench in the 2nd half of the season (during the FF playoffs). I got so much crap in my league for not drafting a QB till late and I ended up with E. Manning and Warner... look who is laughing now. Is JT Osullivan available? Cassel? S. Smith is coming back for Carolina so Jake should be okay... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=324595
  9. jthomen

    Can we just stop with the Ocho Cinco crap?

    Wait, Chad Johnson and Chad Ocho Cinco are the same person?
  10. jthomen

    MJD Question

    Wow, that is exactly what I am doing... and I agree on him bouncing back. The rushing yardage wont be there this year but reception yards and TDs will be good. I also have Forte, so I can afford to ship one of them off for a good WR.
  11. Look at the bright side... Even if he never pans out he can always get some free wings by putting the pen to paper.
  12. jthomen

    Matt Cassel

    He has a punchers chance... If history tells us anything, there is a long list of guys that have found success in the NFL after not being projected or drafted high (Brady, D. Anderson) or not being drafted at all (Warner, Romo).
  13. Yeah, I just read that article and after I removed my foot from my mouth... I still think this guys opinions and the idea that they want to go in another direction with QB are silly. We will see how Collins does in the next month and how defenses stack the box with no real WR threat or mobile QB threat. The Titans did miraculously get better with losing one of their best players (Pacman) and downgrading the QB position. PS- yes, I am a homer
  14. Link..? Please, PLEASE don't tell me this is a blog and you are trying to pass it off as legitimate journalism. But you are right, Young should take full blame for them losing that gam... oh wait. To be honest you are right about one thing... the NFL is definitely a different beast from college and that has taken some getting use to for him, but you are wrong about a lot. When he was at Texas the fans were SCREAMING for him to be moved to WR at the end of his first/beginning of second year because he "wasn't really a QB." He went on to be one of the best passers in college football. In 2 years he has won the ROY, made the Pro Bowl, and taken the Titans to the playoffs (while playing through a quad injury). If you think them bringing Simms in is a sign that they want to move on you are not a very aware football fan. Regardless, I would like to see a link to this blogger... ahem, I mean "article".
  15. Thats all Tubby thinks about... pastries.
  16. jthomen

    Monday Night

    Down by 16 (He had McNabb & Ward).... I have Selvin & he has Minny D. Basically I need Selvin Young to have >100 yards and 2 scores... and Minny D to not due much at all.
  17. jthomen

    What the hell..?

    I see so many post with "who should I start... LT, Gore or Portis?". Literally there is a guy with MB3, Lynch, Turner, T. Jones, Plax, and Boldin... What are you in a 6 team league? There was a guy a couple days ago that had Brady, R. Wayne and ADP...
  18. jthomen

    RB/WR help

    Lynch for sure... I like T. Jones, but honestly who knows what the JETS will look like this season. Turner takes a backseat to Lynch always because of the PPR scoring. WR I would go Plax & Boldin. I love White but with Ryan behind center for his first career start don't expect anything... at all. GL
  19. jthomen

    RB- Who to start?

    20 yards (receiving or running) = 1 point TD= 6 points Reception= .25 of a point Fumble= -2 points I can start 2 guys from the following... MJD (vs. TEN) R. Bush (vs. TB) S. Young (vs. OAK) M. Forte (vs. IND) C. Johnson (vs. JAX) Let me know what you guys think. I am leaning towards MJD and S. Young, but I may be wrong. JT
  20. jthomen

    Graham or Young this week?

    rottytiny... your link wasn't working I don't like Graham at all. Although the Saint don't have a very good run D, they can stack the box with no real threat through the air. I would go with Young here since Marshall will be out. 2nd one MJD easy. JT
  21. jthomen

    RB- Who to start?

  22. jthomen

    Selvin Young or Reggie Bush?

    HA! I am basically in the same boat... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...p;#entry3701815 I (probably like you) am leaning toward S. Young on Monday night. I think it is the safe play with Young getting the ball 18-25 times, but I am worried that he will not get the goalline carries... 1 TD last year doesn't win FF championships. I am in a PPR league (.25 ppr) so I think if I go with Bush I will be fine. I just don't want him to screw me with an off week. Let me know what you think in my post. JT
  23. jthomen

    Great Trade, Can I Afford It WHIR

    Looking at your league (14 team with a Flex position) I love this trade. You're right that no good TE on the WW is scary, but I am sure you can use some of your depth at RB to upgrade the TE position somewhere. Whether or not the league would accept this trade is another story. Check out mine... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...p;#entry3701815
  24. jthomen

    LJ or Jacobs?

    I went with Jacobs, although Selvin is not a bad play either. Definitely not LJ though. Check out mine... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...p;#entry3701815
  25. jthomen

    Cutler or Rodgers?

    Cutler... easy. There is really no reason to start Rodgers until he can prove to put up consistent #s. You don't want to get burned by a 2 INT 1 Fumble game from a first time starting QB. Oh and Bulger over Shuab... this one is close though. Check mine out... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=321610