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American Chewy

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Everything posted by American Chewy

  1. American Chewy

    Would you consider sitting Martin for any of these guys ?

    Done with Martin till he shows something.
  2. American Chewy

    Greg Olsen first week back

    Wk 1 vs sf who has surprisingly been one of the best defenses vs the TE.
  3. American Chewy

    Dump Westbrook for Coleman?

    Agree. Kizer has no rapport with gordon. It's clear he loves coleman. Gordon coming back should help draw coverage and perhaps make things easier for coleman. Also Gordon back should help scoring potential overall for the whole team.
  4. American Chewy

    The Rise of Josh Doctson

    This is precisely why I passed on him in waiver this week and rolled the dice with stills instead.
  5. American Chewy

    Greg Olsen first week back

    I have the kroft/Olsen issue as well. What likely seals it for Olsen for me is kroft is dealing with a hand problem which hampered his ability to catch last week. As mentioned above Olsen has been around the block with newton for a long time I don't see any reason why they wouldn't get it going again esp with the depleted wr corp and weak Jet te def. I highly doubt I regret this decision to any extreme one way or the other.
  6. American Chewy

    QB Nathan Peterman to start for Bills

    Iirc Benjamin had several catches with Peterman in the game last week
  7. American Chewy

    How banged up is Freeman?

    Good thing I started Coleman and freeman
  8. American Chewy

    Anyone else starting Danny Amendola @ DEN tonight?

    Vs Chris harris? Isn't amendola dinged up still too? Gl. This is a gronk and various pat rbs game.
  9. American Chewy

    Hunter Henry

    Playing matchups with him ROS. today starting kroft over him. Henry has some great matchups weeks 13,14,and 16.
  10. American Chewy

    D. Freeman: is it time to bench him

    I've rolled Freeman and Coleman all season too. Has paid off pretty well. I expect falcons to get right at home tomorrow esp in the run game.
  11. American Chewy

    Let’s talk defenses for the second half.....

    I'm holding the ravens for this reason.
  12. American Chewy

    Teddy Bridgewater

  13. American Chewy

    UPDATE: Ezekiel Elliot saga continues - Suspension back on

    excellent. now i can finally plug in morris over d.martin.
  14. American Chewy

    Swinging for the fences here

    i grabbed him. has a nice combination of high ceiling with the chance for immediate payoff.
  15. American Chewy

    Active HOF'ers?

    LeSean McCoy
  16. American Chewy

    AJ Green ejected

    like anyone would? really? choke hold slam to the ground and multiple punches? Green lost his mind.
  17. American Chewy

    What the hell happened to Doug Martin?

    must have meant that all the teams would be so far ahead
  18. American Chewy

    AJ Green ejected

    So my opponent had watson, fornette, and aj green this week....
  19. American Chewy

    What the hell happened to Doug Martin?

    Good question
  20. American Chewy

    This is what kills a league - Commish's take note

    Commissioners have 2 jobs....collect and payout funds and prevent collusion. Fail at either of those and yeah no more league.
  21. American Chewy

    DeDe Westbrook **Activated for week 11**

    Staying on IR saving a lot of people here a 2 pt week
  22. American Chewy

    Kelvin Benjamin traded to the Bills

    Thought tyrod threw a nice accurate ball when he wasn't getting sacked every other play it seemed. I feel good about Benjamin going forward.
  23. American Chewy

    Zeke Elliott Allows to Play (Nov 3rd)

    So what's the next deadline or whatever
  24. American Chewy

    DeDe Westbrook **Activated for week 11**

    jacksonville is a different team this year. ball control and play defense. they've hid bortles as much as possible. unless you expect a gamescript where they will be trailing by double digits late i can't see them supporting a wr who is much more than a wr3/flex. remaining schedule: Cincy Chargers @browns @ariz indy seattle texans @49ers great schedule of mediocre pass defenses, but how many of those games do you think they will even need to pass the ball? maybe seattle? and thats arguably the toughest pass defense they face. Note: I dont have westbrook...i let him clear waivers this week and sit out there a few days till another team finally grabbed him today (team that had garcon grabbed him). Maybe i'll be wrong and regret it but I can't see using him over my other wr's (crabtree/benjamin/r.anderson).
  25. American Chewy

    Kelvin Benjamin traded to the Bills

    won't be negative at least