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Everything posted by LOD01

  1. LOD01

    State of the Union Address - 2019

    Pelosi ordered an extra large new gavel so she can ass herself with it. https://s.abcnews.com/images/General/nancy-pelosi-gavel-epa-jef-190103_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg
  2. I know 10 is not a limit but it's a nice round number. You can take my spot. I'm so ridiculously busy at work these days, I hate holding up the draft.
  3. LOD01

    Dak Prescott sucks

    Low end ham & egger. Once the big $ contract is signed, it's over for this team.
  4. How many you got, including Cloaca and excluding me? If it's 10, I'll step a way. if I make #10, I'll play.
  5. LOD01

    2018 Taxes....

    Now you are taking stupid to retard levels.
  6. LOD01

    2018 Taxes....

    it's not just an argument. It's common sense money management. Anyone getting any $ back at the end of the year is simply a moron. It cannot be argued. ideal is zero but if you are capable of managing your $, you pay them in March of the next year.
  7. LOD01

    2018 Taxes....

    Sure if you hate $, fuckin moron. He would still have that $4500 at the same time. Not interest rates tard, investing it. Jesus, you are fuckin stupid.
  8. LOD01

    2018 Taxes....

    What, you hate $? Bad idea. You let the gov't hold 4-5k with zero interest every year. Over the past 8-9 years you have lost 1000s. Had you put it into an S&P starting in Jan. 2009, monthly at say $400/month, the first year you would have had around an additional $1900. Yeah the govt gave you zero. Now taking that $1900 and leaving it in the market AND continuing to add that same $400/mo to it every month, every year, taking out the original $4500 every year, to do what you do with it, you would have accumulated (conservatively) $15000 on that first $1900. Yeah, you lost out on more than $50000. By the way, that's what I did. The usual excuse is 'we would spend it if we had it'. So lame. Not only do they not get my $ ahead of time. I give them $500 every year when I'm good and ready to...in March of the next year.
  9. If you can find them, they will be the first to testify that the psycho kids should be in prison for life. No way they will want the responsibility of dealing with these 2 losers.
  10. LOD01

    Trans Woman Molested in Bathroom

    He/she should have been loving it. What a loser.
  11. LOD01

    BP 1B bbls

    Woo-hoo. 50 days worth. Huge!
  12. LOD01

    New muslim congresswoman on trump

    I'd like to take a on this whor'es forehead.
  13. LOD01

    New muslim congresswoman on trump

    Someone punch this .
  14. LOD01

    Nancy Pelose elected speaker

    Someone get this weezer a tank of oxygen before she collapses.
  15. LOD01

    Baltimore looks damn good

    Once someone figures out the obvious, he's done. He's Vince Young, Tim Tebow and Mike Vick and he's probably the worst at throwing the ball. No idea why DC's forget how to stop hacks like this. You man to man and jam the receivers and then everyone else stops the run. Fill the gaps and don't over pursue. End of Lamar Jackson. It will probably take a game vs Belicheck for everyone else to say 'oh yeah, that's how teams stopped Tebow and Young and Vick.' In order for BALT to compete, they have to concentrate solely on building a D in order to keep it close. This guy can't hang with high powered offenses. once the D goes away, he goes away...like Tebow and Vince Young.
  16. Not as long as Trump is running the show.
  17. Hue didn't do . He's a fuckin retard. That's why he got fired. Mayfield simply slapped the loser again. Nothing wrong with a winner kicking a loser in the balls. Dorsey is the geniuus that drafted Mayfield. Same genius that drafted Mahomes in KC. Fortunately this is 2018 NFL and teams can't go head hunting on Mayfield. If this was 1970's -1990s NFL, he would have to worry about getting The only one he has to worry about is that Burfict piece of .
  18. Maybe he figures he has made enough this year to hold him over for a couple.
  19. LOD01

    Stock Market- Ouch!

    S&P will hit 2350 and possibly even lower before this is over.
  20. Oh my. This guy's a retard. Celebration LOL. Look at Ron Rivera with his fake 'way to go, you're great' look. He's really thinking, 'you fucktard, you just cost us valuable seconds being the stupid fock that you are.'
  21. Retards are banned from running for POTUS.
  22. Legalizing it all will thin the herd.