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Posts posted by ICEMAN

  1. Originally posted by The Unknown Soldier:

    I have access all week all the time, but during the day I can only check sporadically since I have a very hectic job.  I will check often as my time to pick comes around though.


    Ditto. It sucks to be Upper Management, but it pays the bills and nobody at work can ***** about anything that I am doing online.


    It's good to be the King.

  2. So what's up with this league, boys? Are we going to shoot for a specific amount of teams? Now that half the league owners have left and joined the ACC, are we going to try and get some new owners from the boards? When are we looking at starting the fraft?


    :D I need answers, dammit!!! :rolleyes:

  3. TB - I sent you a free agency move as well. I emailed you this morning. Let me know if you didn't get it. This move will ensure that I win the championship, so it is imperative that you enact this transaction as soon as possible.
