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Everything posted by ICEMAN


    Should we skip ICEMAN

    I voted to skip me, but the point is moot; I have selected. Good Lord.... Jarrett Payton???! I apologize for the delay, guys, but I had to go out of town on business unexpectedly. It won't happen again. How many rounds is this "Rookie" Draft? ICEMAN

    2005 Rookie Draft

    3.16 Jarrett Payton, RB TEN

    Can we get clarification on rookie vs. vet?

    I was just joking. I really don't think that this impacts anything too greatly and I agree that vets should be included in this draft. ICEMAN

    Can we get clarification on rookie vs. vet?

    If he gets to keep Warner, this will have totally completely screwed the inconceivable strategorizing that I have been doing for months, just for this fraft! ICEMAN

    2005 Rookie Draft

    2.16 Roscoe Parrish, WR, Buffalo

    2005 Rookie Draft

    1.16 Aaron Rodgers, QB, GB

    Team Rosters

    Post Padding bump.


    I'm always here; even when I'm not here! Consider it confirmed. ICEMAN

    I'm Looking for a good wr..

    Scoob, I sent you an offer. ICEMAN
  10. ICEMAN

    Sent out some offers

    Yeah...I got it. :barf:
  11. ICEMAN

    Rookie Draft

    I heard that, you dope! Just for that, I'm gonna fraft all the players that you want! How's that sound? Hhhmmmm? Just send me the list of players that you want ahead of time. OK? ICEMAN
  12. No trade offer too stupid! Nothing sounds too ridiculous! Come one, come all and make an offer! Let's be honest here; when you can win a championship with Marshall Faulk as your only viable ( ) RB, it was $hit luck. I've got good WR's coming out my butt, but I need another RB. Who's sellin'? Come on Farmer Bernie, grandpahoo, TUS & whoisgalt! Those are some atrocious looking WR corps. Let's make a deal. The only guy on my entire squad that is untouchable is Culpepper. ICEMAN
  13. ICEMAN

    The Champ is lookin' for some RB love...

    I believe that you only have 3 RB's to trade, Scoob, but let's talk. What would you want for Suggs? ICEMAN
  14. ICEMAN

    The Champ is lookin' for some RB love...

    Your attempt to ask for one at the same time you downgrade their value - it's just so precious. It's a gift. I've always had it. It's what I do for a living.
  15. ICEMAN

    The Champ is lookin' for some RB love...

    Feel free to try me. Just don't expect that a combo of an iffy WR and an old WR will be considered equal value for a starting RB under age 24. Who would you want for one of the Jones' brothers? Let's also not diminish the steady accomplishments of the #3 and #12 rated WR's from last year. These guys are 32 and 33 respectively, but have shown a steady, high level of production for years, as opposed to 2 RB's that have all of 1 year in the NFL (the Jones' were also the 21st & 28th rated RB's last year). Combine this with the fact that the average lifespan of an NFL RB's career being 5 seasons and that we only have to start one in this league, then you begin to understand how their importance is reduced somewhat (compared to leagues where you msut start 2 RB's). ICEMAN
  16. ICEMAN

    The Champ is lookin' for some RB love...

    I'll take anyone I can get my hands on that is a starter in the NFL at this point. Who do you want for him? ICEMAN
  17. ICEMAN

    The Champ is lookin' for some RB love...

    Such a sweet talker!!! Come on man. Let's get some Chris Brown negotiations goin'.
  18. ICEMAN

    Team Rosters

  19. ICEMAN

    Suggestions for next year

    How about we serpentine the draft? What's with this straight draft order crap from round to round? Who's bloody idea was that? It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
  20. ICEMAN

    I did it!

    I can't believe that I actually won this thing! After the draft, my first reaction to my squad was...Eeeeeeewww! I normally only partake in redraft leagues, so participating in this draft was a first for me and I thought that I completely butchered it (I still think that I did to a point). If Culpepper had gone down at any point in time, I was pretty screwed. I also got lucky that Marshall showed up occassionally and that I was able to utilize Derrick Blaylock for a few weeks, which really saved me. Good game galt.
  21. ICEMAN

    Offseason cuttdowns

    Here are the champs cuts. Jed Weaver Curtis Conway Bobby Shaw Ty Detmer Rohan Davey No surprises here. Scrubs and has-beens one and all. ICEMAN
  22. ICEMAN

    Congrats to ICEMAN

    Thank you. Thank you. You're all too kind. I'm trying to work the stud WR theory and see if I can make it work. I do think that at some point in time I am going to need some RB's that are actually starters in the NFL (once Marshall vanishes). But, for now it's all about the bananas, baby!
  23. ICEMAN

    playoffs thread

    OB, I won 9 nine straight going into the playoffs. By what definition did my team "struggle a bit down the stretch" while it was winning games by an average margin of over 25 points during that stretch? I'll struggle like that anytime! ICEMAN
  24. ICEMAN

    playoffs thread

    It's a Seinfeld reference. And you have your self to blame you didn't rename my team so I was able to change yours. And this was the best name that you could come up with???!!! How about The Bunghole Brigade?, or Who's your Mommy? Did you put any thought into this at all? The best that you came up with was some obscure Seinfeld character and his coat tails? You're fired! ICEMAN