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Mr. Panties

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About Mr. Panties

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    FF Geek

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  1. Mr. Panties

    Gavin Newsom vs Sean Hannity

    Sean Pantity.
  2. Mr. Panties

    Songs You Hate To Admit You Like

  3. He wears manties to stop the poop dribble.
  4. Mr. Panties

    What Are Your Bolling Egg Tricks ?

    I boll them in my panties!
  5. Firm-fitting panties! That's what happens!
  6. Mr. Panties

    France On Fire

    These panties are on fire!
  7. Mr. Panties

    What The F Are You Doing For The 4TH ?

    I'm putting lit Black Cats in my panties! POP! POP! POP!
  8. Mr. Panties

    How Do You Make A Grill Cheese Sammich

    While wearing nothing but panties!
  9. Mr. Panties


    Satin panties are THE BEST panties. https://yourparade.com/products/satin-shine-cheeky-glow-satin-violette?variant=40750690730032&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19176456619&utm_content=SHOPPING&utm_term=Parade_PMAX-Underwear_Conversions_US&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnf-kBhCnARIsAFlg492c9hn89EwyIU8yKHY6w0oaMg3T_e61nlK32e9RNd8VLJt591opjbQaAhD1EALw_wcB
  10. Mr. Panties


    That's great you can find someone with whom you have something in common, love.
  11. Mr. Panties


    Bet you can take about an hour on the Tower of Power.
  12. Mr. Panties

    Horror films superthread

    semenfoam1's gay sex tape.
  13. Mr. Panties

    Biggest takedown of transgenderism you'll ever see

    I want your foam so bad right now, sea man. Give it to me, sailor.
  14. Mr. Panties

    Biggest takedown of transgenderism you'll ever see

    We like to imagine you shirtless and in some assless chaps, bent over a leather bar stool at the Oh-Gay Corral Bar! You know you crave that, pumpkin!
  15. Mr. Panties

    Biggest takedown of transgenderism you'll ever see

    Oh honey, no one wants you, either, largely because of how stupid and childish you are. I've seen drag-show divas who can't find their feather boa exercise more maturity and less childhishness that you, sweetie.