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Everything posted by wiazcat

  1. wiazcat

    Trade, how did I do

    I am in 12 team PPR league with QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex, kicker, and defense. I just gave up Deangillo Williams and Welker for Benson, Moreneo, and Gibson. I was rolling along until Hightower, MCFAdden, and McGahee all got hurt in one week. I still survided at 7-2 and now I am protected. My team now Looks like this QB Rodgers, Dalton, Tebow(hoping to trade him) RB McFadden, MCGahee, Benson, Tate, Benard Scott, and Moreno I have the primary back up for two of my three starting RB and Tate) WR Jennings, Stevie Johnson, Jordy Nelson, Simpson, Gibson, and Bennet TE Shockey, Lewis, and Tamme
  2. wiazcat

    Do I trade

    There is no telling if both trades would be accepted and even with that I don't think I would do it
  3. wiazcat

    trade advise

    PPR standard scoring league with the addition of one flex position I would get Tony Gonzalez, Llyod and Gaffney I would give up Hightower and Scott Chandler My Roster is QB Rodgers Newton, RB McFadden, Hightower, DeAngelo Williams, McGahee, Thomas Jones, Ben Tate WR Jenning, Welker, Stevie Johnson, Jordy Nelwon, Buress TE Chandler, Lewis, Cook
  4. wiazcat


    Who get the better end of this trade PPR with Flex Hightower and Jordy Nelson for Best and Julio Jones My team is QB Rodgers, Newton RB McFadden, Hightower, DeAngelo Williams, Ben Tate, McGahee WR Greg Jennings, Steve Johnson, Welker, Jordy Nelson, Buress TE Lewis, Cook, Chandler
  5. wiazcat

    QB Help

    Normal scoring who would you take a back up QB cassel, McCoy, Newten
  6. wiazcat

    12 team ppr league

    PPR 12 team with a flew QB, Rodgers, Cassel RB McFadden, Deangalo Williams, Hightower, McGahee, Thomas Jones, Gerhart WR Greg Jenning, Welker, Steve Johnson, Jordy Nelson, Plaxico, Torrey Smith TE M Lewis, Cook K Hartley Def Bears and Loins I think I have a pretty strong team but could use some help at RB.
  7. wiazcat

    HOw did I do

    10 team none ppr. Thin at WR I think QB Brees RB Rice, Gore WR Marshall, Sidney Rice, Mike Williams, TE Finely K Gostkowski DEF Green Bay Bench Deangelo Williams Joseph Addai James Starks Jonnie Knox JUlio Jones Zack Miller
  8. wiazcat

    QB and RB help

    For QB's I have either Big Ben against the Ravens or Alex Smith against Detroit. RB I am stacked at and what got me to the championship. I have Gore who is my number one against Detroit. But I need another RB I have Thomas Jones, Mendenhall, Harrison, and Wells.
  9. wiazcat

    WR Mess!?!?

    Since I have 4 of the same WR I would go with Smith, White and MSW. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=360088
  10. wiazcat

    WR and RB help

    a PPR league. I need to start one out of the following Thomas Jones or Mendenhall. I am leaning towards Jones. This is my second running back I already played Gore. I also have Westbrook but he is not an option this week. I need to start two out of the three. SIm-Walker, Bowe, and Collie. I am leaning toward Bowe and Sims_walker despite the cornerback matchups. I also am start White this week.
  11. wiazcat

    waiver pick up

    Who do you think has the better long term upside this year in a PPR league at running back Larry Johnson, Sproles, Leon Washington, McFadden, Jamal Lewis, Bennie Wells Also would you drop either TE Heap or Olsen for one of the following wr? TO, Antonio Bryant, Avery, Anthony Gonzalez, Collie, Britt, Wallace
  12. wiazcat

    Waiver pick-up

    who do you think has the better long term potential this year PPR scoring. Leon Washington Larry Johnson Bennie Wells McFadden Jameel Charles for wr Anthony Gonzalez Crabtree Mark Clayton (Bal) Gage Massaquoi Rice Britt
  13. wiazcat

    WTS: Steve Smith (CAR) or Sims-Walker

    Have to go with Sims-Walker until Carolina proves they can do something
  14. wiazcat


    Normal scoring, which runnung back do you think will have the better this week and ewhich is better long term Harrison, Wells, Chestor Taylor, Ward, Mendenhall?
  15. wiazcat

    Waiver advise

    Normal scoring, not a ppr MY WR are White, Bowe, Brestien, Ginn, Smith (NYG), Bryant RB Gore, Westbrook, Lewis, and Washington. I am thinking about droping Bryant for one of the following RB Bennie Wells Chestor Taylor McClain or Donnie Avery Mark Clayton I am leaning toward Wells with my weak back-up running backs
  16. wiazcat

    help rb/wr/te

    I am debating if I should drop ginn who is my 5th wr for coffee or drop him for v davis as my second TE. Or drop J davis? My running backs are gore, westbrook, j lewis, washingtin, j davis. So I was thinking of handcuffing gore. My WR are White, Bowe, A Bryant, Breaston, and Ginn. I only have olson as a TE. Thank you